[hider=Pilot] [b]Name:[/b] Martyn Light (Martin En-Issue) [b]Appearance:[/b] [URL=https://www.zerochan.net/1843040][IMG]https://s3.zerochan.net/Zen.Wistalia.240.1843040.jpg[/IMG][/URL] [b]Age:[/b] 18 [b]Background:[/b] The En-Issue Family was a cadet branch of the Issue Family which claimed to have branched off from the Main House a full hundred years ago, doing the things which the Issues were too 'honorable' to dirty their hands with. This caused them to resent the Main House, and later, when the latter's last member died out, they resented McGillis Fareed for taking over the Issue Family's assets instead of letting them (Martyn's parents) have it. And when McGillis himself fell seven to eight years ago, they found, to their dsiappointment, that the new leader of Gjallarhorn, Rustal Elion, would rather abolish the Seven Stars system where a number of noble families held a monopoly on military power than let them have what they were 'entitled' to. So in a huff, the En-Issue family left for space with half-assed intentions of going to the Jupiter Colonies to 'live it up' as upper class nobles and maybe even start a conspiracy or two against Rustal Elion and his pragmatic attempts to purge the corruption in Gjallarhorn that he himself had turned a bline eye to (at best) until McGillis Fareed's attempt at revolution. They never made it that far. For they were intercepted by pirates on the way and Martyn's parents were robbed and killed while Martyn himself was taken captive and turned into Human Debris. This shift in life taught the boy not to take anything for granted, even the knowledge of how to read and write which he had enjoyed before his captivity and which was lacking among many of his peers. Actually, it took him some time for him to think of his fellow Human Debris as friends and even equals, realizing that despite their lack of education and refinement... They were children like him. And he had a duty to earn his freedom, fight for their rights as well as his' own, and eventually, considering what he knew and what his parents have taught him, break the system which only cleaned up its act only under duress. That's right; if Tekkadan and McGillis can do it, why couldn't [i]he[/i] with the benefit of hindsight? [b]Personality and Reputation:[/b] Martyn tries his best to sweet-talk his captors, particularly Carrot, into giving him information and extra food which he passes on to the rest of his group while trying to impress the other pirates through sheer prowess in battle against enemy Mobile Suits. He is also known for trying to keep the others in his team alive, as well as trying to earn his freedom from Human Debris-hood through 'loyal service' to the higher-ups. He has also tried to find spare time to teach some of the younger people how to read and write, something incredibly dangerous for his 'progress'... [/hider] [hider=Mobile Suits] Mobile Suit: https://gundam.fandom.com/wiki/UGY-R41_Man_Rodi Name: Unit-4. Frame: Rodi. Appearance: [hider=Hidden for Size] [img]https://i.imgur.com/LAoSJ0z.jpg[/img] [/hider] Equipment: As in the Wiki Link. Mobile Suit: ASW-G-22 Gundam Ipos Name: Gundam Ipos Frame: ASW-G-22 Gundam Ipos Appearance: [hider=Hidden for Size] [img]https://i.imgur.com/VuWp1DA.jpg[/img] [/hider] Equipment: [list][*] [url=https://gundam.fandom.com/wiki/Post_Disaster_Technology#Alaya-Vijnana_System_.28.E9.98.BF.E9.A0.BC.E8.80.B6.E8.AD.98.E3.82.B7.E3.82.B9.E3.83.86.E3.83.A0.EF.BC.88.E3.82.A2.E3.83.A9.E3.83.A4.E3.82.B7.E3.82.AD.E3.82.B7.E3.82.B9.E3.83.86.E3.83.A0.2C_Araya_Shiki_Shisutemu.3F.29]Alaya Vijinana System[/url] [*]Tampered Limiter System - Thanks to 'modifications' by its previous pilot, the Ipos' Limiter has been tampered with to be more easily shut down, boosting the Pilot's AV-System performance, which translates to dodging very well and attacking the enemy's weakest spot at the right time. However, this system can only run for three minutes every time the Pilot gets inside the Gundam; if the Pilot insists on continuing to use it, he suffers brain damage which causes him to lose control of all his limbs outside the Gundam. [*] Ahab Thrusters (back and waist) [*] Thermal Phase Transition Thrusters [*] The Ipos is left weaponless in order to balance out the Tampered Limiter System and the benefits it brings the Pilot; Martyn will use his old MS' weapons instead as well as any weapons the other Pilots leave behind. [/list] [/hider]