[CENTER][h1][color=brown]Brutrumukk[/color], [color=6ecff6]Gabriel[/color], & [color=CCCC22]Jub the Peculiar[/color][/h1] [h2]Ft. The Dungeon Master[/h2][/CENTER] The trio make their way from the Pixie Kingdom to the Hall of Illusions. There, they see Candlefoot at the entrance once again. The mime, upon seeing Brutrumukk and Jub, gives a joyous smile and a wave in greeting. [color=brown]"Oi oi!"[/color] Brutrumukk call out in greeting as he and his companions approached Candlefoot. [color=brown]"You been alright since we last saw you? No one else 'as made off with yer voice, yeah?"[/color] Candlefoot greets Brutrumukk, "[color=6ecff6]Hi! Yes, I've been doing great. And as you can hear, I still have my voice![/color]" He then asks the group, "[color=6ecff6]How can I help you?[/color]" [color=brown]"We're tryin' to get one of us crowned King o' the Carnival."[/color] Brutrumukk said. [color=brown]"An' to do that, we need to put smiles on faces. You seem like yer the sort who's good at doin' that, so we was wonderin' if you knew a good way to make folks 'appy."[/color] Candlefoot smiles at the compliment and he answers Brutrumukk with a shrug, "[color=6ecff6]I mean...from the looks of things, everyone seems to be happy already. I know Palasha is for sure,[/color]" He then suggests, "[color=6ecff6]Why not just enjoy yourselves? Maybe there are some attractions you haven't enjoyed yet?[/color]" Jub's ears drooped slightly upon hearing that Candlefoot couldn't think of anything for them to do, though he quickly realised this was probably not the appropriate response to finding out people were happy and quickly feigned a smile... not entirely convincingly. [color=CCCC22]"I mean, he has a point,"[/color] Jub said to Brutrumukk. [color=CCCC22]"If anyone [i]does[/i] need help, we're likely to stumble across them just going about our business. That's how it worked last time..."[/color] He glanced at his companions. [color=CCCC22]"What attractions haven't we been to yet? We could start there."[/color] [color=brown]"Hmm..."[/color] Brutrumukk hummed in response to the words of Candlefoot and Jub. [color=brown]"Well folks do seem pretty 'appy 'round 'ere. An' after stoppin' that kenku git an' gettin Candlefoot's voice back so 'e could ask Palasha to marry 'im, I think we've got good chances of winnin' as it stands... Yeah sure, let's go enjoy ourselves. If we 'appen upon some way to make others 'appy while we're at it, all the better"[/color] [color=CCCC22]"What attractions haven't we been to yet? We could start there."[/color] Jub then suggested. [color=brown]"Y'know, now that I think about it, I'd rather 'ead somewhere we've already been than 'ead someplace new."[/color] Brutrumukk replied. [color=brown]"The stuff we ate an' drank at the Pixie Kingdom weren't as fillin' as I thought it'd be. Especially now that I ain't the size of a pixie. I dunno 'bout the rest o' you, but I 'ear the Feastin' Orchard callin'. While we're there we can tell that bard we met all 'bout our adventures at the carnival. Nothin' brings joy quite like a good story, yeah?"[/color] [color=CCCC22]"Sounds good to me,"[/color] Jub said. [color=CCCC22]"Though I doubt I can each that much after our last meal, I will certainly cheer you on."[/color] [color=brown]"Alrighty then! To the Feastin Orchard!"[/color] Brutrumukk exclaimed before turning to Candlefoot one last time. [color=brown]"See ya next time, Candlefoot. Come find us if ya see that kenku git, yeah?"[/color] With that said, Brutrumukk led the way to the Feasting Orchard. Candlefoot nods to Brutrumukk and he waves them off happily, remaining at his position at the Hall of Illusions. Upon arriving at the Feasing Orchard, nothing much else has changed, other than the presence of a few small stands that offer some carnival games to those who are in the Feasting Orchard. The Eating Contest for this hour is going to start soon. Ellywick Tumblestrum is still at her seat in the Feasting Orchard, smiling at the trio as they appear. [color=brown]"Oi oi!"