Jinny regarded the girl with a cool stare. The rules so far made sense. Stick to their own space. The use of the gaming console was a surprise, though. Maybe she figured it would be easier that way. “Fine. I don’t break stuff by accident, though. Nothing I can’t fix again.” In the very back of her mind, she wondered if that worn out console could be saved. Maybe after some heavy research. But no – that wasn’t her business. Best to drop it. “I guess I’ll take the lower shelves.” Sometimes she hated being small. “I don’t think I’ll have too much, though. I don’t cook a lot. Mostly I use the microwave.” Her mind rewound a little bit, and she frowned in confusion. “Wait, what is the salt for? I get the mirror thing, and I won’t adopt any black cats. But salt?” There was so much she had to learn. She’d encountered a few other metahuman children, and fewer adults. Then again, the adults probably knew how to hide their power if they wanted to. This was all new territory, and she was excited to learn. Even excited enough to be civil to the dangerous Jinx. Since the other girl didn’t seem to be afraid, that put them on equal footing. She wasn’t going to test that unless it was necessary. “What else should I know?”