In a modern age of peace and simple mundanity, an ancient, forgotten evil emerges to fill the world with darkness! Yet all is not lost, for so too does an immortal witch, and from her hand she beckons forth the souls of noble warriors to push back the army of wickedness! Seeking out their chosen successors, these knights of eld gift them with the power to fight, the power of… [center][img][/img][/center] [hr] [center][h1]Rules[/h1] Feel free to make as many side characters (NPCs) as you so choose. General rules apply regarding godmodding/harming other characters/explicit nonsense, etc. Be sure to communicate any story ideas you have, or just.. anything you might need to communicate regardless (for example, if you need more time to post. etc)[/center] [hr] [center][h1]Characters[/h1] [hider=Guidelines]- Please PM me your character sheet or post your idea here for review - Each character should be treated as a pair - your "actual" character, and the warrior spirit granting them power. I ask that you not use existing historical/mythological/fictional/etc warriors or knights! Create your own bastard! - I have no real restrictions beyond that, but I do ask you bear in mind the "shoujo" part of "mahou shoujo" - which is to say, your character should probably be on the younger side.[/hider] [Errant] Mina Han || Dame Theophania[/center]