[/color] Brutrumukk called out in greeting to Ellywick. [color=brown]"Don't go nowhere! I got fer ya that ye'll be wantin' to 'ear, but first I gotta win this eatin' contest! Wish me luck!"[/color] With that said, Brutrumukk took a seat at the contest table, waited for the contest to start, and began eating. Brutrumukk was in fine form at first. He did a lot better than his last attempt. But as he devoured his fourteenth cupcake, Brutrumukk swallowed a large piece of it without chewing it well enough, causing him to begin choking. Brutrumukk fell from his seat clutching at his throat as he struggled to clear his blocked airway. By the time he'd managed to cough up the piece of cupcake that had been choking him, the contest was over. Jub had been cheering pretty loudly throughout the contest until Brutrumukk suddenly started choking. [color=CCCC22]"Uh oh!"[/color] He quickly started patting the bugbear on the back as hard as his little goblin fists could manage. [color=CCCC22]"You alright?"[/color] he said once Brutrumukk had coughed up the cupcake. [color=CCCC22]"Still breathing? How many fingers am I holding up?"[/color] He waved his hand in front of his friend's face. [color=brown]"I'm alright."[/color] Brutrumukk said after gasping down a few breaths of fresh air. [color=brown]"I'm breathin' now at least. An' yer 'oldin' up two fingers... three if we're countin' yer thumb as well."[/color] After a moment, Brutrumukk pulled himself back up onto his feet and looked around. [color=brown]"So... did ya see who won?"[/color] Suffice to say, Brutrumukk didn't win the cupcake eating contest this time around either. A large, rotund dwarf was still standing, with his beard caked in custard (not so different than Brutrumukk, whose fur is also covered in custard). The trio can hear Ellywick Tumblestrum speak to them jovially, "[color=00746b]That was a great effort! Maybe next time, yeah?[/color]" She then asks Brutrumukk and Jub casually, "[color=00746b]So, how're you guys doing?[/color]" [color=brown]"Next time. Yeah. Definitely."[/color] Brutrumukk said with a confident nod. [color=brown]"Other than that loss at the eatin' contest, Jub an' I 'ave been doin' pretty well I must say."[/color] Brutrumukk said happily. [color=brown]"Remember 'ow you said we'd go on to do some 'eroic things? Well you turned out to be right. So Jub an I figured we'd come tell you about it like I said we would when we last saw each other. So if ya got time, fancy 'earin' about 'ow Jub an' I saved Candlefoot an' Palasha from a shapeshiftin' kenku voice thief?"[/color] Ellywick nods at Brutrumukk's question about what she said, and she chuckled at his words. She answered Brutrumukk smiling, "[color=00746b]Oh, I heard all about that already! Nice job in helping Candlefoot and Palasha![/color]" She then looks to Jub and she congratulates him specifically, "[color=00746b]Especially to you, for the expert arcana work in giving Candlefoot his voice back![/color]" She then winks at Brutrumukk and Jub, "[color=00746b]But that's only the beginning, friends,[/color]" Jub actually blushed when Elly complimented him, pulling slightly at his hood in a bashful manner.[color=CCCC22] "Oh, err, it was nothing really,"[/color] he said, but the toothy smile show he really did appreciate the praise. [color=CCCC22]"Wouldn't have even known Candlefoot needed my help without Brut here."[/color] He motioned to the bugbear. However, when Elly spoke again, Jub's grin subsided slightly, instead raising his eyebrow in curiosity. [color=CCCC22]"What do you mean by that?"