[quote=@souleaterfan320] *grins under the veil that covers my face* [color=ed1c24]You think he'll present you an audience without us adressing you first... how naive.[/color] *Holds you as Abel's hammer comes crashing into your chest with world crushing strength* [/quote] *The metal of the armor shatters entirely, revealing the still fully intact black, solid energy underlayer beneath it, and I grunt at the landing of the blow* There’s a reason I’m here, you know. Other than the apparent other assault on him as we speak. *Forcibly flips upward over you, not forcing your grip off necessarily, and grabs you by the head, simultaneously locking my legs around Abel’s head as well, then spins rapidly countless thousands of times in a single moment with your heads each gripped tightly before dropping down and rocketing to the side a short distance*