[hr][hr][center][h3][b][color=#a81a75]Runa Baldurdattir[/color] & [color=cc33ff]Guin Stark[/color][/b][/h3][hr][b][color=#a81a75]Location:[/color][/b] New York City Defenders HQ [b][color=#a81a75]Skills:[/color][/b] [color=#a81a75]Asgardian Magic[/color] and [color=cc33ff]Telepathy[/color] [hr][hr][/center] Runa was beginning to feel mildly stressed, largely triggered by Lance having apparently a strong craving for narcotics and Pietro attempting to kill Annie; mostly the that, if she was being honest. Runa swirled her hand, whispering a word of power, and special enchanted handcuffs appeared on Pietro. [color=#a81a75]"These should temper his speed, keep him easier to manage,"[/color] Runa cautioned, stepping in front of Annie in a protective position. She was trying to remember any stories she could recall of multiversal travel, but few came to mind. Those that did, she only knew the ailments to be sickness and the like - perhaps a few whispered rumors of alterations made to the mind and soul to closer align to the correct version of reality, but nothing proven. In every case she could think of, it was a minor inconvenience and resolved itself. However, she didn't want to just brush this off. Pietro had already tried to kill Annie. She didn't want to let her guard down and allow her friends to be hurt. [color=#a81a75]"If the issue is this universe, perhaps we should relocate us to a parallel dimension - do you think the mirror dimension would be suitable?"[/color] Runa asked. [color=#a81a75]"Creating distance between us and this reality, even if only slight, could be the trick to keeping the speedster from his murderous inclinations."[/color] Meanwhile, Guin's panic attack had [i]not[/i] been helped by what Pietro had done. [color=cc33ff]"Pietro, what the fuck!!!"[/color] Guin screamed, her eyes wide as she rushed over towards him and Annie, only to not be the first person to get there to deal with the problem. Her head was pounding ever so slightly, probably from the amount of screaming Banner was doing, and her adrenaline was beginning to rise. [color=cc33ff]"Annie's our friend, you can't just kill her! You're not a killer! Not here, at least - well not you you, other you sure, and House of M you, you only mercy killed before... I think. It's all getting scrambled,"[/color] Guin admitted. She was having painful flashbacks to House of M, where Pietro had killed - and it was making it hard for her to think clearly. The panic attack also wasn't helping. But Doctor Strange suggested something was happening to their minds, and that was (supposedly) what Guin's mutant gift was perfect for dealing with. So she shut her eyes and used the telepathic link between her and Pietro, diving into his mind. She hadn't been able to tell just by looking at him if he was still going to kill. But inside his mind, Guin found it beginning to fracture, as if his violent other self was bleeding over. She bit her lip. [i][color=cc33ff]What would Baldy do...[/color][/i] she murmured, thinking of her mentor, Professor X, and then Guin got to work. She figured the best she could do would be to split off the murderous alter Pietro had forming, in order to keep it from influencing his personality. And somehow, it more or less worked - Guin was able to keep the changes from happening to Pietro. She opened her eyes in the real world, her palms sweaty and clammy with fear. [color=cc33ff]"I-I-I think that should do it. It was like someone else was trying to rewrite him,"[/color] she explained. [color=cc33ff]"Could you all stop yelling? That or give me some of whatever he's having, I feel like my heart's going to explode out of my chest..."[/color] she asked, gesturing towards the other Lance.