[hider=Thom][center][img]https://i.imgur.com/lto25xc.jpg[/img][/center] [b]Name:[/b] Thom Abraham [b]Appearance:[/b] Of shorter-than average height (5'6") for his age, Thom is a youth with a self-assured body language. Acceptance seemingly radiates through his weakened movements. Oddly enough, his gold eyes smolder with a goal and his dark hair, both unkempt and oily with grime, seems to lay heavy on his scalp. After receiving the Alaya Vijnana surgery twice, two growths protrude from his upper spine. He calls them whiskers. Like the others, his clothes are fairly ragged. He usually sticks to the plain t-shirts and shorts for his meager lifestyle. [b]Age:[/b] 17 [b]Background:[/b] His memory is dusky and has never been the best since his abduction but Thom can recall a few portent people from his past. He remembers his grandfather was in Gjallarhorn, that he may have been influential though he's unsure what rank or political power he held. His mother and father's fate remains a mystery to him, despite knowing they traveled with him on the shuttle. And under the spell of sleep, Thom can see the flashing of gunfire interrupting the ruddy lights of the pirated shuttle. The thought that, right before things went horribly south, that he would still visit Mars. See the birth place of the Orga Itsuka and the Tekkadan he forged. Like many others however, he was made Human Debris, brought aboard the Jolly Rogs Fleet, specifically the Mercurial Witch's crew, and made into a Rat. [b]Personality and Reputation:[/b] Overall Thom projects obedience. To most of the Mercurial Witch's crew, he's a silent presence, fierce and trained. He never questions his orders and follows them precisely, to the letter almost. Long as his survival is not on the line; he very rarely goes beyond his station. Most of them call him "The Pawn". To the other Human Debris, he's become something of a guardian figure and projects an almost unifying fearlessness in their shared suffering. With them the silence breaks and the real him rolls out. He's mirthless but he is protective and caring of the younger ones. Even more so of the dumber ones. Still, its his cold mental state that allows him to maintain a survivor's composure. He's fickle but once his mind is made up, he becomes annoyingly stubborn. [b]Mobile Suit:[/b] [url=https://gundam.fandom.com/wiki/EB-06s_Graze_Commander_Type]EB-06s Graze Commander Type[/url] [b]Name:[/b] Graze-Z [b]Frame:[/b] Graze Commander Type [b]Appearance:[/b] [url=https://i.pinimg.com/564x/80/7d/27/807d270ce2e0d79b98a77b83e4d9e8e3.jpg]Graze-Z[/url] is a weathered green mobile suit maintained by the Mercurial Witch's mechanics. [b]Equipment |[/b] [list][*] [url=https://gundam.fandom.com/wiki/Post_Disaster_Technology#Alaya-Vijnana_System_.28.E9.98.BF.E9.A0.BC.E8.80.B6.E8.AD.98.E3.82.B7.E3.82.B9.E3.83.86.E3.83.A0.EF.BC.88.E3.82.A2.E3.83.A9.E3.83.A4.E3.82.B7.E3.82.AD.E3.82.B7.E3.82.B9.E3.83.86.E3.83.A0.2C_Araya_Shiki_Shisutemu.3F.29]Alaya Vijinana System[/url] [*]Head Sphere Sensor (standard) [*]Booster Unit (standard) [*]GR-W01 120mm Rifle (short rifle/weapon) [*]GR-H02 Battle Blade (weapon/ its chipped) [*]GR-E01 8.8m Shield (armament)[/list] [b]Mobile Suit:[/b] [url=https://i.pinimg.com/564x/8d/eb/c2/8debc20d48814ace48fb71494d7f8c32.jpg]ASW-G-13 Gundam Beleth[/url] [b]Name:[/b] Gundam Beleth [b]Frame:[/b] ASW-G-13 Gundam Beleth [b]Appearance:[/b] [url=https://i.pinimg.com/564x/8d/eb/c2/8debc20d48814ace48fb71494d7f8c32.jpg]Beleth[/url] is a crimson Gundam with a bluish-purple frame and green optics. Its devilish appearance, doused in bright red, has given Gundam Beleth a fierce and courageous silhouette. [b]Equipment |[/b] [list][*] [url=https://gundam.fandom.com/wiki/Post_Disaster_Technology#Alaya-Vijnana_System_.28.E9.98.BF.E9.A0.BC.E8.80.B6.E8.AD.98.E3.82.B7.E3.82.B9.E3.83.86.E3.83.A0.EF.BC.88.E3.82.A2.E3.83.A9.E3.83.A4.E3.82.B7.E3.82.AD.E3.82.B7.E3.82.B9.E3.83.86.E3.83.A0.2C_Araya_Shiki_Shisutemu.3F.29]Alaya Vijinana System[/url] [*] Single Backpack Arm (left side) [*] Arm Short Hammer - A short bluish-purple handle fixed with a crimson double-sided hammer (right side/fixed on right forearm) [*] Giant Spear-Sword - Beleth's main weaponry is a hardy black spear tipped with a crimson double-edged blade. Thrusters are attached to the blade section and can be launched from the spear along wire for added range. (left backpack arm/handheld/close-mid combat) [*] Ahab Thrusters (back and waist) [*] Thermal Phase Transition Thrusters [/list][/hider]