[Center][H3] The Chosen Gateway [/h3] [sub] Collab between [@Sigma] and [@Timemaster] [/sub][/center] Soon after High Hierarch William’s last comm was sent to Resilience announcing their departure through the Gate, the God-Queen and the other members of the Fist were seated in the altar of the great cathedral. Things were [i]not[/i] peaceful. “--and that [i]Repozdo[/i] shouldn’t have been sent! I bow humbly to your wisdom, your holiness, may your light always shine upon us but that one should have never been sent over to communicate with potential heathens!” said [url=https://i.pinimg.com/originals/86/51/fb/8651fbae331f26615069198c8def4e76.jpg]Pontius[/url], the second of the Fist and the most zealous of them. Repozdo. The Chosen word for the Rejected. It was a slur word that appeared soon after the appearance of the Rejected and their usage as slaves. It meant that they were less than human, less than Chosen. It meant they were rejected by life itself. The word became less and less used as the generations passed and the Rejected were given a world of their own but there are still those who use it. “Calm yourself Pontius. You’re forgetting yourself. William has been blessed by the Goddess as much as we did. He earned his place here. “ a calm voice said from the end of the room, lurking in a darkened area of the altar. Catherine, the fourth of the Fist. The spymaster of the Church. “I shall do no such thing, Catherine! That [i] repozdo [/i] will never be able to express the light of the Goddess to heathens. I should’ve been chosen f–” “SILENCE! Pontius, if you say repozdo one more time in my presence I will personally remove all your enhancements and see you sent on a diplomatic mission on RADX-002. Forever. As Catherine said, I chose him because I know that he won’t start a war with someone just because they haven’t heard of me. You know why they haven’t heard of me? Because we live in different parts of the galaxy! They will be brought into the fold and they will accept the peace I offer them, if there are even others out there in the first place. Is that clear?” Ashevelen’s voice rang out in the altar, the room’s acoustics helping her initial shout to sound way louder than it should’ve been. The others at the altar were left stunned. To hear the Goddess shout was something that usually didn’t happen. It was a rare thing and ended with someone getting punished for all their sins, usually. Pontius quickly went on his knees, head on the ground and arms forward. “Oh’ Great Goddess! May your light shine upon us until the end of times! Please forgive me! I only seek your perfection in everything!” his strong, gruff voice turned into something akin to a mouse’s squeak. “Pontius, stand–” Ashevelen was interrupted by an emergency communication from the flagship of the Golden Armada, the Seraph. “My Goddess, incoming emergency communication from the Seraph. Should I put it through?” said Catherine. “Yes, put it on screen. Let’s see what is happening.” The altar table quickly lit up to show the admiral of the Golden Armada aboard the Sepaph. “I don’t care about your regulations. The God-Queen HAS to se–” his head turned and noticed the assembly of the Fist and Ashevelen looking at him. “Apologies my Goddess. I’ve been waiting for 20 minutes already and you need to see this.” The image of the admiral changes to one of the Gateway and two unidentified spaceships. As the ships spark back to life, their weapon systems activate and one of the ships bombards the other one. Ashevelen looked with interest at the two ships, the members of the Fist whispering between themselves. “Orders my Goddess? If they continue fighting there are chances that the debris will hit a populated part of the Galdar forest.” Looking at Pontius, Ashevelen smiled. “See Pontius? The heathens come to us.” “Admiral. How long until the full might of the Golden Armada can be deployed?” “Seeing that we’ve started for some time already, I’d say 20 minutes. We’ve got 4 Carriers, 400 Infiltrator-Class ships and one [url=https://i.pinimg.com/originals/07/b1/59/07b159a590d0afb9dccfabba65fd2267.jpg]Battlecruiser[/url] ready to deploy at a moment’s notice.” “Good. That should be enough to calm those two down until the others arrive. Permission to approach. Lock weapon systems on anything that looks important on both ships. If they engage, disable their ships and send the Chosen in. Show them our might. Relay the following message to both ships in all the