Iris tries thinking on her toes. If Jasmine really wanted to get in there, and this person sounded like their only chance of getting in, she would do it! Surely the charm she would need to put on for this Gymie- Geemeye- Gími (seems her diction practices still had some places to improve, as she thought to herself about the foreign phonetics)- would be worth it in whatever rapport she could build with Jasmine. Besides, if this girl showed them her way in now, if they ever escaped again, she could get in without this person’s help. They just needed the one time, surely, and whatever was within such a grand structure was surely worth the means of access! Her hands reach out, both wrapping around the girl’s free hand and trying to ignore the sweatiness of her as she brings it to her chest. “Oh, you kind soul! We live on the other side of the city, and we find ourselves so busy we almost NEVER get the chance to enjoy ourselves!” 78 Heavens was a place to relax, right? Definitely no misunderstandings in ‘enjoy ourselves’ whatsoever. “Please, Gími, we could not bear to trek- er, walk all the way back to our home and back tonight! I promise you, if you would be so graceful as to show us the way in, I swear to you that we will come back next time with our purses to repay you, for your troubles and for your generosity. And in the meantime-” She gently lifts Gími’s hand, her head bowing gently as she closed what little distance there was between the two of them. Undoubtedly, her recent performance from the palace did not merit enough sweat to eradicate the lingering sweet scent of the soaps and perfumes from the Sultan’s bathing room. Her veil draping away from her lowering face, Iris plants her lips to the back of the urchin’s hand, leaving a solid print of her lipstick and a mental note to herself not to habitually lick her lips for the next… until she could wash her face. “-in the meantime, I would be happy to show just how [i]grateful[/i] I am for your help.” Her grayish blue eyes, like the cloudy sky before an incoming storm, looked deeply into Gími's, looking for her approval, for however she may feel about this performance of a desperate, grateful woman looking for a night on the town. What Gími probably saw, was a woman deeply thanking her for a service she had yet to even elaborate upon, kissing the back of her hand, and looking deeply into her eyes. [hider=My Hider] Oh gosh, rolled to entice on top of "be their dream." 1+2+2= 5. Down Beat... [/hider]