[quote=@souleaterfan320] *It stops on a thin coat of amaranthine around my armor* [color=662d91]As am I.[/color] *Kicks you squarely in the chest with incredible strength, flinging you into a nearby rock. I launch towards you with flickering speed, and attempt to spearhead you through the sternum with an amaranthine coated blade tip* [color=662d91]You all are a vicious lot, that is certain. Always to battle. I only fight when It's necessary.[/color] [/quote] *Digs my feet into the ground and stops my momentum just before hitting the rock, sidestepping the spear then leaping into the air* This is necessary. I'm just choosing to defend myself now as opposed to when you come for me, and maybe spare the souls you'd have cleaved through along the way. *Slashes through the air from above, not seeming to do any extravagant motion or giving off any sort of blast, but the slash very precisely cuts through your position and though the entire world as well, cleaving it in half perfectly cleanly*