[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/5r7OTIh.png[/img] [b][color=Aquamarine]wordcount:[/color][/b] 1,095 (+6) [b][color=Aquamarine]Midna: level 7[/color][/b] EXP: [color=Aquamarine]/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////[/color](71/70) [b][color=Aquamarine]Location:[/color][/b] Sandswept Sky - Train [/center] Minda held a crude barb of metal formed from a ripped apart railing against her chest with both hands and filled it with lightning. Once charged she tossed it up and caught it with her shadowhand before using that mighty mit to hurl the improvised javelin forth at her foe. The wind caught the projectile and blew it back even faster until it stuck home and crumpled uselessly against the massive armored wall that was Red Eye’s head. Then a bolt of lightning hammered down into the improvised spear and blasted the titan with enough power to maybe irritate it a bit. The equivalent of a static shock’s worth perhaps. Still. At least she was doing something, unlike many of the others. Though that could perhaps be more attributed to the ancient artifact on her head having prevented her brains from being scrambled from the blast than by any kind of lollygagging on behalf of the others. That didn’t stop her from yelling about it to the others though. [color=Aquamarine]”Please please please tell me you are back in the game and have a plan back there!”[/color] she demanded to know as she ripped apart another part of the train for ammo. She was not entirely impressed by what she heard about what their plan was. [color=Aquamarine]”Hollow Heights! Are you out of your mind? What is the plan to lose half the people onboard to the winds again!”[/color] Midna demanded to know as she hefted an entire deck-plate into her shadow hand, charged it with yet more power, and then prepared to heft it at the worryingly close worm. She didn't get the chance to finish her toss however, because she instead had to throw herself flat to avoid being decapitated by the gunbarrel of the train swinging around at lightning speed, leaving the deck-plate to fall behind the train and into the sand below. [color=Aquamarine]”Goddesses. Watch where you're swinging that thing you idiots!”[/color] she shouted as she picked herself up, only to be presented with the sight of Red Eye’s gaping maw bearing down on them, mere moments away from turning them into worm-food. [color=Aquamarine]”Oh. Fuck”[/color] It was all out of her hands at that point, though that did not mean she did not try. Lighting scorched the insides of Red Eye’s mouth just as useless as it had the outside, but in the end they were saved twice by dragonfire. First from the heroic sacrifice of Robin, who’s last gift was the knowledge of a final smash and the few moments of time they needed for the second burst of dragonfire to save them, the cannon roaring one final time as it near obliterated the titanic wyrm. But not quite. Two sources of dragonfire died, and yet neither where the end of the beast. Robin turned to light rather than ash, a strangeness they had no time to reflect upon as the bridge holding them above the wind filled chasm fell away from them and sent the train crashing down to its demise along with it. Yet they did not join it. Instead the heroes were blasted skywards by the winds, and out of consciousness by the g-forces involved. Up there, Midna shook herself awake, and then slipped a finger beneath her mask to wipe away the mist from her eyes. The mask slipped back in place, and she put aside another death that could be laid at her feet to focus on the present. They were falling to their doom, and yet despite that the damn worm would not stop trying to kill them. Even blasted to bits and impaled on a dozen beams of steel it still had the energy to vomit up a massive swarm of fliers to try and stop them from putting out of its misery. To her left, she saw Jesse preparing the mother of all firebombs to end the titan, but that wasn't going to matter if it couldn't get there. [color=Aquamarine]”Alright. Fly swatting time it is”[/color] she said to herself as she opened portals and drew out her blades. She held the smallest knife in her shield hand, the larger one in her free hand, and then the longsword in her shadow hand. All three she crossed before her heart and infused with Urbosa’s power as she fell. Finally, she summoned her Vibrava, had it grip her backpack to act like her own set of wings, and used those wings to dive down towards the swarm ahead of the fire bottle, blades bared. [color=Aquamarine]”Clear the way, coming through!”[/color] she shouted as she opened a portal before her and hurled her shadow Mimic down at the swarm, the chest hanging wide open as it devoured a score of Trilid before it had to return home. She followed this up with a cartwheeling wolfos that smashed through the swarm and finally a barrage of Chilfos spears flew down as she charged up one more attack. And then they were upon her. Or rather, she was upon them. Midna spun in the air, avoiding the pack leader and slashing a long knife along its length and stabbed another in the head with her small knife before being surrounded by the swarm. Just as intended. She released the dark energy zone she had created around her just as they were about to overwhelm her. Her Vibrava detached from her back and started scything though the stunned pack with rapid fire disembowelment while the princess fell further and brought her longsword to bear alongside her knives. She became a whirlwind of blades, hacking and stabbing while screaming at the top of her lungs as the air around her joined in, thunder roaring as each strike of the blade sent lightning arcing through the swarm, frying the bugs that came to kill her like the bug zapper of the goddesses. And then all to soon the wells of power ran dry and the storm of lighting ceased, while the storm of Trilid kept coming. Still she fought, but without the lighting there was nothing to clear the air between swings. A Trilid clipped Midna on the side, sending her blood swirling into the wind as the princess fell the other way, was rammed by a second and then a third narrowly missed her as her Vibrava swooped down and snatched her up and the two turned to fee the swarm instead if fight it, the beleaguered princess trailing vital fluids and a flock of vengeful Trilid in her wake as she sped to one side of the swarm.