[hr][hr] [center][h1][color=6ecff6]Cassandra Reed[/color][/h1] [img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/499721529148309506/707638902004908232/Cass_AoS_RP_Header_30_Smaller.png[/img] [I]Location: The Aerie - Earth 257 Skills: Enhanced Condition, Hand to Hand Combat, Season Manipulation[/I][/center] [hr][hr] Cassandra looked over towards Matt after she heard some shots going off, and them hitting Mr. Knight but that didnt even do anything to him. But she was glad that her boyfriend was able to assist her, she turned her attention back towards Mr. Knight who more or less was waiting for her to make the next move. [color=6ecff6]"Listen, if you have encountered me before why would I be in league with the others in the group, also why am I not in an Iron Suit?"[/color] Cassandra asked him mainly referring to this reality's version of her, Raynor, and Maria and Flynn's counterparts as well to. She was really more annoyed with him trying to be a gentleman at this point as she cracked her neck slightly and stared him down. [color=6ecff6]"We are trying to get back home, we are looking for our own Dr. Doom and our Luminous and we will be on our way. However i'm not going to allow you all to take members of my team."[/color] Cassandra told him as she closed her eyes and started to manipulate the area around her to simulate a massive blizzard. She wanted to make sure that he wouldn't be able to see her, once she was satisfied with the effect she created Cass quickly charged forward and started to get up close and personal, managing to get a few good punches in forcing Mr. Knight on the defensive. [hr][hr] [center][h1][color=lightgreen]Maria Novikova[/color][/h1] [img]https://i.imgur.com/ZJdFnym.png[/img] [I]Location: The Aerie - Earth 257 Skills: Stealth, Power & Lifeforce Absorption (Hercules' Super Strength)[/I][/center] [hr][hr] Maria looked towards Flynn who sent a wall of fire towards Hercules and nodded towards him slightly. [color=lightgreen]"Keep the heat on him I have an idea."[/color] Maria said as she pressed a button on the wrist of her suit and activated it's stealth function, she was silently cursing herself as she could even hear her own footsteps. The huge hulking Demigod was busy trying to put out the fire Flynn had forced him to do the whole stop drop and roll tactic. As Maria got close enough Maria moved behind Hercules and started to take off one of her gloves, hoping that she wouldn't end up getting another psyche in her head again Maria quickly deactivated her stealth suit. Maria laid her ungloved hand on Hercules' bare skin and instantly started to feel the surge of strength going through her. She had taken out Cull Obsidian from the Black Order months ago when they were searching for Oliver to try and kill him, hopefully she'd be able to take him on with his own powers.