[hr][hr][center][img]https://s22.postimg.cc/6g8onsz41/6a8a04c0ca1b1adbb23631ae5dfd661b.png[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/GjazZAE.png[/img][hr][@BlueSky44][@Kirah][@Nallore][@Natsu][hr][hr][h3][color=84B4E2][b]EARTH 257 - 8:10 AM Nov. 14th, 2021 - the Blue[/b][/color][/h3][/center][hr][color=84B4E2][b][i]Angel's Aerie[/i][/b][/color] [hider=For your reference][list][*]Cass - Cass will not like the idea of going to Genosha. She will begin to privately contemplate how best to destroy the nation. [*]Maria - A twisted emotion will dawn upon Maria. She will recall that her dear little sister, Kristina, is on Genosha. Alive and well. Happy, even. Safe. She never died. [*]Niah - Niah will suddenly feel an extreme urge to be near Oliver, but unlike their natural connection, this one... this one tastes much more co-dependent - like Harley Quinn's desire for the Joker. Weird, right? [*]Sparky - N/A [*]Bonnie - An immense sense of danger and urgency will overtake her, almost beyond the point of rationality. She will not go to Genosha. She will not go seek refuge with those who killed her parents. The only reason she would go to Genosha would be for revenge, to assassinate its leaders. [*]Matt - Matt will suddenly feel an overwhelming obsession to solve a series of murders occurring all over Europe. He suspects Oliver as the killer, but has never been able to obtain any evidence. [*]Oliver - Oliver will have a wonderful idea pop into his mind, one that he won't be able to quite shake no matter how much he tries. What if he killed Raynor? [i](Yes, I did roll for who he would target lol)[/i]. [*]Amelia - Amelia will feel her connection to the rest of the group severed, as if she never knew them, as if they weren't her friends. She will recall another group of friends, a group of vigilantes who defend the Blue. [*]Raynor - N/A [*]Flynn - Flynn will have a horrible realization dawn upon him. He got a [i]flatscan[/i] pregnant. Whenever he looks at Bonnie, or honestly any of the other humans in the group, he will feel a deep sense of revulsion and rage. [/list][/hider] "I don't want to hurt you, dear, but I can't allow you to do whatever it is you're all up to here. It's right shady stuff," Mr. Knight said. He had a rather posh British accent - but it strangely sounded like the British actors in old soaps, rather than someone you would actually meet going down the street in London today. "And oi, mate, wait your turn will ya?" he asked Matt, turning his head to look at him for a moment. Unlike the others present, who continued to attack and attack, Mr. Knight was holding back, waiting for Cass to either surrender or catch her breath before doing more. It was chivalrous of him - but also perhaps stupid, giving Cass an opening to try to attack. "Hey, I'm not a damsel in distress!" Darcy complained, as Maria told her to go somewhere safe to hide. Her eyes then widened as Maria let a volley of explosive arrows fly, one of them colliding into the chunky demigod. Hercules was hit but still standing, like some sort of mythical colossus. "Uh... On the second thought, I'm going to go hide now!" Darcy said, before running off towards the back of the Aerie. Captain America's eyes widened, looking almost morose as Oliver (accidentally) exploded his shield. Any pensive sorrow vanished though, as Oliver slashed him across the chest. He was a super soldier, but a few good hits like that could still take him down - he wasn't bulletproof or anything like that. "Son, you're going to regret that you did that," Captain America warned. Captain America shifted into a boxing stance and ran at Oliver, and threw a punch - despite Oliver's speed, Oliver wouldn't be able to dodge it (maybe he was distracted?), getting decked across the jaw. The punch must have stunned Oliver's senses, as Cap then threw an uppercut, hitting Oliver in the stomach. And then finally, Cap swung a mean cross punch, hitting Oliver in the face and actually knocking out one of Oliver's teeth. Niah's leg seemed to understand that she was a rather vulnerable squishy nerd at the moment, and the Kree technology adapted to protect her. Niah would find herself wearing [url=https://www.syfy.com/sites/syfy/files/2019/03/captain_marvel_vers_battle_stance.jpg]Kree battle armor[/url], which looked suspiciously like Carol Danvers' hero suit, just