[table] [row] [sup][h3][b][color=2e2c2c] ▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅ [right]▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅[/right][/color] [/b][/h3][/sup] [/row][row] [cell][color=2e2c2c]______________________________________[/color] [right][img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/558670401048412183/965772061148594226/IMG_4669_1_1.jpg[/img][/right][/cell] [cell][indent][/indent] [indent][/indent] [img] https://fontmeme.com/permalink/220419/8685ac67dd24d3db28ae2994c6a3465d.png[/img] [color=#ABCFFF][sup][b]______________________________________________________________________________________[/b][/sup][/color] [color=#ABCFFF][sup][b][u]Location[/u]:[/b] [i][color=white]Redline PRT Headquarters[/color][/i][/sup][/color] [color=#ABCFFF][sup][b][u]Date/Time[/u]:[/b] [color=white][i]November 11th, 2022. 6-ish PM[/i][/color][/sup][/color] [color=#ABCFFF][sup][b][u]Interactions[/u]:[/b][color=white] N/A[/color][/sup][/color] [color=#ABCFFF][sup][b]______________________________________________________________________________________[/b][/sup][/color][/cell] [/row] [/table] [center] [color=#ABCFFF][sup][b]______________________________________________________________________________________ [/b][/sup][/color][/center] [color=0054a6]"I know from personal experience that the Mover life can make things seem slow, but there are far too many ways teleporting into a highly-secure meeting between unmasked Parahumans could go terribly wrong for everyone involved."[/color] ‘[i]Excuse me, what?[/i]’ was her instinctual thought as she turned towards the voice of what she assumed to be another mover from the statement. She didn’t appreciate their view and instantaneous judgment on her entrance. Had that been the plan? Absolutely not but it would be rather pathetic of PRT though and even their fellow group if they could not handle one surprise instance. She watched as he ran one hand through his brown hair before speaking once more while she watched him with a raised eyebrow. [color=0054a6]"Honestly, it only takes one twitchy trigger-finger to get someone seriously hurt."[/color]. ‘[i]Oh, so that is what this is about. He is one of those trigger happy people that instantly respond to every little thing and almost decided to take action when obviously anything can happen when putting children and teenagers in one room. Got it. What happened to expect the unexpected? Isn’t that kind of the job we all either signed up for or were forced into?[/i]’ [color=0054a6]"Never mind. Far be it from me stop you."[/color] ‘[i]No, just quick enough to judge and say your opinion when no one asked for it or had an issue.’[/i], Aaliyah thought, physically lightly biting her tongue not to respond back to the situation and forcing herself not to roll her eyes. She had a feeling he was going to continue to grate on her nerves in the future with that mightier than thou attitude so she might as well get used to it now. She folded her hands and placed them into her lap, now feeling a lot less relaxed or positive about the situation she volunteered for and letting a familiar mask slip into place. It was obvious it would be better to just observe from this point as she usually did and gain information that way, see who would be the best to place trust in as well as see who would need to be cautiously worked with when in action. Talking just got her into trouble and right now, she needed to be smart. The last thing they needed was one of them getting riled up. She watched as one of the girls helped another from the pile of confetti, a little shocked that someone was actually buried in there. [i]’Okay, maybe mister overly opinionated had a reason to be slightly trigger happy if two surprises had happened together but still.’[/i] The girl that had been assisting introduced herself, giving her chosen hero name and a brief description of her power but healing. Now that was interesting for sure and made her curious on exactly how it worked. [color=00a651]"Wow, already a pretty colorful cast of characters, huh?"[/color] That caught her attention, pulling her gaze away from the mess and the assisting party on the other side of the table to a finely dressed guy possibly a few years younger doing a slight confetti removal. [color=00a651]"In more ways than one. Kudos by the way Aaliyah, lot of panache in that entrance."[/color] If she wasn’t a master at spotting perfectly crafted masks and falsely positive body movements, she might have been impressed by the manipulation to appear welcoming but it made her weary of him. However, that was until he spoke which she found herself hanging on his words without notice as he started to introduce himself. It started off just fine at first if not a little date advertisement like but then it got a little strange near the end and…[i]’I think I’m gonna be sick.’[/i], Aaliyah thought, her hand flying to her mouth at the unpleasant feelings the break gave but that wasn’t even close to the emotional problems she was facing. Everything felt so far away, she could barely hear half of the apology that was being given as she went a bit in her own bubble and she found a pair of headphones being placed before her which she used as a focal point to pull it together. Her hand curled tightly into a fist under the table as she tried to get a grip of the strangling fear crushing her at having control taken from even for a moment and forcefully keeping the shivers under wraps. Outwardly, Aaliyah’s body language seemed relaxed as though just waiting for the symptoms to pass and after a moment, she pulled her hand from her mouth and calmly reached for the headphones before placing them in her ears even though she desperately wanted to snatch them up and jam them in as soon as possible. She didn’t want to be preserved as rude if the whole incident was actually an accident and she would give Will the benefit of the doubt this time since she didn’t know about the headphones. Mistakes happen and she could roll with the punches even if she was terrified…it wasn’t like she hadn’t pushed through bad situations before. She looked to Will as he apologized and gave a dazzling smile, [color=#ABCFFF]”It’s alright, no harm, no fowl. It might be better to give a warning before attempting a test in the future.”[/color] [color=5081e1]"Well, uh- That's crazy. Huh? Yeah, okay...Hi."[/color], was the awkward start to the next introduction but she definitely appreciated Jane for trying to move past it and keep things normal. It was also neat to see the group had two tinkers or she was going to assume the confetti burial gal was also a tinker with the vibes she gave. It was definitely looking up for them a bit and while she definitely wasn’t hoping for major injury, at least they had a healer and someone to hook them up if healing wasn’t enough or was too much for Memento. It was always nice to have a back up plan in a chaotic moment after all since one or the other could be down for the count. She hadn’t caught the name of the seemingly overexcited younger guy suddenly speaking up but there were some…[i]well[/i], cringe worthy moments out of the conversation that Fukuda addressed…at least Andrew was trying. Aaliyah herself hadn’t been around many people and even less so people her age so she was probably just as awkward in her own way, being closed off from people so she couldn’t really judge. Her fake smile to mask pain from earlier lightened softly into something more genuine as she responded, [color=#ABCFFF]”Thank you for the compliment though the portal entrance wasn’t exactly the plan. I would rather not go more into it than that.”