Sitting in the back, Noki waited until the fire subsided. It took all her self control to not run out and join the fray, but being injured wasn't going to help anyone. So instead, they waited, and when it was all over, Noki put back on her top and gathered her personal belongings, kept in a small locker during the operation. Once that was sorted, she re-entered the waiting room, helped by the nurse who supported her weight on her shoulder, and waved at the others, a smile wide and honest on her face as she noted none of them were injured. The new guy was a bit suspicious, but she sensed no hostile intent, and waved at him too. "Greetings, my friends. It's good to see you all well. Sorry I couldn't help you out, but I knew you could handle it. And many thanks for the quick rescue. Even to you, Ana" Noki joked, her smile beaming and warm. Noki then stood away from the nurse, and approached Valentine. She took his hand in hers, and kissed them gingerly in gratitude. "And thank you so much, Doctor, for this second lease of life. I am indebted to you always, and will never forget this act of kindness you showed me. I sense you are a compassionate soul, and it is good to see that there is some good on Norrux. May the Gods smile upon you always." She reached into her pocket, and grabbed all the credits she had, placing them in his hand. "This is everything I own. Don't try and give it back, friend, for I will not accept it. This is the least I can do." With all the formalities over with the Doc, Maarcuu ran in, and she smiled at his arrival. "Hello animal man. I trust everything is well?" ---- Oradis carried a large bag of what appeared to be some sort of alien fast food, a yellow paper bag that oozed purplish grease from the bottom ever so slightly. When everyone had left to the clinic, Oradis decided against going with them, instead opting to get something to eat. It buzzed and clicked in happiness, looking for somewhere to sit down and enjoy it's meal. Finding a bench of sorts, it sat down, and took off it's jacket, revealing it's droid body. It undid several clasps on it's chest, and opened it up like a set of cupboard draws, revealing at first what seemed to be a writhing ball of many jointed legs and tentacles. However, the mass opened up, and extended many feelers and squirming claws towards the bag, and gently grabbed it. With it secured, the hive center placed the bag in it's center within the chest, and smaller creatures massed over the bag, to divide the spoils among the hive. Everything would be consumed: Food, paper and plastic. Oradis closed it's chest, and put it's jacket back on. One onlooker who witnessed the feeding puked, and called Oradis a monster. It simply waved back at her, and walked a little further, until he passed Vash in a local bar. "Greetings, human. How goes it?"