[hider=Ysilla Al-Nader][color=662d91][center][h2][u] Ysilla Al-Nader [/u][/h2] [img]https://i.ibb.co/YL72sHH/oie-aik-W5gb-M3f-Qk.jpg[/img][/center] [center][h3][b] 16 | Female | Virangish | Merchant | 7.62 [/b][/h3][/center] [h3][u]P E R S O N A L I T Y [/u][/h3] [indent]❖ [ Proud ] ❖ [ Inconsiderate ] ❖ [ Adventurous ] ❖ [ Hedonistic ] ❖ [ Cunning ][/indent] If you were expecting Ysilla to be like her sister, the similarities stop shortly after the pride and ambition that has become a trademark of any Al-Nader woman anymore. Where her sister will wear her emotion like a sleeve, Ysilla will disguise most emotion believing any display betrays your intent. It is better for them to keep guessing, after all, and you will rarely see a display outside of an amused smile. In truth, Ysilla harbors little patience for others if they do offer something for her to engage with. Those that are joyous, childlike, or maybe just brimming with energy are welcomed with amusement and pandering. Unfortunately for those of you that are serious, sarcastic, or just negative all the time, she will have little more than slighted words at your expense. Despite making her emotion a secret, she is ironically not one to hide what she thinks of a person. [h3][u]C H A R A C T E R A P P E A R A N C E [/u][/h3] Despite being twins with her sister, people can be quick to notice the difference between them. Ysilla maintains an almost porcelain complexion, her beauty mark located inferior from her lips and on her left cheek, brown hair that almost passes for black trailing down to her midriff but almost always kept up in a bun and unnatural red pupils. Being an Al-Nader, beauty is matched with height. Ysilla is 185cm tall with a very lithe figure, matching her sister. [center][img]https://i.ibb.co/8cqsPKG/oie-jpg.png[/img][/center] Ysilla prefers the comfort of fine silks that will show off her natural form but often drap herself in an overcoat, again most likely silk, to hide some of her features. She’ll wear jewelry, of course, with dangling ruby earrings, gem set brooches, rings, bangles, and bracelets depending on her preference for the day. Her most trademark piece of attire, however, is her large witches hat, keeping her face shaded at almost all times. [h3][u]L A N G U A G E S [/u][/h3] Languages have been a bit more than a hobby to Ysilla. She can comfortably speak her native and regional tongues but started to learn a few distant languages for her own fun. She tries to mimic the accent of those that she speaks with. [indent]❖ Avincian - Perfectly Fluent, with scarce usage of Virangish expressions or any obvious accent. ❖ Virangish - Native language. ❖ Torragonese - Second native tongue. ❖ Inipori - Semi-Fluent ❖ Yasoi: Intermediate ❖ Rettanese - Intermediate ❖ Belzaggic - Basic conversational. ❖ Perrench - Basic conversational.[/indent] [h3][u]T H E G I F T [/u][/h3] The Gift in Ysilla has been quite strong matching that of her sisters. Although she, too, did not receive the ‘Devourer’ in her mother. When given the choice of expression, she chose her own path in studies in an attempt to create her own life set away from the family for now. [color=fff200]Magnetic:[/color] Was the very start of Ysilla’s discovery on how to make her vessels move on their own. By delicately shifting the polarity of their segmented joints, her figurines could move a string free movement. The other facets of this study have been of little interest but will still learn them to master this school. [color=ed1c24]Binding:[/color] The Al-Nader line has a historical preference here and Ysilla practices Binding for a reason. While Ysilla detests the volatile bloodmagic which her ancestors practiced, she nevertheless, is tempted to experiment with the idea to bring life into her creations one day. [color=00aeef]Chemical:[/color] A recent fascination that has been showing promise for potential solutions to the problems she is facing in her craft. Emotion can be influenced by chemicals, after all, and the hope is that by tampering with this school she could make her creations feel more alive. Further study in this field is required. [h3][u]B A C K G R O U N D [/u][/h3] [sub]References: The Blasphemous First and the Graceless Al-Nader found in Zarina Al-Nader’s profile[/sub] Ysilla Al-Nader is how you should properly address me. I was the second of three to come from my mother, Saoussen. The gift of life, especially to come in a set of three, was a miraculous feat looking back. Three lives created in an instant upon conception and to all be gifted with a magical line. I still believe it did not matter that we were not as potent as mother because she spread that prowess among all three of her children. Although I would probably lose that argument with my sister. Speaking of, my sister Zarina, fell in line from the beginning with what the family wanted. I saw the family thrust her into the traditions and