Emidio Paz was tired. Very tired. The kind of bone-deep, immune-to-caffeine, brain-turned-to-mud tired that comes from working a 40 hour week before Wednesday is over. Add to that juggling a mortgage, parental expectations and the costs of a small family and it was a wonder he could keep his eyes open at all. Still, things could be worse. At least he was important enough for the office to pay for his tab - free food and drink were, if not the perfect motivation, at least nice compensation for having to fly all the way out to Akkar Prime on only six hours sleep. Taking a sip from his glass of stimulants and sugar, he tapped his stylus across the flexipad, jotting down shorthand notes that he'd expand upon later. He didn't need to write the whole piece right now, just get down enough to fix the feel in his mind so he'd remember through the distance of sleep and time. [i]Luca Lozano - eldest sibling - Clean cut and lean, striding through the throng. Dress; Naval, dark longcoat, gold trims and pointed shoulders. Accentuates his height. Red velvet sash and white cummerbund across a white (real cotton??) shirt. Almost as sharp as the sword on his hip.[/i] Emido grimaced. The phrasing would need work, but trite was about all he could handle right now. [i]The sword is believed to be a shard of Bellerophon - Gen 1 mech, one of the first in the TC Space Defence Force. Bio notes to weave in - Heir apparent to Lozano Corp. Unmarried. Ref to TC Times' bachelor of year piece last year. NM compatibility insufficient for competitive piloting. [/i] He paused to take a sip at that. Genetics was a fickle thing, despite all their advancements. That said, it was only a matter of time until someone cracked the markers relevant to neural mesh uptake. And then there'd be no end of debate on the ensuing ethics. He smiled at that. At least journalists would have job security. Glancing up, he cursed quietly. In his reverie he'd missed the entrance of the next two Lozano children. [i]Carmela Lozano - youngest twin, pearl-white silk dress, ciched with a smooth gold clasp. White jacket, worn open. White boots. Tadeo Lozano - youngest twin - black vest over grey shirt with silver buttons and belt. Black boots.[/i] He frowned a little, watching as the two siblings played the crowds, waving whilst holding hands. They were both moderately well-known on Terenius Prime for, thankfully, as something other than just being rich-kid influencers. The sister was an aspiring actress, and there was talk of her getting her own holovid show, while the boy was a singer. He was quickly becoming popular enough that Emido already harboured vague worries about what state the world might be in by the time his daughter reached her tweens. Finally, though, it looked like guest of the hour was arriving. [i]She glides across the tiles, carrying her head high. Her dress, a violet off-shoulder gown, shimmers and shifts. The dark purple contrasting with the lattice of durindfire crystals around the neck as she moves, matching the net woven into her auburn hair. [/i] He taps his stylus on his chin, considering how to sum up the effect. [i]A living constellation moving through the leaves, borne on a stellar wind. [/i] Yes, that would make the final cut for sure - he smiled, saving his document as the young woman made her way over to the event organiser for a chat. He'd finish typing up the remainder of his article after exploring the canapes. He just had to remember the list of proscribed words that had been appended to his brief this morning - while most were pretty standard fare for a celebrity, it did strike him as strange that 'charity' and 'NWNH' had been added as well, given they were normally standard parts of the byline.