[center][h1]Bandits[/h1][/center] Time: Night Location: Desert Interactions: [@baraquiel] Jomari, [@13org] Nuallán As the two were traveling across the desert sand, an ambush was being prepared by six members of the bandit group that was responsible for kidnapping the princesses. The goal was to keep the pursuers from reaching their primary bed down location. They had been assigned to scout as it was expected that the princesses would be pursued. [color=khaki]“NOW!”[/color] The shout of the [url=https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/penrith/images/e/e5/Gnoll_Flesh_Gnawer.jpg/revision/latest/top-crop/width/720/height/900?cb=20190908184122]hyena demi-human[/url] lookout came out as more of a roar that sent the bandits springing into action before the two. The [url=https://www.worldanvil.com/uploads/images/1c5a639c64dbfc046b7b1f03754a8711.png]scorpion demi-human[/url] burst through the sand in front of them, pointing his lance towards the elf before him. [color=ed145b]“You ain’t goin’ anywhere bud.”[/color] His voice was coarse and cold. Four torches lit around the elf and human as the six bandits surrounded them. [color=lightcyan]“You missed, you blind fool!”[/color] A [url=https://cdnb.artstation.com/p/assets/images/images/008/395/609/large/mauro-belfiore-scimmiadifuocohinosaru72.jpg?1512496817]monkey demi-human[/url] chastised. [color=olive]“It’s better ta let’em know theyze gonna die. Let’s the fear kick in Shah, you’re too hasty.”[/color] The [url=https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/warriorsofmyth/images/c/c4/Crocodile_warrior_by_faxtar-d56rria-1-.jpg/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/250?cb=20121103065145]crocodile demi-human[/url] retorted to the monkey. [color=silver]“Let me crush them, I wanna hear those bones snap.”[/color] The [url=https://cdnb.artstation.com/p/assets/images/images/006/458/165/small/liu-huan-rhino-demon.jpg?1498738340]rhino demi-human[/url] added. [color=cornsilk]“We’re paid to kill, not talk!”[/color] Not wasting any more time, the [url=https://64.media.tumblr.com/bc5e40e544e4bb1d7093df3b475b9927/95bf1782ec85aa03-37/s1280x1920/6423dc175b0a068bed281d6ad8029098e909dcd0.png]ibis demi-human[/url] lunged forth with her polearm to strike Jomari down.