[center][url=https://fontmeme.com/fonts/aryzena-font/][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/210518/ee05d8e871d8fcf0db599ecbf5860e59.png[/img][/url][/center] [center][b]Interacting with:[/b] [@Shadow Dragon] [@The Elvenqueen][/center] [center] While pondering Sunfur's interesting offer, she was ripped from her thoughts by Blackpelt, holding Frogkit by the scruff and stomping towards her. He plopped the kit down a little rougher than she would have liked, down by her paws and fixed her with a burning gaze, his fur bushed and his tail lashing. She was taken aback by her medicine cat's aggressive tone and demanding request that seemingly came out of nowhere, and she wasn't quite sure how to respond. Should she defuse the situation and thank Blackpelt for his concern? Or should she put her paw down as leader and put her medicine cat back in his place? After a couple heartbeat's thought, she decided on both.[color=3CB371][b]"Blackpelt, I suggest you keep your fur on before I cuff you around your ears"[/b][/color] Fernstar meowed firmly, trying to hold back a hiss. Casting her glance away from Blackpelt momentarily and down towards Frogkit, she meowed softly, [color=3CB371][b]"Are you alright Frogkit? You're not hurt are you?"[/b][/color] Gently pushing and turning the kit around, carefully inspecting her body she was satisfied when she found nothing wrong, nothing more than fluffed out fur due to Blackpelt's unnecessarily rough handling. [color=3CB371][b]"Didn't I tell you to meet Honeypaw in my den and stay there until I came back? Go back to the den [i]now[/i] and stay there until I say so. Do you understand?"[/b][/color] She shoved the kit in the direction of her den and directed her attention towards Blackpelt once again.[/center] [center][color=3CB371][b]"Blackpelt, I appreciate your concern, and I realize this is a strange occurrence that has every cat in camp a little on edge, including me."[/b][/color] She raised her head and lashed her tail in annoyance before continuing. [color=3CB371][b]"However, as medicine cat, you must not forget you are an [i]advisor[/i] to the leader which means you do not make choices for the Clan. That is the [i]leader's[/i] job, and regardless of status, every cat in the Clan must follow the leader's orders whether they think they are correct or not. I make decisions based on the knowledge StarClan has given me as well as personal experience, and I do not take these decisions lightly. StarClan would not have given me nine lives if they didn't think I was fit to lead this Clan, but if [i]YOU[/i] don't then you may feel free to leave and discuss your opinions with our ancestors yourself. I would hate to lose my medicine cat, but I will [i]not[/i] have cats questioning the validity of my decisions."[/b][/color] She forced her fur to lie flat and considered Blackpelt's other action. If for nothing else, he [i]did[/i] deserve some credit for taking Frogkit away from the loners. She shouldn't have been speaking with them, and he was right to remove her. [color=3CB371][b]"I do thank you for bringing Frogkit to me; I told her to stay in my den with Honeypaw and she shouldn't have been talking to them. That kit's curiosity is going to get her hurt someday I can sense it."[/b][/color][/center] [center]She turned back to Sunfur and tried to reengage in the conversation they were having before they were interrupted. [color=3CB371][b]"That is a [i]very[/i] bold undertaking Sunfur. I see where your thoughts are coming from, but I feel this is something the entire Clan should have a voice in. We will hold a vote at sunhigh before the dawn patrol. If the Clan agrees on this, I hope you understand what you're getting yourself into."[/b][/color] Suddenly realizing how tired she was, she pushed past Sunfur and Blackpelt and made her way towards the fresh kill pile. She barely paused for long enough to grab the bird Sunfur and Spidernose had caught and jumped up into her den. She flopped down and took a bite of the bird before beginning to groom her legs and chest. After a few licks she pushed the bird towards Frogkit, urging her to eat. Hopefully she could get some sleep before sunhigh, she would need to be well rested for what would happen tomorrow.[/center]