I knew I wanted to be my own person, to form my own identity. Thus I had often set off on my own as a child in the streets, begging my mother to give me an allowance. I don’t remember how it caught my attention but a man had built a small stage in one of the markets. In his performance he never made an appearance but hid behind the curtain and put on play with string and paper puppets. I could not remember his name but I remember seeing how alive he made his creations move. The bird had such thin strings that you couldn’t see them as she mimicked flight. The human character had a shifting face, expressing as the man projected his voice. I gave him my whole allowance and came back to watch the performance again the next day. Puppetry, I decided, was the artform that actually was the action of giving life into one’s work. Others could only mimic what I saw. I started making my own paper figures, bought my own puppets to play with. Few in my family could understand since what I wanted was not something such as dancing or singing but I believed it was the same, if not more than just art. As beautiful as it was that my sisters and I came into this world, fate was conspiring to destroy that beauty. Sabbah’s health was fading and not one person could come up with the same explanation as to why. My older sister, in her daft impatience, wanted to throw life away in a hasty conjuring of old magic that she knew little of. I did not have a better solution to save her, knowing not medicine or healing magic to cure my sister. However, I did know how to preserve her memory. While the family spent time and money on trying to preserve her life, I spent time preserving her memory. I carved a life sized puppet of her, spending time to get every detail right in my sister’s likeness. When I wasn’t working on that, I practiced how she would talk and act, dedicating myself to her image. I couldn’t sing like her but maybe in time I could. Sabbah would pass away, just like I thought she would. I unveiled my puppet of my sister soon after but none tolerated my act. It wasn’t good enough. I knew from then I had to learn how to actually recreate life. It would not do to simply just put on an act of life but it had to actually be a life. Magic had never really been a passion of mine until then. I was going to Ersand’Enise and I would walk the path few dared tread. The beauty of life would be mine to bestow and then everyone, including my narrow minded sister, would understand. [h3][u]M O T I V A T I O N [/u][/h3] [indent]❖ Master her craft to be able to create indistinguishable golems from actual life. ❖ Explore and learn from distant lands and cultures to know just what others are like and what they enjoy. ❖ Enjoy the journey she is on. ❖ Make her sister open to enjoying life rather than wasting it. ❖ Restlessly pursues her magnum opus of creation.[/indent] [h3][u]I N V E N T O R Y [/u][/h3] [indent]❖ [b]Hoopoe - The Wooden Flight:[/b] Ysilla’s first perfect vessel. Her process to settle giving a creation life is lengthy, requiring her many iterations of the form she has in mind before settling on one. Hoopoe is formed of wood in the shape of a corvidae bird, no more than 20 centimeters tall. It might be painted black, purple, or sometimes white depending on what mood Ysilla takes at the time. It simulates flight and caws like any other bird. ❖ [b]Khamsei - The Porcelain Laugh:[/b] The second perfected vessel. Khamsei is a 35 centimeter tall porcelain doll with segmented joints. It is typically clothed in a costume resembling a jester’s outfit, hand-sewn by Ysilla in color pairs that range from black and gold, white and red, blue and yellow being the most typical of pairings. There is no face and instead, a carefully crafted mask is attached simulating a face. Khamsei is known to laugh. ❖ Quite a bit of jewelry, perfumes and fine clothing. ❖ Her hat and cloak[/indent] [h3][u]S T R E N G T H S & S K I L L S [/u][/h3] [indent]❖ [b]Artistic:[/b] Ysilla has dedicated herself to the crafting of lifelike puppets, promoting skills like woodcarving, painting, and sculpting. ❖ [b]Acting:[/b] A lifelike puppet can only be as real as the actions it performs. Ysilla has spent considerable time learning how to act and perform with a puppet at her fingertips. She claims she can play any part. ❖ [b]Brilliant:[/b] Her mind is capable of working fast. She has always been a quick study and quick to understand concepts. [/indent] [h3][u]W E A K N E S S E S & F L A W S [/u][/h3] [indent]❖ [b]Socially Inept:[/b] She spends a bit too much time with her craft and puppets and not enough with people. While she knows how to put on an act, she really doesn’t understand people and even social cues. ❖ [b]Suspicious:[/b] Being a social pariah, she can’t help but listen in to the whispers behind her back. Are they talking about her? .[/indent] [h3][u]M I S C E L L A N E O U S [/u][/h3][/color] [/hider]