[b]Taurus Altobelli[/b] [b]Location: [/b][u]Eukary University - Mixed Species Dorm Showers[/u] [b]Interactions: [/b][u]August Weiss[/u] [color=deepskyblue]"Maybe once or twice."[/color] Taurus chuckled softly, giving August a grin. He sipped from his own cup, his eyes closing for a moment before he stood up, setting his coffee down and tugging his hoodie and t-shirt off over his head; being careful not to snag on his horns. He stretched with a groan, pausing at the kiss to his cheek with a smile. He still couldn't get used to the casual intimacy they shared - although neither was brave enough to continue that outside of the privacy of their dorm. Inter-species relationships were still frowned upon by many; carnivore and herbivore relationships even more so. Taurus hated to think of what his mother would have to say about it. [color=deepskyblue]"I still don't understand how you find anything."[/color] He teased, picking up his own organised shower caddy from the bedside table, and snagging a towel from the wardrobe, and letting August lead the way out of the dorms. [color=deepskyblue]"Not particularly, just the tents for today. A few interesting looking ones. I know the Warren is setting one up."[/color] Although The Warren wasn't a student bar, it tended to attract more students than The Wolf Pack on the other side of town due to it's... friendlier nature. Taurus had only been to the club a handful of times but each time he'd been the only herbivore in the room; and most times had been looked at and advanced upon as if he was a steak; rare and ready. [color=deepskyblue]"Is there anything you want to check out in particular?"[/color] He asked, leaning over to return the kiss from earlier, although he pulled away quickly as he heard footsteps coming down the hall in front of them, shooting August an apologetic smile. [@vertigh0st]