[quote=@souleaterfan320] *the blasts either absorb or reflect off me, but my armor does start to show a few, tiny scratches* [color=662d91]How [i]dare[/i] you sully my father's name, after what he's done for us all, what he plans to do for existence.[/color] *flits across the battlefields in a second, stabbing you fast enough to break the sound barrier and ejection you into space with a blast equal in strength to a nuclear payload detonating* [/quote] *The stab pierces the metal of the armor, but grinds with black sparks against something much more solid beneath, and though the blast does move me initially, I control my momentum nearly instantly, forcing myself to a stop and quickly returning the favor, unleashing a projected explosion toward you that absolutely annihilates everything in the solar system that isn’t behind me* That man hasn’t done anything [i]for[/i] anyone except make promises to the delusional and send people to whatever afterlife they believe in earlier than they deserve.