in a different color scheme. Hercules had already been bombed by Maria and then set on fire by Flynn, so he wasn't having a fantastic day. It would have been worse for others though, as Hercules had supped from Hera's magical breasts as a baby, granting him godlike strength and invulnerability. The flames wouldn't kill him like they would kill someone else. But that didn't stop the pain. Hercules choked back a scream, transforming it into merely a super loud grunt, before dropping to the ground. Even for a demigod, the best way to put out a fire was to [i]stop, drop, and roll[/i]. He managed to put the flames on himself out ([i]GM note - this took up his entire action for his turn, so Herc wasn't able to attack[/i]). "You attacked us first," Luminous said, appearing right next to Sparky in a flash. Luminous put her hands around Sparky's head and her eyes glowed silver - a moment later, Sparky's eyes glowed silver as well. [b][i]"Attack your friends,"[/i] [/b]Luminous whispered in Sparky's mind. Sparky would feel compelled to follow this command ([i]GM note - each round, you can roll to break free from control. DC is a 16[/i]). [color=d86615]"Get away from her, witch!"[/color] Raynor shouted, throwing his dagger at Luminous. Luminous' image became a blur and the next moment, she was standing behind Raynor. She grabbed his head by the hair, her eyes glowing silver again. [color=d86615]"It'll take more than just your magic to get inside of my--"[/color] Raynor said, before his eyes turned silver and he fell still. Inside his mind, Raynor was trapped inside of his worst memory. He stood on the burning hills of Asgard, looking up towards the sky as what looked like falling stars were on a collision course with the planet. The fields were littered with the dead, with no Valkyries to attend to them. Tears welled up in Raynor's eyes as he fell down to his knees. And he screamed in pain - he screamed for his father and his mother. He screamed for his home, for his planet, for his people. In the real world, meanwhile, Gambit and Rogue were locked in a 2-on-1 match with the Scarlet Scarab. Rogue and the Scarab were flying around, as the Scarab managed to evade Rogue's touch and dodge Gambit's cards, all while using some fierce blades of her own. They seemed evenly matched. Aero and Amelia were in a fight of the doppelgangers. Amelia had no idea what was going on, but Aero had attacked her first, attempting to create an air vacuum around Amelia's head to suffocate her. And Amelia wasn't going to let someone with her face take her out without a fight. The two of them were giving Avatar the Last Airbender a run for its money, fighting with creative airbending techniques, using the air to slice and cut and blow away. Of all the fights, at least theirs didn't do as much structural damage. [color=FFB795]"I'm the real Amelia! You're not me!"[/color] Amelia insisted, charging towards Aero on an air scooter. Aero kicked herself up into the air, gliding effortlessly right above Amelia, and then kicking her double in the back. "Liar!" Aero shouted. "I don't know what the bloody hell you think you'll accomplish here, but you aren't fooling no one, mate!" [color=FFB795]"I could say the same to you!"[/color] Lastly, Bonnie had used her magical transformation necklace and transformed into Greek battle armor. In her hand, she held a shield embossed with the face of the gorgon Medusa. In the back of her mind, she could hear a woman's voice. It was distant, out of focus, and Bonnie didn't know if she wanted to strain to listen to it - if that was just another effect of whatever had happened to them here. But she had heard what Hercules had called her - [i]Pallas' avatar[/i]. [i]"Pallas is one of my names, yes,"[/i] the voice whispered. [i]"I took it to honor a friend."[/i] [color=f6989d]"... Athena?"[/color] Bonnie murmured. But now wasn't the time for a lengthy conversation. She set her mind to the task of beating Luminous. She seemed to be doing classic Scarlet Witch style attacks - a difference from their world, where she preferred to lean on her speedster skill set. So, Bonnie asked herself - how would one go about beating the Scarlet Witch? [color=f6989d]"Flynn, how did you deal with witches?"[/color] Bonnie whisper-hissed, rushing over to her husband. [color=f6989d]Are there wards we can use? Or runes?"[/color]