[quote=@Galaxy Raider] *The stab pierces the metal of the armor, but grinds with black sparks against something much more solid beneath, and though the blast does move me initially, I control my momentum nearly instantly, forcing myself to a stop and quickly returning the favor, unleashing a projected explosion toward you that absolutely annihilates everything in the solar system that isn’t behind me* That man hasn’t done anything [i]for[/i] anyone except make promises to the delusional and send people to whatever afterlife they believe in earlier than they deserve. [/quote] Cain:[color=662d91]....[i]you filth.[/i][/color] *my armor, blackened by your attack, begins to glow purple underneath* [color=662d91]I would be happy to help you meet your end.[/color] *Flits towards you again, unleashing a tightly knit flurry of stabs with explosions of energy upon impact, aimed at vital points and joints*