[center][img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/934550171994435664/935110304520622080/aeeb32507780e390bbbab9bad8a52897.png[/img][/center] [indent][indent][indent][color=gray][sub][right][color=DD9C00][b]Location:[/b][/color] City Streets, The City-State of Thorinn, Aetheria[/right][/sub][/color] [hr] This guy was freakin’ nuts! Siegfried was glad the other members of the group like Alex and Artemis had stayed inside the tavern and not made it outside. In his mind, nobody should’ve had to see this kind of shit. It was unsettling and ultimately made little-to-no sense. Sometimes in the world of Pariah Siegfried forgot they were in this intrinsic magical world of sorcerers and monsters; sometimes he thought he was back in Kansas, but then something would always bring him back to earth. Graves breaking free of his weird magical bloodlust or whatever it was and turning his own knife on himself made him raise an eyebrow, though he still maintained his guard as Sif and Seele did their thing. When the blood knight asked him to end it, his face hardened and he slammed his spear into the stone path underneath their feet as the knife clattered downward. It was also when he punched Graves in the face. Hard enough to send him flying back. As Graves went flying backward Siegfried kneeled down on the ground looking at the knife itself. As a weaponsmith there might’ve been something he picked up about the item now that he had a closer look at it. His voice lowered as he spoke to Seele and his sister, as if looking to them to do him a “solid”. [color=DD9C00]“Heal him.”[/color] He grumbled as he used wind magic to clear the blood from the knife. [color=DD9C00]“Ask questions later.”[/color] As far as he knew, the knife wasn’t one of the game's weird ancient artifacts. No distinct carvings. No weird metal inscriptions. Just a knife. While Siegfried had intended to make a point, the only thing he came out of the fight with was that Graves’ abilities were spookier than anybody knew. They just hadn’t noticed because he had always directed it at things like rats, goblins, and ogres before. His eyes looked forward as Sif moved to heal his wounds. What kind of questions could someone ask when the dust settled? A twisting feeling encircled his gut and he wasn’t sure how he was going to handle this. If a little bit of rude statements could get him like this, how would they fare if he turned on them? What if a demon got inside his head? He discarded the thoughts. He wasn’t Benkei. He wasn’t the leader. He looked to Seele and felt a twinge of guilt. Had he not started the whole fight she wouldn’t have had her friend try to kill her. He owed her something. Her plan was still stupid, though. [/indent][/indent][/indent]