[quote=@Sep] So some of us have done this dance a few times. What's a character you've never seen portrayed or an idea you've never seen that you'd like too? [/quote] Not the question you asked, but I'm curious to see how [@webboysurf] (or [@Byrd Man] in the past) handles Adrian Chase. It's not a character I'd do myself but is unquestionably interesting. My father was/is a police prosecutor and I've always liked legal fiction myself, but I generally would write/find the other side more engrossing. Similarly I'd find a Harvey Dent interesting. But yeah, I'm the boring type who thinks every Daredevil run should have him juggling at least one case alongside of his work in the tights. And THAT is what I'd like to see. People who take these kinds of roles who embrace both sides of the character.