[b][center][hr][hr] [h1][color=7d16c7]Oliver Sullivan[/color][/h1] [img]https://i.imgur.com/7ecMeOO.png[/img] [hr][hr] The Aerie [color=7d16c7]Skills:[/color] Molecular Oscillation, super speed [hr][/center][/b] Oliver's head was [i]swimming[/i]; caught between his obsessive thoughts on killing Raynor and worry about his recently rewritten friend, and that was [i]before[/i] people who wanted to kill them showed up. He gritted his teeth, he had thought that they were supposed to be safe here, but it was danger and death once again. Maybe the reason he was so fixed on killing Raynor, not some evil magician forcing world's together, but just because he was so on edge from the amount of wanton murder he has committed over the past year. Oliver probably, in any case, needed a therapist. Without even thinking much about it, he targeted the person who recognized as an Avenger, Captain America. Normally he'd be worried about trying to take out a Super Soldier, but he was sure he could at least snatch the shield and get the rest of his team a a significant advantage in the fight. It was a surprise then, as he tried to phase it out of Cap's hands, that the shield [i]exploded[/i]. In the endless contingencies he'd come up with during the skrull invasion, he had no idea that the shield would respond like that. He made a mental note, and in the chaos, slashed Captain America across the stomach with his handy dandy laser sword, before zipping off to safety.