[CENTER][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/220124/d9f1d8faa06cfe05abf125a557f8a9b3.png[/img][/CENTER] [color=gray][sub][right][color=white][b]Location:[/b][/color] Uhladein, Eastern Marches [/right][/sub][/color] [hr] The cold rain fell. Cold enough to chill the blood in the veins. Cold enough to sluice away hope. Cold enough to clot the soul. The small figure atop the keep stared out at the screaming, roiling mass as they seethed through the southern front. The rain hammered down hard enough to nearly knock her breath away. It was loud for sure. But not enough to blot out the terrible sounds of the Void, nor The piercing scream that had emerged from within them, cold as the falling rain. Zecimia had gone to ash defending the breach. Uhladein was next. The Hunters within the walls were the only ones left that could stanch the endless tide. She flicked her eyes to just behind her, to the fading, wavering of the Hearthfire, and then down, to the group of pyromancers that clustered around the crystal. The tide wasn't endless. But it wouldn't stop until the rain did. And she had her doubts about which would come first; the rain's end, or theirs. She took a deep breath. The world around her was frigid. The darkness was lit up only with the flashes of lightning, marking time through this nightmare dreamscape, and the fitful flickering Hearthfire behind her. But despite the cold, the air that she breathed hissed down her throat with painful heat. And though the swarm beneath her was loud enough to drown out the pouring rain, it fell away before the roaring furnace of Undying Light beside her face. With ease born of long practice, she quickstepped around the perimeter towards the entrance of the tower. Stretching out before her was the end of the world. The roaring was nearing fever pitch. She could [i]feel[/i] the fire that it surrounded swell as it gorged itself on her inner flame, and she bared her teeth in a soundless snarl. Almost ready. Almost time. After this, time would be precious, and every wasted moment meant she crept closer to a final death. So this shot had to be as powerful as she could make it. Her jaw creaked as she clenched her teeth, the pain in her soul intensifying. She [i]pushed[/i] ever harder into the fire. She gasped out an involuntary breath as the pain redoubled. And somewhere within her, she felt something deep and fundamental [i]break[/i]. Ah. There we go. The metal was searing hot as she pressed it to her cheek. She steadied herself. She aimed, taking sight on the grim ocean beneath. And, heedless of any audience, she gave vent to a harsh, grim death rattle of a laugh. [i]Click.[/i] The entire battlefield was, for a brief moment, bathed in a light like the sun as as a cascading torrent of flames bloomed from her cannon like a flower, and the crash was louder than any thunder. Where it struck, Voidflesh sizzed and burned before the rain doused it. sending forth a cloud of foul-smelling steam above the scorched earth. The laugh only grew louder. And though the ebb in the tide was filled again in the space of a moment, her blood still burned with satisfaction. In the absence of the cannon's roar, the sounds of the Void and the frigid rain filled her ears once more. She paused, her laughter stopping as she heaved in a breath through clenched teeth. With a sound like lightning striking stone, an incandescent [i]crack[/i] of golden light seared across her chest for a moment before fading away. Her breathing grew jagged, and the furnace began to stoke once more. She gave Undying Light an affectionate stroke as the hot metal began to vibrate with the as-yet-inaudible force of the nascent soul-fire within. Then beneath her, she saw a massive Void beast slithering its way through the dread all around them. Her eyes widened, and a vicious knife of a grin spread across her face as thoughts of duty and protection fled her mind. She backed up, retreating until she felt the paltry warmth of the fading embers at her back. The flame continued to build. She could hear the roar now, could feel it swelling. She slammed as much magic as she could into it, one more time. Then she ran for the edge and catapulted herself into space. The fire roared. The cannon burned. The rain fell. And beneath her, the world once more blazed white with staccato cracks of lighting, highlighting the horrifying faces of Voidlings and the grim determination of hunters alike. She hurtled towards the colossal [i]thing[/i], howling as she went with rage, pain, and glee. The fire roared. The rain fell. The Void screamed back at her. And, as she plummeted—cannon pointed straight beneath her—Quinnlash laughed. "[color=FFE63D]And [i]choke[/i] on it![/color]" she screamed, the laughter mangling her words, "[color=FFE63D]Choke on it, you bastards![/color]" Her fall ended. The flower bloomed.