languages we can, hopefully they’ll understand us.” Ashevelen took a deep breath and continued. “Unidentified ships. My name is Ashevelen. The leader of the Chosen. You have entered Chosen airspace. I consider my worlds sacred and wish no harm to befell them. If you wish not to be destroyed, power down your weapon system and prepare to be boarded. Your captains will be brought onto my flagship and then we'll talk. In this time…neither the captains nor your crews will be harmed. You’ve got 10 minutes to comply before we open fire.” The battle raged as the two opposing flagships lobbed each other whatever they had online, fighter and shuttle craft duking it out in between the two giants. Aboard the [i]Cerberus[/i], Admiral Julius Sevran stared intently at the holo-image of the [i]Tempest[i/], as they made a slow advance, his eyes darting all round, looking for any weak points. “Continue to focus all batteries on the starboard side, they had taken the most punishment there.” “Aye aye, Admiral.” One of the gunnery officers complied, relaying his commands to the guns. The ship trembled as it fired many shots at the [i]Tempest[/i]. “Shields down to 50%!” Julius couldn’t help but smirk, not only will he possible bring the notorious [i]Tempest[/i], but possible may have found a new world ripe for conquest, this report would please the High Ascendants to no end, first things first though….”Let us end this dance of death!” “Admiral! We got incoming ships!” “Are they ours? The enemy?” “Neither. These signatures are…completely new.” [hr] Meanwhile on the [i]Tempest[/i]. The same group was just detected by the command crew. “We’re getting an incoming message from the unknowns….they’re warning us and the jannies to stand down.” “Well I’ll be damned.” XO Bashir let loose. “I think we just found another colony…” With this revelation, the whole situation has just changed. Not only was the anomaly that sucked in the two flagships, was very much the Gateway of legend, but the gateway tossed them in one of the fabled lost colonies of man. “Sir?” “….Stand down. We didn’t come here to start a war with another power. Pretty sure we made a damn poor impression on the locals.” Within moments of the Chosen’s Ultimatum, both warships had miraculously powered down their weapons, both ships weakening the other, and were clearly outgunned by this third party. The Seraph and its cohorts approached the two alien spaceships, watching the battle between them. Weapons were being primed and the Clerics were getting loaded into their Infiltrator-Class ships, ready to launch at a minute’s notice. But then, it stopped. “Admiral, the two ships powered down. The Goddess was right. Praised be her name!” All over the bridge the “Praised be her name” could be heard. Each person either muttering it or shouting out loud. “Of course it did, One. The Goddess’s knowledge doesn’t have bounds. She knows everything there is. Send word to the capital, get the Goddess’s room ready, prepare the conference room and send a few Infiltrators to get the captains of those ships. Keep the weapons primed on them. If they try something, disable their ships and if that fails, remove them from our sacred space.” “Aye! Aye!” A small shuttle flew from Resilience, inside, the God-Queen, [url=https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/f/a60e4224-722c-41d8-b615-7ad63969df8e/d659qdy-37dc2d12-89c0-4586-837c-982106115f3f.jpg/v1/fill/w_1024,h_902,q_75,strp/space_marine_by_fonteart-d659qdy.jpg?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJpc3MiOiJ1cm46YXBwOjdlMGQxODg5ODIyNjQzNzNhNWYwZDQxNWVhMGQyNmUwIiwic3ViIjoidXJuOmFwcDo3ZTBkMTg4OTgyMjY0MzczYTVmMGQ0MTVlYTBkMjZlMCIsImF1ZCI6WyJ1cm46c2VydmljZTppbWFnZS5vcGVyYXRpb25zIl0sIm9iaiI6W1t7InBhdGgiOiIvZi9hNjBlNDIyNC03MjJjLTQxZDgtYjYxNS03YWQ2Mzk2OWRmOGUvZDY1OXFkeS0zN2RjMmQxMi04OWMwLTQ1ODYtODM3Yy05ODIxMDYxMTVmM2YuanBnIiwid2lkdGgiOiI8PTEwMjQiLCJoZWlnaHQiOiI8PTkwMiJ9XV19.y-7vZy_0clm5bDUtlKoGs928lgGyjV_GP-BGtx3_Noc]Julian[/url], the third of the Fist and master of war and their entourage and made their way into the docking port of the Seraph. The arrival of the God-Queen on the Seraph made the commotion caused by the two alien ships feel like nothing. For most of the Chosen, the Goddess is represented via works of art or videos of her in a pre-Chosen state. To see her walking by them, chatting with them or simply nodding was an honor few could boast about. Later on, the crew will tell stories about the Goddess to their children