[center][img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/934550171994435664/975270501373050890/unknown.png[/img][/center] [indent][indent][indent] [hr] Eolnana Anteskelia was not suited to the cramped, shutter-clamped sleeping quarters that she found herself in. Her plan made sense in her head. To someone else it may have sounded absolutely and completely insane. “I’m going to pretend to be my sickly brother at a patriarchal institution of knights despite being a Valeforian merchant princess.” The ways the plan could backfire were too many to count and Eolnana’s knowledge of arithmetic and great mathematics was probably higher than most anyone else, especially her fellow recruits. They were probably all like her brother, a bunch of annoying, loud, overconfident men who thought they could muscle through anything and anyone. Augh. The thought made her nauseous just thinking about it. Admittedly, this was based on her perceptions of the culture of knights and well, her brother’s innate need to proclaim him the next great hero-knight every time he could gather her ears. Sure, the books she had read didn’t tell of knights acting like such things, but such scripts were always more concerned with what the knights actually did rather than worthless intangible concepts such as personality of recruits. Who would write a record about recruits? Who would care? Either way, her perception was still raw. When she had been led into her room it was essentially nightfall. The trip from Valefor had been arduous and her decision to pretend to be her brother was an impulsive, last moment device. Fortunately, her brother already had the excuse of “I fell ill.” for Eolnana to rely on. Changing her appearance to match her brother’s visage so nobody questioned her obvious gambit wasn’t even particularly difficult. A few violent moments with a pair of scissors, foregoing cosmetics of any kind, and a few other things did the trick. She was already flat as the base of a broadsword and the same height as her brother so nothing looked particularly out of place. Like she believed it was the perfect plan. By the time her parents had figured out she was missing (and not attending to her brother) she would already be comfortably committing fraud. Exposing her would only make a mockery of House Anteskelia. They’d have to go along with it, especially with her brother’s sickness being particularly dire. They were going to hate her for everything she had done. Putting the house’s respectability in question for her own selfish whims was a gateway to becoming a Anteskelian pariah. Ultimately, Eolnana didn’t care, or at least not enough to change her mind before she was already a recruit training to become a knight by the name of Elon. The only concern Eolnana was trying to think about was her supposed “roommate” whom she had not spoken to due to the lateness of her arrival (and her overall disinterest in conversing with a patriarchal showboating asshole!) Introductions would be forced, contrived as they were, eventually. When she lifted the shutter and took the nearest seat she considered waiting to greet them as they woke. She didn’t sleep much due to her nerves, so she may as well see who exactly her fellow recruit was and make a proper introduction. It was the “knightly” thing to do, after all. So she waited. She figured she’d read one of her books she brought with her as she did. [/indent][/indent][/indent]