The heavy sound of metal crashing against metal and the roar of thrusting echoed through the Junkyard. A group of five mechs, all the same model leap from pillar of steel to pillar of steel, using their thrusters to bounce off the giant structures of rusting metal. The group of mercenaries had just finished up with a search and destroy mission put out on a group of local bandits whom thought it a good idea to run the salvage operations of a local business. Having sustained minimal damage to their mechs, the unit was rather happy and proceeded back towards Haven to cash their checks. The pilot of one particular mech let out a sigh from her cockpit, having spent the better part of the last half hour listening to her team mates discuss the correct instrument to clean their ears with. Disgusting pigs. She was only stirred from her bored parkour by the arrival of two blips on her radar. Rogue mechs, huh? Lissa had nothing to do once she arrived back in Haven. The bandits barely put up a fight for her and her comrades and frankly, her trigger finger was itching. Having just tuned up the Schwarzeisen there was a burning desire to see how far she could push her mech. [b]"This is Iron-3, I've got something on radar. Gonna go check it out. Proceed to Haven without me."[/b] She announced via the commslink. The bastards didn't even notice her. Without bothering to attempt to cut in on their stimulating conversation, her stylish black mech peeled off from the other four and began to bounce its way towards the two blips, thrusting propelling her quickly and efficiently towards the two, whom she quickly realized were three. A stand off, perhaps? Deciding it was best to not intervene, she maneuver her robot up a particularly large chunk of metal she could only assume came from some kind of battleship. Once her thrusters had brought her to the peak she cut them off and landed with grace on top the decaying platform, bringing up a visual on the three mechs. Rifle clenched in the huge hands of her baby, she waited to see what would transpire, vaguely able to detect the biggest mech's speakers blaring from her distant position.