[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/5r7OTIh.png[/img] [b][color=Aquamarine]wordcount:[/color][/b] 953 (+2) ( +30) [b][color=Aquamarine]Midna: level 8[/color][/b] EXP: [color=Aquamarine]/////////////////////////////////[/color]/////////////////////////////////////////////////(33/80) [b][color=Aquamarine]Location:[/color][/b] Sandswept Sky - Train [color=Aquamarine]Warp Charges:[/color] 3 [hider=level up!] Twilight warp: Midna can set down gateways (at her own location) that allow her to fast travel between them by skimming along the boundary of the twilight realm. This hop does not go deep enough to expose the traveler to the mutating energies of the twilight realm, and so it can be used to safely transport light-worlders as well as the princess herself. The creation of each gate requires a charge. She begins with 3, and gains one more each time she gains combat exp. [/hider] [/center] [color=Aquamarine]”No no no get lost”[/color] Minda shouted at the chasing Trilids. Sure, these ones chasing her meant they where out of the way of the bomb and the rest of the crew, but that was cold comfort when they where nipping at her heels. Her Vibrava dodged to the side, dragging her with it and out of the way of a charging insect trying to smash its blade-like head into the both of them. She slashed at it clumsily, her wounds from her making it hard to fight as well as before ,meaning she succeeded only in batting it away. Fortunately that was enough, as fire suddenly lanced down from on high, scything through her pursuers one and all. [color=Aquamarine]”Thank the goddesses”[/color] she whispered to herself as she slowed, and used her long-sword held in her shadowhand to hack at the stragglers to bits, before correcting herself by shouting up [color=Aquamarine]”Thanks Prim!”[/color] at her savior and saluting her with a blade holding hand. Then a few moments later there was an explosion below as the mega jar hit, followed by a cavalcade of final blows raining down on what was left of Red Eye. Minda held her breath as she watched the strikes hammer down, and then let out a whoop of [color=Aquamarine]”yeah! Get squashed maggot!”[/color] as the titan finally breathed its last breath and started to turn to ash. Then she was left to fight her way down through the air currents, returning just in time to see Joker bind Red Eye’s spirit to his will. At another time she would have been weary of that, she still didn't quite trust the thieves even after all this time but at the moment she could care less. [color=Aquamarine]”Well I’m glad that’s over… so uh. Now what?”[/color] she asked, before glancing around and becoming aware of their current predicament [color=Aquamarine]”Ah ”[/color] she held the sentence as she prevented herself from swearing and finally finished with [color=Aquamarine]”Joy. Another death march. Well at least it’s warm instead of cold this time”[/color] They were also a bit better equipped to deal with it. Poppie had her ice core which she could blast people with in a rather brute force cooling method. Midna meanwhile had something much more mundane to help them make it. [color=Aquamarine]”Water and salty food. Come and get it!”[/color] she announced as she mounted up and prepared to get moving, opening up portals and (after storing her blades) dropping bottles of water and varieties of travel food into her hands and then handing them out to whoever wanted them. Which was likely everyone. Aid granted, she then helped herself to plenty of water and a cereal bar or two while she stuck close to Sectonia to benefit from her passive healing and holding her shadow hand up over her head to act as a parasol. The team got moving together, though not all of them set off at the same time. The metal jawed warrior stayed behind for a bit, only to come sprinting after them to rejoin them a short while later, letting them know he had stayed back to find something he had dropped. [color=Aquamarine]”I’m surprised you found whatever it was you were looking for”[/color] Minda said, remembering how they could not find their friends that had been blown away the last time they crossed, before pulling out another water bottle and tossing it to the cyborg warrior with a [color=Aquamarine]”Drink up, if you can manage that with only one lip”[/color] She looked away after that, intending to just get back to riding across the sands, before going [color=Aquamarine]”Oh! Right”[/color] and turning back and saying [color=Aquamarine]”You should be free now?”[/color] a glance at his eyes told her that he was [color=Aquamarine]”Mmm. Good. Then I’ll fill you in on the truth of this world. This is not your home realm, it is Galeem’s world and that”[/color] she pointed west and skywards at the winged ball of floating ball of light [color=Aquamarine]”Is Galeem”[/color] [color=Aquamarine]”Galeem tore reality asunder, ripped every world to shreds and then stitched them back together into this mish mash quilt of a world. Then it filled its hack job of a world with the peoples of the torn up worlds, and muddied their minds so they couldn’t remember how the world used to be,”[/color] she said, before pausing her exposition to take a sip of water for her desert dry throat, [color=Aquamarine]”something you should be free from now, going by the fact that your eyes aren't red anymore. People under its influence have red eyes and can't back down from a fight, you see, on top of the whole, not being able to realize Galeem messed up the world deal”[/color] [color=Aquamarine]”We don't know how, or why it did that, but we do know it’s protected by 13 guardians, and we need to take them all down before we can take a shot at the gaudy thing. Other free people… Tora and some others… already got 2. This one here that makes three and there's another team working on a 4th, if they haven't got it already. So, a few down, a fair way to go”[/color] she explained, laying out the task at hand, before saying [color=Aquamarine]”We could use all the help we could get, so if you want to go home, or get revenge, or just are the kinda guy who sees a cause and signs up because it's the right thing to do, and considering what you just did I assume its the latter, we’d be thankful for more of your help…”[/color] She paused, and then realized something [color=Aquamarine]”Huh. Don’t think I ever got your name. Mine’s Midna, what’s yours?”[/color] she asked as they tramped forwards together under the beating sun.