[center][img]http://fontmeme.com/permalink/170323/b653451403fb202b4a33b6525d882dad.png[/img] [color=6ecff6]Interacting with: [@Emeth][/color][/center][hr]As the minutes passed by, Lea had a lot of thoughts raging in her head. Most of it was worry about Felix and his companions. If they ever met the Draught Sentinels, she wasn't sure if they would make it through. They were brutally effective in their actions and if they were sent to exterminate everyone who was involved in the breakout, they would do it with extreme prejudice. They had no conscience to hold them back, after all. Lea had never spoken with one— against their directive or something like that— but whenever she saw them, Lea wondered if under all that armor they were still human underneath. They were. THat's what made it terrifying. On the other hand, they could have taken the tram. The same tram that was in disuse for a while. It worked, barely, but Lea hadn't seen it run in so long. Some of the younger medical staff used to joke about riding it every now and then to try it out but were dissuaded from ever doing so of the fear of getting stuck in it. What if the tram had broken down? If they try to contact someone to help them get out, it wouldn't end well considering he's in a tram full of prisoners. Then again, Felix was one of their engineers and surely he wouldn't have entered if it was [i]that[/i] dysfunctional... right? Overthinking had never been a trait associated with herself. It was more of something her brother did. This is exactly why she had never wanted the head position of her company. You had to worry about everything. But it wasn't like she could reject the offer to become the head doctor of Alcatraz— not when it came from, technically, her boss. Something rumbled inside the vents— skittering around. Rats? It sounded so heavy. It was then that the vent behind her was kicked out and the sound made her spin around, one hand on her gun as she frantically tried to make sense of what was happening. Her eyes landed upon a very familiar form. [color=00aeef]"... Maji? What are you doing here?"[/color] Was the first thing that came out of her mouth. She was well aware that the Saphiste couldn't communicate with her. Dr. Dirk made sure of that. Lea didn't have authority over him aside from making sure that his patient didn't keel over and die because of a lack of stimulation. Lea visibly relaxed as she fully turned her chair to look at her, leaning forward and propping her elbows on top of her legs. [color=00aeef]"Dr. Dirk? He's not with you?"[/color] Evidently not. He doubted that man would crawl through the vents with as much skill as Maji did. Was she one of the prisoners that Felix let out? Unless the odd doctor opened the doors himself, Lea couldn't think of any other explanation. It was then that she really took in the Saphiste's appearance. Oh dear, it looked like she had gone through a lot to get there. She gestured for Maji to fully come out of the vent and sit down on one of the chairs as she stood up herself to fetch some equipment to clean her with. [color=00aeef]"Wait right there. I'll clean you up in a bit."[/color]