[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/220406/41c00969640e4c419145d2059208198c.png[/img][/center] [b][color=00a99d]Mentions:[/color][/b] Asmumi [@Ambra], Akira [@DJAtomika], Masashi [@Zombehs], Hoshiko [@Fabricant451], Chen [@Lord Orgasmo] The walk to Chen's house was mercifully uneventful, except for the lamenting and continual apologies of the first year who had touched the body while the officers had been standing right there. Honestly, why she'd thought it was a good idea was beyond him, but at least Asumi seemed to be taking care of the issue. The only reason Kenzan even continued to tag along was because he didn't have anything better to do, and it seemed like Asumi would've just dragged him by the shirt again if he'd declined. He was grateful for the meal, and made sure to tell Chen's father so in the singular sentence he spoke during the duration of dinner. He preferred to just listen, besides it wasn't his story to recount other than the fact he had shown up. Once dinner was over he was able to, as politely as possible, extract himself from the group. He already felt uncomfortable even being there with a group of his juniors who he didn't even know, and continuing to hang around felt like more of an imposition than dinner did. [color=00a99d][b]"I appreciate the offer to stick around, but my mom will be wondering where I am,"[/b][/color] he told them briskly. A final thanks and he was able to escape out the door and back into the fading light of the evening with a relieved sigh. At this point it was too late to go to the bookstore, they'd be closing soon, so he hefted his backpack onto his shoulder and began the slow walk back home. His house wasn't that far and before too long he was putting the keys in the lock and slowly pushing it open. He could hear the grainy sounds of the small television on in the living room as he walked silently down the hall; avoiding a creaky floorboard that had yet to be fixed. A quick look into the room told him his mother was passed out in the chair. Judging by the limply hanging hand loosely wrapped around a bottle she'd been that way for a while now. He held back a scoff, [color=00a99d][i]Got her fix some other way then.[/i][/color] Once he got back into his room he let out a full breath and tossed his bag on the ground before sitting down at his desk to slave away at the homework he'd been given for the evening. Headphones in he focused on the mindless work in front of him and let his mind wander to the weird events that were going on in the normally quiet town. First the Prime Minister shooting himself on live TV and now this body found in the alley. He really hoped this wouldn't become some kind of trend for his final year in the city. Last thing he needed was to get roped up into something else that was well beyond him.