[hr][hr][center][img]https://s22.postimg.cc/6g8onsz41/6a8a04c0ca1b1adbb23631ae5dfd661b.png[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/GjazZAE.png[/img][hr][@BlueSky44][@Kirah][@Nallore][@Natsu][hr][hr][h3][color=84B4E2][b]EARTH 257 - 8:00 AM Nov. 14th, 2021 - the Blue[/b][/color][/h3][/center][hr][color=84B4E2][b][i]Angel's Aerie[/i][/b][/color] [hider=For your reference][list][*]Cass - Cass will not like the idea of going to Genosha. She will begin to privately contemplate how best to destroy the nation. [*]Maria - A twisted emotion will dawn upon Maria. She will recall that her dear little sister, Kristina, is on Genosha. Alive and well. Happy, even. Safe. She never died. [*]Niah - Niah will suddenly feel an extreme urge to be near Oliver, but unlike their natural connection, this one... this one tastes much more co-dependent - like Harley Quinn's desire for the Joker. Weird, right? [*]Sparky - N/A [*]Bonnie - An immense sense of danger and urgency will overtake her, almost beyond the point of rationality. She will not go to Genosha. She will not go seek refuge with those who killed her parents. The only reason she would go to Genosha would be for revenge, to assassinate its leaders. [*]Matt - Matt will suddenly feel an overwhelming obsession to solve a series of murders occurring all over Europe. He suspects Oliver as the killer, but has never been able to obtain any evidence. [*]Oliver - Oliver will have a wonderful idea pop into his mind, one that he won't be able to quite shake no matter how much he tries. What if he killed Raynor? [i](Yes, I did roll for who he would target lol)[/i]. [*]Amelia - Amelia will feel her connection to the rest of the group severed, as if she never knew them, as if they weren't her friends. She will recall another group of friends, a group of vigilantes who defend the Blue. [*]Raynor - N/A [*]Flynn - Flynn will have a horrible realization dawn upon him. He got a [i]flatscan[/i] pregnant. Whenever he looks at Bonnie, or honestly any of the other humans in the group, he will feel a deep sense of revulsion and rage. [/list][/hider] Cass would be unable to calm Amelia down, but she would be able to fortify her mind; the desire to plot the downfall of Genosha has disappeared, for now at least. Meanwhile, Darcy was thinking more on the problem. "Maybe it has to do with the rate of the file transfer - like how you can sync locally or over a network. Maybe the local sync is faster, since we're now in the Blue where her counterpart is from... But that would mean.... Oh shit... Oh shit oh shit oh shit!" Darcy exclaimed. [color=FFB795]"... Amelia's counterpart has to be [i]here[/i],"[/color] Bonnie finished Darcy's thought. The same country wasn't a good enough of an explanation. She didn't have a good reason as to why Cass hadn't been completely impacted earlier, when facing her own double, besides the notion that maybe they just hadn't been in this reality long enough. But the only thing that made sense to Bonnie was that Amelia's variant had to be there, at the Aerie, somewhere they just couldn't see. [i]BOOM![/i] The front entrance's door was kicked down. Bonnie recognized some of the people in the group - she saw Amelia, wearing a smart white and black costume with swirling wind motifs. With her was Captain America, equipped with a jetpack, and a man Bonnie didn't recognize in a [url=https://www.themarysue.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/mr-knight-810x1200.webp]white formal suit with a moon symbol on the mask[/url]. Next to the Moon-Suit-Man was a woman with gigantic curly hair and golden wings, her costume evocative of Egyptian pharaohs. There was a man next to her, clad in what looked like Greek armor, with [b]gigantic [/b]muscles - the jetpack strapped to his back looked almost tiny in comparison. And lastly, someone who Bonnie had no trouble recognizing at all; someone who they had been sent here to look for - [i]Luminous[/i]. She wore a blue and silver version of the classic Scarlet Witch costume, swirling blue orbs of energy in each of her hands. Bonnie couldn't tell if that was their world's Luminous or this world's - it was too hard to say. Physically, the two of them looked identical. And with Luminous' reality warping powers, a costume change was hardly out of the question. She could have stolen her double's place and joined... the Avengers, for some reason. Probably to hide, to trick them, Bonnie decided. "Just like I said - abnormal energies," Luminous said, gesturing at the assembled group. "I've never seen such a singularly perfect golem replicate - much less a small army of them." "My hair does look great, doesn't it?" Aero, the Amelia doppleganger, said, staring at her counterpart. [color=FFB795]"Oi, mates, I have no bloody idea what's going on here, but I found myself with this lot and they started nattering on about alternate worlds and some asswipe named Doom. Think they're Genoshan spies,"[/color] Amelia said, walking confidently over towards the newcomers - the [i]Avengers[/i], Guardians of the Blue. "The clone talks like me, too - this is fucking nuts," Aero complained, sweeping her hand and creating a temporary wind barrier that prevented Amelia from getting much closer. [color=FFB795]"Who the bloody hell are you calling the clone, clone?!"[/color] "Any of your gods have insights?" Captain America asked, looking at the Egyptian woman (Scarlet Scarab), the man in the white suit (Mr Knight), and the beefcake (Hercules). Darcy was about to turn to talk to Destiny, only to notice that Destiny and Mystique were nowhere to be seen. Folly had vanished as well. "Fucking great, cowards!" she whisper-hissed. At least Gambit and Rogue hadn't abandoned them all. "Those two," Mr. Knight answered Captain America, gesturing at Raynor and Flynn, "are right rotten bastards and could be taught a lesson or two." "One of them is Pallas' avatar," Hercules said. [color=d86615]"Look, we aren't here to fight you fucking Avengers, we're from another world, our friend is clearly losing her mind, no one is a clone, well, except you, Luminous - you are a clone,"[/color] Raynor said, annoyed and stressed out of his mind. He knew that nothing was happening to him. But he couldn't deny that it seemed to be happening to everyone around them. And he was beginning to wonder about the Luminous they were facing too - was that the Luminous they had been sent to retrieve? Or just the double from this world? "We know all about you, son. Those lies aren't going to work on us," Captain America warned, picking up his shield. "I'll ask you all to get on the ground with your hands behind your head just once." "Ah hell nah, we ain't gonna go down without a fight!" Rogue shouted, before flying straight at Captain America and punching him in the head, knocking him backwards. Then all hell broke loose.