"Of course." Isabelle replies. "I wouldn't be here if we weren't considering an investment, now would I?" It was, unfortunately, only a half-truth. Isabelle Lozano was here to be seen, not to fritter away family money on fashion lines and dresses. However, there was always the opportunity to find something far more important than a lead on what next month's boutiques will be stocking; inspiration and creative minds. The kind that can help find solutions to more practical problems. It did mean, though, that any such expenditure would have to come out of Akanis' accounts, or her own. "That said, it will depend on the designers as to whether anything further happens." [Roll to defy disaster, risking unfavourable attention on her real motives. 5 + 6 + 2 = [b]13[/b]] She turns to Emidio, taking in his appearance in a quick glance and offering the obvious journalist a smile. "I see you have the advantage on me, mister ...?" The pause afterwards is just as calculated as the smile, even if it doesn't come across as such. This dance is a well worn one, politeness and formal manners - all used as tools to get a specific outcome. In this case, to defuse the journalist's attention and obtain his name. The chatter that follows is similarly used to pry out his intentions and, more importantly, how he can be used. [Roll to figure out a person 4 + 4 + 0 = 8. Asking a question - how can I get you to write an article that will improve my standing with Adriana Teresio. Holding one.] As she talks, she finds her eyes drawn back to the runway. Her mind can't help but overlay the fabric with designs of her own - yes, the neural mesh in a dress is obviously bulky and a prototype - but if you changed the way the fibers ran just so, and distributed the load bearing smart materials in a different way ... Her hand unconsciously goes to the crystals woven through her hair as she thinks of possibilities.