[hr][center][img]https://txt.1001fonts.net/img/txt/b3RmLjcyLmJmNzUyMy5WbTk1ZENCVWFHVWdSM1Z1YzJ4cGJtZGxjZy4x/durango-western-eroded.regular.png[/img][img]https://i.imgur.com/EZH4dEy.png[/img][/center][right][code]Gold City Financial District - Park Row[/code][/right][hr] The Gunslinger felt the metal as his hand pressed against the door to the Sunlight Shipping building. He had planned on several infiltration routes, but with an unassuming look and a quiet day, he could theoretically just walk right up to the man he needed to see. Provided he kept his head down while looking like he belonged. With a sharp inhale, he pushed forward, the door having barely creaked open before his plan was shot to hell. "OH MY GOD!" A woman from inside screamed. Panic ensued on the ground floor of the Sunlight Shipping building as an explosion on a nearby roof rocked the surrounding area. Voyt whipped his head around to see smoke rising a few miles from where he stood. Already, he could hear the sirens as police mobilised to ensure whatever violence was emerging, stayed put where it was without travelling to the more valuable commercial area. That kind of fire power. It could have only been the tincans. [i][colour=Peru]'Damn amateurs.'[/colour][/i] Voyt thought to himself, eyes narrowing in quiet rage. So much for a quick and easy approach. He let the door shut as panic continued to spread amongst the building. Moving around to the side of the building, pushing past terrified civilians as he did so. The fire escape behind the building wasn't ideal, but if he was going to move unseen, it was the best chance. Day by day he regretted his partnership with MIRAGE a little bit more. [hr][center][img]https://i.imgur.com/4kQDpyB.png[/img][/center][right][code]Gold City - Breicen Apartment[/code][/right][hr] Lucas tried his best to ignore Beelzebub's joyous reunion with his casaba melon. Much as the two had formed a very weird bond throughout the boy's stay in Gold City, he was possessive of the fruit in such a way that unnerved Lucas. Don't ask questions you don't want to know the answers to, sort of a situation. Otherwise he smiled, Jill had taken the state of the apartment in much better fashion than he'd figured. Then again she was probably happy to be somewhere familiar instead of cooped up in a hospital bed. Even better, it was pancake time baby! [quote=Jill][colour=LightSeaGreen]”Yeah, that sounds great, Lucas. I’ll just get the car started up and we can-” [/colour][/quote] The Tiger Of Gold City felt his mouth salivate as overly bougie pancakes came within his grasp. He wasn't a fan of the odd "rich person's" party or gathering the Breicen's had occasionally invited him to. Sticking out like a sore thumb even compared to Jasmine. But when it came to food? Yeah, he could stomach some snobby clientele and overly expensive décor. But then, all hope was lost. Lucas felt his body shake along with the building as the explosion thundered nearby. A quick look was all it took for him to know what would happen next. [quote=Jill & Jasmine][color=LightSeaGreen]”Ah, darn, guess that’s my cue. Look, here’s a hundred dollars, y’all can go grab pancakes or save it for later and join in on whatever this is, I’m not the boss of ya. Just gotta ask that you make sure Jazzy doesn’t get hurt.”[/color] [color=DarkViolet]”Wait, WHAT?!”[/color][/quote] And with that, both Breicens were out the door. Lucas felt himself let out a low grumble as his stomach groaned in annoyance. Glancing to the smoke rising from the building and pocketing the cash with a huff. He liked a potential fight more than anybody but he hadn't had breakfast! Beelzebub was seemingly in agreement as the two rushed to catch up with the sisters. Lucas found himself nearing them quicker than anticipated, having both the gift of not being fresh out the hospital or as resistant to cardio as Jasmine. Speaking of which. Lucas hopped as he ran, plucking the Demon of Gluttony out of the air for a technique they'd spent most of Jill's recuperation time practicing. [colour=Yellow]"Curveball!"[/colour] He yelled, alerting Jasmine ahead and Beelz himself of their next move. Still running with respectable speed, Lucas twirled his arm and tossed Beelzebub with his "Tiger level" strength. The bat sent flying forward for Jasmine to grab onto and fly faster than she could run. It was a pretty damn useful move once they got it down. The first few times were tough however. One such attempt having Lucas throw Beelz so hard that when Jasmine grabbed onto him as he passed they were both sent flying several feet before the bat could reorient himself in the air. You live and you learn. Speaking of which, that applied to another technique Lucas was about to employ. As the crew sprinted down the corridor towards the stairwell, there lay a window at the end. One that offered a wonderful view of the distance of the building from the ground. [i][colour=yellow]'Phew. Bigmoneybigmoneybigmoney.'[/colour][/i] Repeating that mantra in his head, Lucas sped up and closed his eyes. Crashing through the window like a bullet from a gun. [i]SMASH![/i] Eyes still closed. Wind whipping against his cheeks and hair. Lucas couldn't help but feel a smile spread across his lips as he flew through the air. Months of fuck all to do save coming up with insane ideas to try had led to this. God, he hoped he'd judged the distance well enough. Twisting his body, Lucas moved shoulder first in mid-air, landing in a roll as his body collided with the roof of the adjacent building. Small [i]clinks[/i] landing around his body as the glass from the window seemingly travelled with him for a more dynamic entry. Sparkling as they smashed alongside the ground while the cause of their creation spun directly into a kneeling pose. [colour=yellow]"God DAMN I love myself."[/colour] Lucas said, head shooting with an expression of adrenaline filled joy. He stood and watched the smoke rise from the roof not too far from where he was. Sparing a glance towards the Breicens, he knew they'd have a lot less trouble travelling than he did. Lucas turned and charged on towards the source of trouble. Either he'd be entertained for a bit, or he'd kick someone's ass quickly and go get food. Win win!