[@vancexentan] [color=00aeef]"Nothing but books and useless items around here."[/color], Conner commented as he exited a bedroom, his Berserker meeting up with him as she left the last room on the upper floor. [color=00aeef]"I couldn't find anything. How was your end?"[/color] [color=39b54a]"Fruitless as well, I'm afraid. We should head back to the others. I fear Mordred might do...something........"[/color] Fran's statement trailed off as her mind caught up to what was happening, her hand hovering over her mouth and her unseen eyes widening with shock as she looked toward her Master, who wore a similar jaw-dropping expression. [color=00aeef]"F-Fran, did you just-"[/color] [color=39b54a]"Speak......I'm actually speaking! Oh my goodness!"[/color], Fran quipped, giggling with elation before a thought came to her. [color=39b54a]"The tea!"[/color] [color=00aeef]"Of course! Caster's legend must be in play here!"[/color], chimed Conner, smiling as well. His mind racing with the possible boons having a more clear-minded Berserker can bring. [color=00aeef]"By drinking that tea, Bunbuku must've gifted you with her blessings. How do you feel?"[/color] [color=39b54a]"Like....a heavy fog has been greatly lifted. Like I'm capable of doing....more, now. But...for how long, though?"[/color] [color=00aeef]"I don't know, but I say we make the most of these blessings while they last. Come on, let's find the others."[/color] The duo headed back downstairs and, noticing the busted-down doors and fading runes, headed for the backroom, catching the ending half of the conversation. [quote]"I see...William Kidd, also known as Captain William Kidd or simply Captain Kidd. He had been commissioned by the British Crown as a privateer for this expedition, but the political climate of England turned against him in this case. He was executed for his crimes. He is one of the most famous pirates in history. Probably the Rider of this grail war." "Team A is alive?" "Maybe, probably not though. Last I saw that assassin was fighting saber, and the rider went to engage berserker. Your caster friend...she's not feeling too good I imagine after what 'our' assassin did to her."[/quote] Conner flinched upon noticing the dead man in the corner of the room before giving off a sad sigh and grabbing a wayward blanket to put over the body. As he was doing this, Fran approached Kidd and Mordred, but not before sending Bunbuku a beaming smile of thanks. If it wasn't for her bangs, the Caster would've seen the Berserker give her a wink as well. [color=39b54a]"Thank you for not killing him immediately."[/color], Fran said to the blonde knight, turning to the pirate before she could Mordred's reaction to her speaking clearly. [color=39b54a]"We are here to find Team A, as well as finding out what's going on here. Are there any more of this Grail War's Servants still around? And as for this 'caster friend', did her name happen to be Helena?[/color]