[center] [img] https://external-preview.redd.it/pBDTJdSYcff70EVAx_DNW5JIgcaTwFl_0Ao4FBoQhS0.jpg?auto=webp&s=49aaa2e0121760e897debe05b30faa1a1814f884[/img][/center] [color=maroon][center][h2]Raymond Chase[/h2][/center][/color] [center]Age: 28[/center] [center]Bio: I was always told I had my head up in the clouds. From the day I was born I had a mischievous twinkle in my eyes, and knew I wanted to do something amazing… I just didn’t know what that thing was. Luckily, I had friends to help with that. It seemed like we knew each other until birth. We were inseparable; racing bikes when we were young to racing cars on the dirt roads when we got a little older, going to Austin’s lake house during the summer to swim or fish or party… But there was someone in the group where it felt like we truly did do everything together. Valarie Johnson and I grew up right next door, and were friends practically since birth. As we grew older, our friendship only grew stronger. We would sneak out at night to go to each other’s houses to talk about literally anything. We’d take late night drives together, study at each other’s houses… While we were all a group, everyone seemed to know that we were incredibly close. As I got older, I realized that my feelings for her turned to more than just a friendship. I started to notice the way her laugh was like music to me, how she looked at me and rolled her eyes at his bad jokes, the way she smiled… and god, those eyes. I was starting to fall for her hard. By the time we were in high school it was hard to see her talking to other guys, or having relationships with someone else. I tried to see girls too to try and hide my feelings, but they would never work out. Often times he would watch a guy flirt with her at the lake house, praying that she would turn them down so they could hang out together. Instead of asking her out, I would just be her friend; not because I didn’t want to be with her… I just- if I screwed up, that could ruin our friendship- and I loved what we had now. I didn’t want to make anything weird or awkward between us or the group… But eventually, my feelings got the better of me. The first day of summer after we graduated high school we had a huge party at Austin’s lake house, before we decided what we wanted to do; where we wanted to go in the world. I always wanted to move out of the town, to see the world, but there was a certain someone that kept me here… Maybe she was my future, the great adventure? It was late, everyone went to bed, but Val and I decided to go to the dock. It was a clear night. You could see billions of stars out there, and I couldn’t help but notice how good she looked in the moonlight. We started talking, I started teasing her a little bit, and soon enough she pushed me into the water. She couldn’t help but laugh, but as she tried to help me out, I pulled her in… and that’s when I locked eyes with her and kissed her. One thing led to another, and we spent the night together. It was the greatest moment of my life. The next morning I expected to wake up next to her only to find an empty bed. Austin and Jimmy told me that she left that morning. I felt hurt, awkward, scared, confused… What I thought was a good night ended being disastrous for us-for the group. I drove back to my house, gathered my things, told me parents I was going. Everyone begged me to stay, wanted me to think things through, but the one person that didn’t come to talk me out of it was Val… The only one that could have gotten me to stay. So, that night I left Rhodes, and never looked back. I drove to Atlanta without a dollar to my name, but through the years I started to get recognition, building up a reputation in the acting world, and soon enough I got an audition in LA, and then the rest was history. I became an instant celebrity, giving it all into my roles, ranging from action to comedies to even a couple dramas… It was a good life, and something I loved doing, but, there was always something that was missing. I would text my friends and family every now and then, sometimes a couple calls but I could never muster up the courage to call V. I tried to date, tried to travel the world to try and get my mind off of her, but for ten years she haunted me. I could never forget how good she looked in that lake that one night. Personality: Raymond is loyal to a fault. He’s stubborn, witty, but feels immense guilt for leaving the way he did, and for never really keeping in touch until the death of Austin[/center]