[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/LF8JAVp.png[/img] [color=c6984d][h3][b]~~Nico~~[/b][/h3][/color][/center][hr] The entire situation was wrong, weird and uncomfortable. Nico wasn't emotionally mature enough to know how to handle it and no small amount of panic was racing through her. She tried to think of something, anything to get the other girl to step away from the edge. If it came down to it, Nico wouldn't hesitate to transform and jump after her, but Nico had no way of knowing if she'd even make it in time. She wracked her brain for a solution, but before she could come up with anything, the mysterious girl spoke up instead. "... Someone came to stop me?" was what she said, unmoving from the edge. A brief silence, then "How did you know I was up here?" was the followup. Their voice was monotone, yet a hint of hostility crept its way in anyway. "I didn't tell anyone. No-one's supposed to know yet." she grew ever more insistent. "So how did you know...?" they demanded an answer. Nico didn't know how to respond, at all. But she felt it- felt the aura of malice emanating from around the girl. Nico didn't suspect it, of course; or at least, she didn't suspect the girl herself. It didn't cross Nico's mind this could be some kind of trap, or how unnatural it all was. She just wanted to save this girl, because that's what she's supposed to do. [color=dfb371]"I felt it,"[/color] Nico answered somewhat honestly. She said: [color=dfb371]"Something inside of me told me something was happening here."[/color] and took a deep breath. [color=dfb371]"I followed that feeling, and now I've found you. There must be some kind of reason for that, so let's talk it out! Just, please, don't do anything reckless..."[/color] Nico pleaded. She didn't know what to say to this girl; they're strangers! It wasn't like Nico was unaware of how weird and suspicious she must've seemed, but what other choice did she have? She couldn't just leave, not when someone was in danger- in danger from themselves.