[center][img]https://i.ibb.co/88KWNj5/OTbanner.png[/img] [sup]____________________________________________________[/sup] [color=FFC6C6][u]Level[/u]: [b]7[/b] - [u]Total EXP[/u]: 77/70[/color] [color=2e2c2c]------[/color] [color=BC8DBF][u]Level[/u]: [b]2[/b] - [u]Total EXP[/u]: 80/20[/color] [color=gray]𝙱𝙿[/color] [color=gold]●[/color][color=gray]●●●●[/color] [color=2e2c2c]----------------------------[/color] [color=gray]𝙱𝙿[/color] [color=gold]●[/color][color=gray]●●●●[/color] [color=lightgray]Word Count: 1228 (+2 exp, +30 battle reward) [b]Location[/b]: Sandswept Sky[/color][/center] It was a spectacular finale, and one that the Octopath Travelers had a bird's eye view of. The Seekers rained down any attacks that they could, desperate to slay Galeem's guardian and finally put an end to their grueling journey. Red Eye was lit up, a combination of magic and martial prowess destroying the beast once and for all. As it's body began to dissolve, Primrose beckoned anyone still airborne over to her. With wind so strong that one had to almost swim through it to get down, she didn't blame anyone for being too fatigued to try. She was feeling pretty worn out herself, and so once everyone that joined her was ready she summoned Hippowdon and the heavy PokΓ©mon dragged them the rest of the way down to earth. There was an energy that radiated outward from the fallen Red Eye, one that the dancer noticed had purged the sunset glow of Galeem from the few that were still beholden to it's influence. Sore, but relieved, the Seekers convened around the guardian's spirit. Therion was leaning against one of the metal pillars, the high of surviving against all odds quickly wearing off and leaving him hot and miserable. There was sand in his hair and clothes, and a conversation brewing that he didn't understand. Having only recently freed from Galeem and then immediately tossed into a massive boss battle, he was ignorant of quite a few things. But his preferred method of gathering information was simply listening in, as the topic turned to spirits Therion simply stood by and absorbed what everyone was saying - all the while Primrose was learning some new things herself. She'd gotten a crash course in the ways of this new world at the Alcamoth and learned a lot during the course of their journey through the desert, but the information that Tora (and subsequently Ram) provided about the 'boss' spirits came as a surprise. Only sixty seconds to fuse, or they would have to do it all over again?! Primrose couldn't even imagine the kind of havoc that fusing with that spirit would wreak on the recipient's body. Luckily they were all spared that fate when Joker took matters into his own hands. With that power of his, he seemed to succeed in binding Red Eye to his will - even summoning it in a (relatively) miniaturized form after the fact. [i]All is well that ends well I suppose,[/i] Primrose thought to herself. Now came the daunting task of making their way back to civilization. With Big Band's words, both Primrose and Therion looked up towards the top of the cliff. Neither could fly, although Primrose's scarf would help her scale the rocky wall without using much of her energy. She glanced at her friend, giving him an apologetic look when she caught her eye. Therion could tell it wasn't genuine at all as she turned away and kicked off the ground, floating upwards. The white haired thief grumbled but started the trek up. There wasn't much else he could do, considering he sure as hell wasn't going to stay down in that pit. During the climb, Midna took the chance to explain things about the world to Raiden. It was a conversation Therion not just wanted, but needed to hear, and so he focused more on that than actually climbing. Some things they talked about had been shouted at him briefly, some he'd gleaned during the misadventure, and some things he was learning for the first time. [i]Ugh.[/i] He looked up at the sky where a bright ball of light rivaling the sun hovered in the distance. [i]This is making my skin crawl.[/i] Back on the sand above, the Seekers grouped together around Poppi, Goemon and the antillions. Primrose caught the tail end of Sectonia's words and nodded in agreement. [color=D34C25]"I wouldn't mind another trip to that spa in the sky... whenever we make it back,"[/color] she said. She gazed out over the desert. Without transportation it would be a long, long walk. She took her mind off of what would be a miserable march back by taking the Phantom Thieves up on their offer of healing. Once she was patched up, she returned the favor and offered the aid of Warmth. After the healing session she pulled the hood of her cloak up to protect her head from the sun. Unfortunately now it was time to get going. Primrose would have thought she'd be used to desert expeditions by now, but it was still unpleasant. She hesitated to follow those Seekers that had started walking already, and it was a good thing as Joker once again solved their dilemma. That kids was smart, Primrose could see why Panther and the others had such respect for him. With transportation arranged, they could just sit tight and wait. For most of the whole time, Therion had hung back. He'd taken some of Midna's provisions out of necessity earlier, but his own healing he'd taken care of by downing the potions he'd nicked from the temple on the mountain. He'd soaked in all of the information he could, and he was finally starting to put the pieces together in a way that made logical sense - even if overall it was unbelievable. Just what kind of operation had he lucked into here, with their own base and ships and soldiers? He would have thought them to be some kind of law enforcement, if their goal didn't seem to be upending the status quo. Once Sectonia erected her makeshift shade, the thief took the opportunity to get out of the sun. It was at that point that he spoke up to the group at large. [color=BC8DBF]"So you're all part of some... magic militia, trying to kill the thing that trapped everyone in this world?"[/color] It sounded so strange that it just had to be fact, but still Therion furrowed his brow as he said it aloud. He thought back to what Midna had said a couple minutes ago, about the various reasons to join the fight. Did he want to go back to his own world? Of course, the familiar was good, even if he didn't have anything in particular he would be missing besides a certain traveling group. And though he wasn't the type to go on revenge quests, he really, really didn't take kindly to being brainwashed and effectively imprisoned, even if the cage was an entire planet. Almost unconsciously he rubbed at the skin of his wrist where the iron bangle sat heavy and tight. [color=BC8DBF]"Guess you really will need all the manpower you can get,"[/color] he said, echoing his words from Split Mountain's peak, though his tone was lighter this time. Therion flopped onto his back in the shade with his hands crossed behind his head. He could feel eyes on him, probably belonging to Primrose. She must have been wondering if he would take up the cause or if they would go their separate ways. Now that Therion was no longer gleaming the dancer was alright with him striking out on his own, after establishing some way to keep in contact of course. However, Therion had already made up his mind. He happened to look over at Tora, who was laid out on the sand in a similar way. [color=BC8DBF]"...do we get paid for this or what?"[/color]