and mention it as the highest point in their lives. While Ashevelen was getting ready for the meeting, two shuttles were sent to alien spaceships. Each of them was filled with the biggest [url=https://i.pinimg.com/originals/6a/5a/39/6a5a396979ad656fc233b966b9cb5248.jpg] templars [/url] the Seraph had, a show of force meant to keep things civil between the two warring parties and if not, to dispatch them with ease. As the captains of the ship would arrive, they would see more templars with weapons trained on them at all times and then they’d be escorted to the conference room where Ashevelen and Julian waited. The walls of the ship would be painted with images of Ashevelen in different poses or places of Old Earth. The Goddess would be dressed in her usual white lab coat and be seated at the table in the conference room while Julian, a 3.2 meter tall person, dressed in full body armor would wait behind her. Both Admirals felt a sense of unease from the designs of the ships interior, funny enough, for completely different, if similar reasons. Jiaal felt a dreading sense of dé·jà vu from his surroundings, felt like he was aboard a Janissary ship, what if these people were just like the Yulzan? The Republic can’t afford to fight a two front war if these “Chosen'' decide we were a ripe target. Julius however, was more uneased by such heresies before him. Throughout all of his childhood, he has been taught and raised on the fact that the Yulzan are perfect beings, gods made in the flesh that by universal mandate, had selected his world as the starting point of a great empire. As such, in his mind, there can be no other being that is of equal worth because there is [i]none[/i] that can match the Yulzan. Both Admirals finally reached their destination and took their seats. Ashevelen looked at both admirals. One human, small in comparison to the Chosen but average for a normal human. He was dressed in what she could assume to be military clothes with minor signs of attrition. Whoever these people were, they were fighting for a while. The other person was more interesting. Clearly not human, not even an enhanced one. Alien. First alien lifeforms she met. Already calculations, presumptions and the sorts were running in her head about what she could learn from their DNA. What made them evolve like that? If stripped of the obvious cybernetic enhancements, would they still be alive? Looking both in their eyes and gently nodding, everyone from the room but Julian and Ashevelen left. Leaving only the two admirals alone. “Greetings fellow human and I don’t know what your species is called but I hope you’ll be able to answer that. As said in the message, my name is Ashevelen. I lead the people called the Chosen and if you ask them, I’m their Goddess for I have given them life where there wasn’t one. Irrelevant of my holiness, these people live peaceful lives. Peace which you’ve disturbed when you’ve decided to fight each other above our skies. Peace which I strive to keep at all times. This–”pointing towards Julian who all but dwarfed her in size”- is my personal bodyguard and master of all things related to violence. His name is Julian. I hope that you’re going to be civil while we talk, if not, he is…as you can see, more than equipped to deal with any issues. I understand that you’re enemies out there [i]but[/i] while you’re guests on my flagship, you are [b]not[/b]! Now, tell me who and what you are. Tell me why you’re fighting. Tell me everything. Or don’t. I promised your safety and that of your crew and I keep my promises. “ Her tone was calm during the conversation but towards the end, she implied subtly what might happen if these people don’t answer her questions. They’ve been promised safety, their ships as well but not the oxygen on said ships or anything else for that matter. The two admirals were in awe of this “Goddess”, her height for sure was beyond average, making her quite intimidating, the subtle threats don’t help in that case. The admirals remained tight-lipped, both glaring at one another, the fires of animosity sparking in the air. It was a rare sight for military leaders of both the Free Republic and the Ascendancy to be this close, sitting in the same room, virtually nothing keeping one of them from simply pulling a gun, popping a few rounds in the other, the only barrier was this Julian man, so for now, both men would do the impossible, and remain…cordial for the time being. Jiaal turning to Ashevelen