[color=ed1c24]"You implying I'm not good enough to fight on my own!? Screw it I'm going in!"[/color] Saber growled as she moved forward as Leon tried to get her to stop initially before deciding against it. It was probably better off this way. [color=39b54a]"Sorry Caster. Looks like this is what we should expect of Saber. Come on we can't let her do her own thing."[/color] Leon says as he makes a quick movement to the sides of the house that they had approached on either side was a couple of windows. As Leon looked through the windows, and the sides it seemed like an old abandoned house not unlike any he had seen. His eyes searched for signs of magic, and found seals, and a bounded field. Quickly Leon undid the barrier unsure of what the use of it was. It would seem this was likely a barrier to alert someone, or something. Probably, if Leon had any guesses, this was made by a master. It is unlikely a caster would've left a barrier so suspectable to doing anything. But it wad depowered when Leon dissolved the mage by looking around under some rocks, and barrels of Sake near a shed in the backyard. Leon by the time he had erased the symbols heard a look smashing noise, and rushed into the house along with the team. As he looked around he told Connor to look upstairs where he would find a child's room, and some living quarters with some mage trinkets, and books if he looked around for much longer. Leon, and Elise would find the door to the backroom broken open by force it had some runes on it but it appeared to not have mattered to Mordred's Strength. As Leon moved around the corner and ran downstairs he came across the sight of Mordred's sword being pressed against the back of a man in a long blue coat. The air smelt heavy of alcohol, and smoke from cigars. The fading servant sitting alone at a bar with a young man, younger than Connor, or Leon, in the corner, dead but with a smile on his face. [color=ed1c24]"The hell are you doing? I bust in here, and you can't even be bothered to pull that sword of yours out?"[/color] Saber says in disgust as she holds the servant who seemed not to care at sword point. [color=0054a6]"No point. War is over. Grail is taken. What's the point of a pirate if he can't plunder his share? Master is gone told him he was a fool for siding with those masters. Eh...what's done is done. Get on with it."[/color] The pirate said with deep exhaustion in his voice. [color=0054a6]"Who wouldn't want the honor of killing the Great Captain Kidd for their master? Or is that brat with Ruler still busy finding the stragglers?"[/color] [color=ed1c24]"I really should kill you but I got a feeling that Caster wouldn't appreciate that would he?"[/color] Saber says in annoyance as she pulls her sword back. [color=ed1c24]"The way you are now? Not worth killing. Clarent doesn't deserved to be stained like that."[/color] Saber says as she pulled back and Archimedes chimes up. [color=ec008c]"I see...William Kidd, also known as Captain William Kidd or simply Captain Kidd. He had been commissioned by the British Crown as a privateer for this expedition, but the political climate of England turned against him in this case. He was executed for his crimes. He is one of the most famous pirates in history. Probably the Rider of this grail war."[/color] comments Archimedes apparently still processing the weight of the words. [color=39b54a]"Team A is alive?"[/color] Leon asked his spirits lifting as he spoke with an careful tone. Leon didn't really wish to make any assumptions. But he still wondered if this guy was all there. He was a fading heroic spirit who lost his apparent master. Was he a reliable source? [color=0054a6]"Maybe, probably not though. Last I saw that assassin was fighting saber, and the rider went to engage berserker. Your caster friend...she's not feeling too good I imagine after what 'our' assassin did to her."[/color] [hider=Oh Captain My Captain] [img]https://i.pinimg.com/originals/3f/c1/54/3fc154aedf957da8d5ce7ba6cad4e19a.jpg[/img] [/hider]