[center][img]https://i.ibb.co/YRf1SNh/watson-amelia-hololive-and-1-more-drawn-by-rakku-rkrmz0n-4e57307e5c5b544acb0c67241650b2a8.jpg[/img][/center] "Ahh! This love and this hatred boiling deep within them as they try to fight their fate and everything denying them. It's so tragic and so beautiful at once," Erika declared as she laid eyes on the battle. She better than anyone else could judge and assess Nephuna's actions and their outcome. Only eyes that could see beyond time and entropy could interpret all this data in any meaningful way. "Why would I want to— Fine, just go on ahead without letting me answer. How very typical of you," Erika said after Katie left her hanging. Erika's attention was momentarily diverted by someone who seemed to have no concept of respect for others' privacy. All that Akiko would gather from her ability however was endless reflections of herself, the more she tried to peer into the depths of Erika, or her Vassal's, past the more it would feel like she was losing herself in an [url=https://i.ibb.co/VmZsxz4/Gainenreisou-03-5sxth.webp]endless maze of kaleidoscopic colors[/url] and shades until the very world, or perhaps her own mind, was broken with the thunderous roar or a million pieces of shattering glass as she was snapped back into reality. If Akiko, or anyone else for that matter, ever cared to look in Erika's direction, they would see the same kaleidoscopic gleam shine into her eyes for but a brief moment, whenever the light reflected into them from the right angle. "Now then, how about we attack this problem's kernel? Can you decipher it, Esa? I think I know what they are trying to do, but I need to be sure before I try to tamper with this place's foundations." "I'll... need a bit of time, with all this interference," Esa replied as her eyes darted around the endless stream of code with machine-like speed and precision. "That should be easy. Just—" Erika began answering but was soon interrupted by a serious voice coming from behind her. "That won't do. We can't meddle with causality here. There's too much at play," a [url=https://danbooru.donmai.us/posts/2710448?q=zooey_%28granblue_fantasy%29+]dark-skinned, silver-haired girl[/url] said as she stopped by Erika's side with a grave look in her eyes. "Ok, fine," Erika sighed as she glanced back at the battle, eyes darting between the many involved parties, especially "Kanbaru" and Thomas, or rather the one following him. "Then we'll wait until the time is right. But if it ever looks like they are actually going to be destroyed for good I'll do it anyway. In the meantime..." "Hey! Can you fill me in on why everyone is so murder-happy around here? Like, I'm trying my best to not just join them and fight against you all, but I'd like a little context first if you would," Erika asked as she teleported beside Katie right as her cousin was about to pound a Nephuna. "You know we valkyries are a little weak for the whole love and anguish thing, don't you?" [hr]