[center][hr][img]https://i.imgur.com/mejTny0.png[/img][img]https://txt.1001fonts.net/img/txt/dHRmLjcyLjJkNmI5ZC5VMmhoYm1VZ1ZtRnVZblZ5Wlc0LC4w/drunker-srb.regular.webp[/img] [/center][right][b][code]The Vanburen Estate[/code][/b][/right][hr] Shane had one hand pinching the bridge of his nose with his eyes tightly shut. It felt like hours. On and on it seemed to go. The jabs, the condescension, the "respectful" disagreements. If nothing else it made for a nice blanket to mask the long weary exhale from Shane's nostrils. He opened his eyes - pupils duller than usual - to catch Georgie on her way out. [quote=Georgie][color=CE6857]"Though, I'm sure some of you would be happy to get rid of me, I digress. I'll be in my room if you need me."[/color] [color=CE6857]"Don't need me for any reason. If any of you die on this mission, I don't want to hear about it."[/color][/quote] Whether all that meant she was on board with Justin's proposition of splitting into two groups or not was anybody's guess. Other than the fact she had the skull everybody was after in her possession, Shane couldn't say he was sad to see her go. If anybody was going to speak to her to coax her back into the fold, it wouldn't be Shane. For a myriad of reasons. [quote][color=MediumSlateBlue]”I’ll go with the group setting up the trap,”[/color] [color=MediumSlateBlue]”I still think this whole things stupid, but I’m not a coward like Georgiana. I can actually help with that.”[/color][/quote] [i][colour=SteelBlue]'Surprising.'[/colour][/i] Shane thought to himself. His surprise at this was dashed as Trisha's follow-up indicated it was more to spite Georgie than anything. It was still something, at least. Spite was better than apathy, there's a lot you can do with spite. He didn't disagree either with Oscar volunteering himself to go with Arabelle as the group to meet with the cultist turncoat. He couldn't say he liked the plan overall, or the three-fifths of a plan that it felt like. But those two were probably the best suited for the job. Speaking of which. [colour=SteelBlue]"I'll go alongside Team Trap."[/colour] He said, his tone more eager to wrap things up than was normal. [colour=SteelBlue]"S'in my area of expertise,"[/colour] He gave a knowing glance to Oscar. [colour=SteelBlue]"And I'm not the best representative of this family. Pretty low on Georgie's list of preferred siblings too; in case anyone wants to get on that."[/colour] He turned to pick up his cup of rapidly cooling "tea". Placing his other hand in his jacket. [Colour=SteelBlue]"I'm gonna go wait by the front door for anyone goin' with me."[/colour] He took a sip and already began his leave. [colour=SteelBlue]"Come find me if the plans change again, or..."[/colour] Shane didn't finish his sentence so much as wave his hand slightly. Disappearing back into the warm orange glow of the manor. [hr][right][b][code]The Vanburen Estate - Foyer[/code][/b][/right][hr] Place was still a wreck. Of all the places in the manor, the front end was the one that proudly displayed the most damage. Sporting a rather chic 'open concept' with several of the walls missing, letting the cold air flow in on the otherwise cosy yet elegant home. Shane felt his lips purse and his toes curl at the clash of the manor warmth and the chill of outside. Still, it beat just outright standing in the garden. Shane attempted to combat this battle of temperatures with another sip of his enhanced tea, only to let out a small grunt of disgust as the liquid met his tongue. Cold. Good for the whiskey portion of the drink, bad for the tea portion. Which was enough to be the predominant voice of this stage of the drink. Shane opened the door and emptied the cup's contents onto the grass beside the door steps. Ensuring every drop of the foul concoction was disposed of before placing the cup onto the stone banister with a clink. He looked onward, fully in the embrace of the cold weather once more, towards the front garden. Squinting his eyes at where the "Triple Goddess" had appeared. Despite the subtle warmth coursing through his body after a much needed hit of alcohol, it was a sobering reminder of what they'd be up against if they didn't get this right. [i][colour=SteelBlue]'Reassuring.'[/colour][/i] Shane wordlessly picked the cup back up and returned back to the entrance of the manor. The furniture and debris strewn around the front lawn indifferent to his departure.