[b][i]Andrew Bennett/Hope[/i][/b] "Can your clones become sapient?" Andrew asked Morie sort of tactlessly, even by his own standards. "I presume they can't, but I do want to know for sure." Then as Overclock gave his real name, Andrew picked up on the hint and said with a smile, "That's a good name, Sean; thanks for trusting me and the others with it." He wasn't entirely oblivious to the tensions and fault lines brewing in the group, but Andrew was enough of an optimist - Someone named [i]Hope[/i] had to be - that they will eventually work together well and become a band of true companions. Some of them, anyway. Also, did Morie just refuse to go shopping with him? If so, he hoped Wilbur didn't follow up with a refusal of his own; that meant that he was even worse at socializing than he thought. Honestly, what was up with himself? Was he really screwing himself over in his first encounter with potential friends? Either way, he was certain that the older folk here looked at him with... Skepticism (?). Why? Did he really fail socialization that badly? Nevertheless, his panic was not such that the boy failed to notice Carmen's demonstration of her power. With a grin, Andrew flashed her a thumbs up, before asking, "Can you produce food with that, and would it be energy-efficient for you? Also, can you copy more sophisticated tech?" He did not add the fact that he had a similar sub-power himself; he knew enough to know that it'd come off as one-upmanship and probably destroy what neutral or positive impression he had with her. Besides, it wasn't [i]that[/i] similar. As for the Director's emergency phone call, Andrew wasn't actually surprised, even though he hadn't thought that something would actually happen. Either way, he'd change his hair to a similar, but not the same, silvery shade as Caiden did, looking at the other youth sort of admiringly, and then say next, "Should I use my powers or do we have costumes ready?" A hint that he was more powerful than he had already shown, but not a hint that he was [i]more dangerous[/i]; that came later. Andrew may be immensely socially awkward, but he was not so dumb as to think that people won't regard him as a risk once he had revealed more of his abilities. However, he can pace it, he can make sure that the reveals were controlled... Right? Either way, he was ready to fight whatever enemy was there, assuming this was a 'fighting' assignment.