[hr][hr][center][h3][color=#9370DB][b]☀️ Nancy Parker ☀️[/b][/color][/h3][img]https://media4.giphy.com/media/3owytRiu2nuCOHw8ZG/giphy.gif[/img][hr][b][color=#9370DB]Location:[/color][/b] Camp Half-blood: Beach [b][color=#9370DB]Skills:[/color][/b] N/A [hr][hr][/center] Nancy liked to think that she was pretty good at keeping her outbursts to private settings - but that really wasn't the case. She regularly lost her [i]shit[/i] in front of the Senate when it came to Leandra; when she got angry, it was like rules and decorum just vanished. It was just her and her rage, burning with the intensity of the sun, blinding anyone who dared to look into her eyes. (Un?)fortunately, Zeke was able to match her energy and rage. Greek or Roman, they really were their father's children. [color=#9370DB]"I don't give a shit about the son of Jupiter right now!"[/color] Nancy snapped. [color=#9370DB]"I'm sorry if me not bending over backwards to congratulate you on leaving the closet behind offended you to your fucking core, but it's not about you and your love life right now! And my calling to be a hunter? What about your calling to be a royal kiss ass to Diana?!"[/color] As he turned away from her, Nancy narrowed her eyes. Her heart was pounding thunderously. She honestly hadn't meant to dismiss or belittle the son of Jupiter, but now she was feeling defensive, she wasn't going to back down on this. She had drawn the line in the sand by accident and Nancy was too proud to admit otherwise. Nancy flinched as he turned back around and took her hands, and she yanked her hands out of his grip. She wasn't a touch-y feel-y sort of person on a good day. [color=#9370DB]"You wanna know how to survive the Lotus Hotel?"[/color] Nancy laughed, the sort of laugh that a person who had snapped from anger or fear made. [color=#9370DB]"You wanna burn the place down? It'll probably just pop back up like any other grody ass monster."[/color] She didn't think of Mads until after she had said that and she regretted it, hoping her friend wasn't listening. [color=#9370DB]"You don't survive the Lotus Hotel. It chews you up and spits you out,"[/color] Nancy warned. [color=#9370DB]"And by the gods, no one will [i]ever[/i] get me to go back to that waking nightmare."[/color] She didn't acknowledge his apology. She was thinking about how she had [i]"survived"[/i] there - that after the assault, it had been like she was wide awake but trapped, painfully aware of where she was but unable to escape. [color=#9370DB]"They take over your mind. Make you think you're fucking happy, that you never want to leave. The only thing that broke that was... well... It..."[/color] Nancy was opening her mouth now, but no sound was coming out. She couldn't bring herself to say the words - to say what had happened to her - to say what had allowed her to "survive." [hr][hr][center][h3][color=a187be][b]🌈 Leda Storm 🌈[/b][/color][/h3][img]https://64.media.tumblr.com/97b8c553cbb195c7ea49cc44e8711ccc/tumblr_inline_p1oageaqHl1rifr4k_540.gif[/img][hr][b][color=a187be]Location:[/color][/b] Camp Half-blood: the Arena [b][color=a187be]Skills:[/color][/b] N/A [hr][hr][/center] Leda shrugged slightly at Cassian's complaints about a distant parent. Most demigods didn't really have a close relationship with their parents. Leda's godly mother and her hadn't ever really spoken, just a few brief interactions - Iris was too busy, rushing from place to place. And despite Leda enjoying tending to shrines of all of the gods, she never really went out of her way to try to speak to her mother. [color=a187be]"You see more of your Olympian parent than most do, kid,"[/color] Leda said, even though there wasn't much of an age difference between the two of them. [color=a187be]"Or you will, I s'pose. He'll come 'round again. No way Zeus is ending his punishment early."[/color] Zeus wasn't that sort of parent. Leda shifted her weight to her other foot. She was beginning to get a bit bored. Not many people realized this about her, but she could be a bit two-faced at times - caring on the outside, bored on the inside. This conversation just wasn't interesting to her and she wasn't really invested in how Cassian felt. [color=a187be]"I should probably go see if they're done blathering on about things, see if my mates are ready to leave for our quest. I'll see ya when I come back - dead or alive."[/color] Leda said, before waving goodbye to Cassian and rushing off.