[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/4dMorzN.png[/img][/center] Silently and diligently cleaning his Lance's head, Niall was listening to the discussions going on around them. So that knight, Luna, was a Lightsword it seemed and these two men were her brothers. She certainly seemed to have a fiery character to her and obviously knew how to defend herself well, as expect of the Queen's knights. Niall was gad to have her around. The same would be said of the magic user - Fio. Her attacks were relentless and deadly, as well as often proved to be the focus of the three knight's strategy in the previous fight. As for Luna's out-loud questions, Niall remained silent. He could have theorized and asked questions of his own, but the fact of the matter was he knew nothing about that enemy so had nothing to share, for now. Being a newcomer in the group, he was content to wait and listen for now. When the Queen joined them, Niall stood up, Lance at his side. He followed them to the fort. Once in the room, Niall propped his lance against the table close by his. He did a small and polite bow to the knights when he was introduced. [color=a187be]"Pleased to serve alongside such skilled fighters, Queen Sorcha ."[/color] he simply answered. He listened to the rest of the discussion and plans before adding. [color=a187be]"If I may, my skills are best suited for the cover of darkness. It would be no issue for me to scout at night time. That being said, I will accept whatever decision the majority agrees with."[/color] he said, politely. Niall himself was already well rested, but food was always a welcomed sight.