[color=silver] [sub][h1][center][img]https://i.imgur.com/tWLOyH4.png[/img][/center][center][color=black][b]A K A I A[/b][/color][/center][url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/5333243][center][color=bca346][b]A K A I A [/b][/color][/center][/url][/h1][/sub] [center][sub]The Crow's Nest ยท Evening Mentions: [@Force and Fury][/sub] [color=white][sub]___________________________________________________________________________________________[/sub][/color][/center] Akaia stared at the closed door for a moment, considering emotions as they bubbled from a well in her gut. Worry, relief and then acknowledgement at her exclusion. She was no doctor. She was no Revenant. Most of all, she was no brother to Amelia. All things considered, there was little she could do in that room besides be another body and another body in their space served little purpose beyond being in the way. And so she remained outside, content with waiting for word or a clue on the girl's situation and doing little else besides staring. However, as she stood there studying the door in the quiet she was left in, music from the Great Room found her again. A muted, playful melody tumbling from the doorway and telling of the more jovial atmosphere on the other side. It sounded like a promise. A promise of warmth and laughter following a week's worth of isolation and a day's worth of Lost that didn't take much convincing to sell. The thought that Cerise might be there as well was just icing on the cake and a smile that brightened her face. Just as quickly as the door had been shut was it forgotten as Akaia turned instead toward the Great Room. She moved to join the others, but just as she was about to reach the door, a series of clucks distracted her and turned her around. From above, a familiar black crow appeared in the rafters with its head tilted slightly to the side and a pair of deep red eyes regarding her with a wild curiosity. Then, as if it'd found the answer to a question not asked, it suddenly opened its beak. [color=white]"[Change]."[/color] [color=bca346]"Change?"[/color] But before she was given an answer, Licorice leapt from his perch and dove into the hallway. [color=bca346]"...[i]Change?[/i]"[/color] She called out again, quickly following after him. [color=bca346]"What change?"[/color] Around the corner and at the other end of the hall, the crow had landed on the ground and was already hopping its way into what had once been Ionna's room, clucking at her to follow. [color=bca346]"Yes. Little bird gone. Girl is gone. Another friend... another friend change."[/color] But as she entered the room herself, she was met with a far less empty situation than she had imagined. Already replacing what little furnishings Ionna had requested for her room were a myriad of instruments and equipment that Akaia immediately recognized as belonging to Lysandra. All of it seemed rather complicated and quite fragile and after taking only a single step inside, she immediately stopped and gave the bird a sharp, high-pitched whistle. Licorice froze, hopped in a small circle and then jumped onto her shoulder. [color=bca346]"Lee-saw stuff."[/color] She said in a whisper as if speaking too loud would knock something over. [color=bca346]"[color=7FFFD4]Fragile[/color]."[/color] Looking around, she began memorizing the various objects and their position in the room, filling out a map of the space in her mind's eye and finding what safe paths she could take between everything if she had to. Of course, it was always difficult for her to distinguish exactly what was what when it came to the importance of a 'thing' that belonged to Lysandra. There was just too much. Too many shapes. Too many colors. Too many pipes and boxes and buttons and names too complicated for her to remember. Instead, Akaia learned early on that it was simply easier to assume that touching anything and everything would break it. Better yet, not being [i]in[/i] the room when Lysandra was also not in the room was much preferred. She wasted no time turning to leave, but as she did, Licorice began bobbing his head in the opposite direction as if urging her to explore further. She would not. [color=bca346]"[No]."[/color] She clucked back. [color=white]"[Change]."[/color] It repeated. [color=bca346]"Yes change. Lee-saw room change."[/color] [color=white]"[Mistle]."[/color] To which Akaia perked up. She turned around again, this time scanning the room for the familiar flora she had dug up only the day before. Given how sparse the room was when compared to others lived in for more than just a day, it didn't take her long to pick through the surroundings and find a glow peeking out from behind some unmarked uninteresting piece of machine. Very carefully, but with a deft agility natural to her, Akaia wove herself around objects without touching them until she was standing in front of the plant. Now, much closer to the mistle and in an environment much safer than the last, she gave the thing a proper once over and almost immediately noticed what Licorice had before. She furrowed her brow. [color=bca346]"Are you... feeling better?"[/color] She asked the plant, staring at it through a lens of confusion. With a careful hand, she pressed a finger against the underside of one of the glowing leaves and traced its stem. It was brighter than it had been before, a very obvious sign of its improved health beyond the fact that it was also no longer drooping. There was also a bit of resistance to her touch as if somehow, in so short a time it had found its strength again. [color=bca346]"Lee-saw fix you?"[/color][center] [color=white][sub]___________________________________________________________________________________________[/sub][/color][/center] Minutes later, Akaia was back in front of Desmond's door, chewing her lips and rubbing her hands together with a look of confusion across her face. Licorice sat on her shoulder just as confused and neither of them were paying much attention to the music. [/color]