[center][img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/934550171994435664/975590190510915625/unknown.png[/img][/center] [indent][indent][indent][hr] [color=FFD763]“Take any table you want. Not like I have any other customers.”[/color] The girl said with a nod before another came through the door not too long after. She traced her memory for the people of Ardenfeld that looked like the bard before her, though the town was diverse the tabaxi population–those who sought liberty and freedom from other lands–were of few number. Several families had settled. She remembered briefly of a few boys around her age, but maybe she too had blocked out much from that period of her life. Her older brother wasn’t here to help refresh her mind, though it would be helpful since he had studied at a college of bards and sought to become an adventurer. His words and oath to send her coin to pay for father’s treatments echoed in her head, but she hadn’t seen coin or letterment yet. Alas, she was certain her memory would come to her eventually. [color=FFD763]“Wasn’t expecting so many people. Like I said, we don’t get much for customers these days.”[/color] She uttered as she took a clean cloth to the countertop as the two began to converse. [/indent][/indent][/indent]