first. “Admiral Jiaal Farus of the Free Republic Navy. “He stated. “And to answer your question, my people are called Dathu.” “Admiral Julius Sevran of the Janissary Fleet Command, servant of the Ascendancy.” Julius stated as well, both men breaking eye contact for the time being. “The short of it, Admiral Farus and the rest of his ramble refuse to submit to my most divine lords, the Yulzan, who graced us in their divinity decades ago.” “Bull. Shit.” Jiaal candidly stated. “They’re nothing but conniving bastards that took my homeworld, and destroyed my family! They’re nothing but sickly, dying old men that fooled us all!” Julius stood, his face looking red. “Don’t you dare speak such blasphemy!” Jiaal was quick to stand up, facing off with his counterpart. “Blasphemy? Don’t make me laugh! You wanna hear it, I’ll give it to you!” Both men were on the verge of thrashing each other. Ascendancy, divine, Yulzan, Free Navy. A lot of new information to process. It seemed to Ashevelen that it was an invasion scenario. One decided to invade the other one due to…divine reasons and now they’re in for a mortal war. Divine reasons. Another race deceived by false Gods, probably no different than her. Would the Chosen be like these Yulzan if Ashevelen directed in that way? Probably. Either way, the sheer hatred between these two people was palpable. “Quit it both of you. I said it before and I’ll say it again. There will be no violence here. You're talking about blasphemy, Julius? If I ask any of my people, the mere fact that you haven’t bowed to me or asked for a blessing…you’d be accused of blasphemy and then killed. '' she made a small break and then turned towards Jiaal. “Free Republic Navy. Are there humans in your nations? Others that are not like him?" As the exchange between the two admirals became more heated and she was ignored, Ashevelen raised a finger in the air. Almost immediately, Julian, who remained silent the whole time let out something akin to a growl. His body was long modified to release the “fear” pheromones that some herbivores use in order to deter carnivores from attacking them. Almost immediately, the room was filled by the invisible pheromones. In humans, it would work instantly, making their brains think they’re in mortal danger. For the other species, it was unknown what it would do but it was worth a try. Julius was overcome with that sense of fall, barely getting a word out, his throat clenching up as his body turned against him, his fight or flight instincts kicking in as he collapsed onto the ground, stuck in a fetal position. “High Ascendants protect me…” He mumbled out. Jiaal however, seemed unaffected by the pheromones, although he could clearly “smell” it in the air, and it had a foul odour to it. Despite sharing some similarities to humans, the Dathu were still quite alien on a genetic level. Nonetheless, Jiaal looked In a mix of horror and pity, seeing his counterpart reduced to this. “Not that I mind.…but, the hell did you do to him?” Ashevelen watched the two and their reactions to the pheromones, taking in account everything she could at once. The Janissary went down almost immediately but Jiaal seemed impervious to it. Corrections had to be made to the formula. Improvements, schematics, queries and the sorts ran through Ashevelen’s mind. She put her finger down and Julian's stature changed. His body no longer releasing the pheromones. A fan went on and the air in the room started to clean up. "Fear pheromones. In most creatures it triggers the fight-or-flight instincts. It seems that your species is immune to it but humans aren't. If you're ok with it, I'd love to draw some blood from you later on but only if you wish so. I won't force you. You might've noticed from my bodyguard here, I have improved our DNA with different mutations. You could say, I have mastered the human DNA." As Julius would stand up, Ashevelen would turn to him then to Jiaal. "I hope you two can be civil from now on. Now, answer my questions. Are there others of my species out there? I'm assuming your people-"pointing to Julius"-are all humans? Do any of them come from Earth?" Jiaal cringed at the thought of needles, blood, and all that medical stuff. “Uhh, no thank you.” He said with a weak smile. “Not a fan of needles.” Julius stood up, fixing up his uniform. “Yes.” He snarled, not one to easily forgive such transgressions, unfortunately, Julius was in no position to assert his own authority, perhaps