[/color] She definitely wasn’t going to own up to being petrified of small spaces and the thought of doing it twice had been more than worth the risk of punishment or problems since she hadn’t been able to use rational thought at that moment. His next questions were valid but the name Overclock for sure caught her attention, a split moment of excitement at the thought of the hero being here, someone who truly was there to help people and understood the true meaning of what hero stood for but then she put two and two together. ‘[i]Oh…now I know what they mean about never meeting one’s heroes. It’s too bad the personality doesn’t match such admirable actions. At least I can respect his work.[/i]’ she thought to herself but was not looking forward to if he was going to be leader automatically while already being poorly judged. He was a solo hero which was suddenly a bit more concerning than before as well in her opinion. Aaliyah hoped they gave everyone a chance to prove themselves because sometimes certain people just were naturally better at leading in a way that worked for everyone. If it happened to be Overclock than great but they should at least view the potential in others vote together. At least Fukuda seemed to be in support of just not picking someone out of the gate. It seems she wasn’t the only one that decided to cut it close or maybe they were over the mark at this point. It seemed like so much had happened, they couldn’t be on time or thirty minutes late and she wouldn’t know. The new guy seemed to be her age like a few others but it was clear from his attitude and words at the director that he was most likely one of the ones that hadn’t exactly signed up to be here. At least Caiden seemed to speak easily and was in his element, relaxed and quiet which could mean he was obversevant like she was. Their other teammate however was young, very young and had simply given a brace filled smile and a small wave which Aaliyah gave in return before the girl made her way to the couch. She hoped the girl did not feel awkward with all the eyes of the group on her and turned her own attention elsewhere, playing with some of the leftover confetti on the table. It seemed like the least she could do. Jane brought up a question on why they were picked and to be honest, Aaliyah kept to the interest of flicking confetti. It was obvious that some didn’t really choose so they were automatic and her guess was that everyone left were the only ones that had permission or were available currently. She could be wrong but that seemed the most likely if you used deductive reasoning. It seemed Andrew preferred Andy as he officially introduced himself along with a few facts though the bringing up of the leader thing again almost had her face palm or groan. The poor Director having to deal with repeating himself. Oh well, it was what it was. Aaliyah didn’t really pay full attention to the conversations, picking up bits and pieces until Memento spoke up to the girl she had dubbed Confetti until she could snag her official name about scratching her to demonstrate or at least the my healing before asking made it seem like that. She watched the process, the red decoloration being applied but then moved over which made her understand exactly what ‘healing’ meant and she instantly felt her skin crawl, her hands subconsciously rubbing her outer wrists. The copies did help to not make the situation as horrifying but it was the whole premise that made her think back to this girl's trigger and none of what she could think of were good. If she was a betting woman, she would say abuse at least in some form and that made her upset on many different levels. It made her want to protect this girl and ultimately, she was going to be more careful than anyone so that she never had to use her powers for her. Aaliyah would let Jane do her work before Memento had a chance. That was a sacrifice she couldn’t accept. What if she shared more than just the transfer of the damage but the pain as well? There were just too many details not being stated here. If she didn’t get the pain then, maybe….and definitely if it was only a copy. If pain was involved in any way, it was going to be a hard no. For all the crap she gave Overclock in her head, she was so glad she wasn’t the one that had to ask these hard questions because those were the same ones on the tip of her tongue. It would decide a lot of factors and it seemed he was weighing the same options. It did give him some bonus brownie points and maybe he wouldn’t actually grate on her nerves as much as she thought. It could have just been a misunderstanding so she would give him the benefit of the doubt even if he probably already had a negative opinion of her. Anyone who instantly looked to care and showed such concern for another was alright in her book. They say you really can’t do a chance at a second impression but Overcl….no, Sean had taken a pretty great shot at it. He had cared for Memento safety, had handled Andy well, and had officially introduced himself opening up a level of trust so in turn, she would respect that and give some back and let some of the earlier worries dampen a bit. The Director was trying to curb more questions which she could understand but she had to side with Sean on this one, some details were better shared. He wasn’t asking for a backstory but another layer of protection to make sure that she didn’t push herself too far as some people didn’t know their full limits. There was no getting in a word to reply though as Fukuda’s phone rang, a serious conversation taking place. One that ultimately involved them, the so-called plan probably being changed due to whatever was happening or going to within the next hour. When Fashionista’s name came up, that piqued her interest and caused a bit of nervous anxiety to crawl in. She would be moving in later, the offer being rejected at first but after being told about the headquarters arrangement being a basement and hearing that the offer wasn’t only to her, she had said that she would move in but only after the first day so she could prepare. Aaliyah hadn’t expected to see her this early but that was silly after all. Hearing it was bad though made her more anxious than excited for what was ahead but everyone has jitters on their first day right? If they supported each other and had the Guardians around then maybe everything would be fine. At least the Director wasn’t wrong in his statement, no matter what they were preparing for….it should be interesting.