[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/aiSHAkK.png[/img] [sub][right][@Zombehs], [@DJAtomika], [@Lord Orgasmo], [@PrankFox], [@Ambra][/right][/sub] Hohsiko did, of course, still feel bad about the whole touching a corpse thing but having Shirasawa-senpai give a little pep talk helped Hoshiko rationalize the fact that it was really likely they were going to be questioned as witnesses in the first place. Regardless, it was clear to Hoshiko that going forward she was certainly going to...not touch any dead bodies. Of course, she didn't expect to come across another one any time soon - or ever, if she had her way. It was still creepy and she had even washed her hands at the police station. Twice. Some things just stuck with a person, she figured. Unfortunately what was sticking together was the study group - not that them being a group was a bad thing, moreso the fact that after their interrogation it seemed they had every intention of studying. At least that was what Hoshiko thought before she brought up the rear of the gang upon arriving at the house to the sights and scents of a home cooked meal. If Hoshiko was down in the dumps before all it took was smelling something hot and ready to get her practically jumping to the front of the line to get a peek and, more importantly, a plate. The others were, naturally, thankful and excited for the smorgasbord and while Hoshiko was as well she just couldn't help herself when she saw Chen's father and the spread. [color=FFDB58][b]"Do you have any burgers?[/b][/color] She did not get burgers but she did proudly boast that she would eat more spring rolls and dumplings than anyone else. No one even challenged her, she just made the claim as she placed no fewer than six of them on a single plate and that was also before she grabbed a generous portion of chow mein. Whether or not she won her boastful claim, Hoshiko was no stranger to eating in excess; her reasoning was solid enough: if it was on someone else's dime or time, it would be rude to let things go to waste. Leftovers never tasted as good so she was doing Akio-senpai a favor by helping reduce the amount of leftovers his family would have. It made sense to Hoshiko. But then so did touching a corpse. It was because of her little feast that Hoshiko entered Chen's room holding her stomach with one hand and secretly chomping away on a spring roll with the other. Dessert would have to wait, though, unless there was parfait in which case she would happily jump at the chance. Still, while the others were settling on snacks or looking for games to play, Hoshiko was, rudely enough, looking around the room - specifically near Chen's bed. [color=FFDB58][b]"I thought guys had [i]magazines[/i] in their room. Did you hide them before we got here?"[/b][/color] Yes, Hoshiko said it aloud, and no she didn't seem to care if it embarrassed the host. [color=FFDB58][b]"They must be pretty steamy if you hid them, senpai."[/b][/color] For better or worse, Hoshiko was no longer moping around.[/center]