in due time….”My family can be traced back to the original colonists, humanity lives.” “[I]Mutant Bitch[/i]” Julius thought to himself, at least his own mind was safe. “Aha! Now that’s a good answer. Why haven’t you said so? Things would’ve been so much easier. So, we’ve got humans fighting aliens. One invaded the other one, tsk tsk tsk. If I were to let you both go, do I have guarantees that [i]your[/i] war will not reach my people? We are more than capable of defending ourselves and your only way into the system is via the Gateway. Strategically, you understand what that means. “ she took a break, leaving both to process her words and then looking at Julius again, a gentle smile appeared on her face. One might even call it beautiful as all Chosen were designed to be the very best human aesthetics allow, this would be even more so for the Goddess. “I wanted to add something. Truly sorry about how your body reacted, Julius. My people have lived with that for years before I managed to protect them. I will offer you a gift, a way to say sorry.” Ashevelen then pressed a few more buttons on the table and a few minutes later, a Templar came in with a small tray with a vial on top, placed it on the table in front of Julius and left without a word. “That is a minor enhancement developed by us. You can either take it yourself or give it to your people to study it then use it. It will give your body all the antibodies a human needs. Think of it as a cure-all. As long as it was a toxin or disease from Earth, it will cure it.” Enhancements like this were trivial to produce and not even worth considering secret at this point. Despite the brief moment of turmoil, the smile and the soothing voice and tone, he couldn’t help but crack a smile…these were conflicting feelings to say the least… the less time spent here the better. Once the vial was brought forward to the Admiral, this presented a possible advantage, something the eggs heads at the Ministry of Advancements would love to get a hold of. Julius had softened up, putting on a more pleasant expression. “I thank you for this gift…” Julius said as he grabbed the vial and placed it safely under his coat. Jiaal mentally kept record that vial…something for Spec Ops teams to “borrow” from the Ascendancy at a later date, for now, he turned to face Ashevelen “Although I can’t make promises on policy, this war is only between the Free Republic and the Ascendancy and no one else.” Nodding to Julius, Ashevelen turned her attention to Jiaal. "Can you say the same? Will your people seek war with mine? Whatever fights you've got will stay in your system? If any of you have questions about my people, please ask away. If not, I will ask my Templars to lead you back to your ships but not before providing you with some supplies. Food? Alcohol? Maybe some jewellery? Anything that your crews lack at the moment...Ask and you shall receive. " The offer itself didn't mean much to the Chosen, as they had more than enough but for two nations at war it could mean a lot and it will also show that the Chosen are benevolent and rich. Jiaal nodded. “Although I can’t make much promises, this war has nothing to do with you, so I can hopefully say you have nothing to fear.” "I am not afraid, Jiaal. We are more than capable of defending ourselves. I just wish to spare my people the atrocities of war if it isn't necessary. Anyways, I've decided to allow both of your people to send diplomats at a later date in order to promote trade between our nations. The only rule is to not forget that while you're in our system, your war stops. Otherwise, you'll see what happens when I don't promise your safety. " With a clap, a few Templars in full armor entered the room. "These men will take you to your ships, alongside with some of our local cuisine that isn't poisonous to you. You're free to leave and thank you for your time." The decades of war between the free peoples of the Americana System and the Yulzan Ascendancy has harbored deep hatred and hard feelings for all, there were few times where both sides would agree on something. However, in this case, leaving the war behind when traversing other worlds may help in healing old wounds, where both sides are forced to tolerate one another in the name of galactic peace. Both men looked to one another, still feeling a sense of awkwardness, as hours before, they were enemies. “Very well, in the name of galactic cooperation, the war will not leave our borders.”