[/color] Her smile remains as she answers Jub, with a finger raised her mouth in an almost shushing motion, "[color=00746b]I mean that your adventures will continue beyond the Witchlight Carnival. You, Jub, will have a chance to retrieve what you lost here,[/color]" She then strums a few strings for a simple melody, and she continues, this time speaking to both Brutrumukk and Jub, "[color=00746b]Ah...But a little bit of advice: Don't forget the things you've learned here in the Witchlight Carnival. Violence is not always the answer, and a little kindness can go a long way,[/color]" After a little more strumming, she advises them next, "[color=00746b]Whether the plan works or fails...Stick around the Carnival after the Crowning ceremony. Don't worry, I'll help you guys out if you find yourselves in a pinch,[/color]" She then hops off of the stump, and she speaks in realization, "[color=00746b]Ah, The Seventh Hour is almost upon us. I better go look around the Carnival while I still can, only one hour left to enjoy the festivities before they start the conclusion to the night,[/color]" For the most part, Brutrumukk listened thoughtfully to Ellywick's words. The phrase 'violence is not always the answer' confused him somewhat, but Brutrumukk understood the rest of it. When Ellywick then mentioned that the seventh hour had come and suggested the duo go enjoy it, Brutrumukk thought for a moment before speaking. [color=brown]"Got any other places you'd wrecker-mend we visit."[/color] Brutrumukk asked Ellywick, remembering that the livelier events of the night so far had come from following the bard's suggestions. Ellywick shrugs as she answers Brutrumukk, "[color=00746b]Unfortunately, not this time, Brutrumukk. Really, the next exciting thing I sense happening next is the Crowning of the Witchlight Monarch, so be sure not to miss that at the eighth hour,[/color]" She then waves to the trio as she hurries off, "[color=00746b]See you later![/color]" [color=brown]"Eh, it was worth a shot. See ya 'round!"[/color] Brutrumukk said as Ellywick hurried off. Once she was gone, Brutrumukk hoisted Jub into his shoulder and questioned his shoulder goblin in their native tongue. [color=brown]"So where d'ya wanna go next?"[/color] Brutrumukk asked. [color=brown]"Personally, I'm leanin' towards either seein' if there's anythin' goin' on at the Big Top or seein' if there's any truth to those rumblin's o' trouble at the 'All of Illusions. 'Ow 'bout you?""[/color] Jub opened his mouth to question how Elly knew about his condition, but she had already run off before he could speak. The goblin watched her leave before giving a little sigh. [color=CCCC22]"Can I just say I really don't like this feeling that everyone at this carnival knows about me?"[/color] he said. It wasn't directed particularly towards Brutrumukk or anyone for that matter, more like Jub just wanted to complain to anyone who would listen. [color=CCCC22]"And not in a 'Oh Jub, we've heard about your many feats, you're so amazing' kind of way that a showman wants to be known, more in a 'Hey Jub remember that time your life became irrepairably screwed up eight years ago' kind of way."[/color] He crossed his arms and gave annoyed huff. [color=CCCC22]"Sorry,"[/color] he said after a moment. He gave a little shake of his head. [color=CCCC22]"How about we head to the Big Top? We're gonna be headin' there anyway and I guess we can scope out the area. If we're gonna do this whole snagging Mr Witch's watch thing, we probably should get the lay of the land."[/color] He paused before adding, [color=CCCC22]"Who knows, maybe that kenku will be there. I'm surprised we haven't heard about her causing any more trouble around the carnival. I find it hard to believe she'd go through all that trouble to steal Candlefoot's voice and then just... give up."[/color] [color=brown]"Maybe we frightened the kenku git off after nabbin' it at Palasha's show an' stealin' back Candlefoot's voice."[/color] Brutrumukk theorized when Jub mentioned Kettlesteam. [color=brown]"I 'ope that ain't the case. Me time 'ere just won't feel complete without clubbin' that bloody bird to death and mountin' its 'ead on a spike... Either way, the Big Top, yeah? Let's go see if there's anythin' worth seein' there before they crown the King o' the Carnival."[/color] With that said, Brutrumukk made sure his shoulder goblin was seated properly before heading off in the direction of the Big Top.