It doesn't matter that you didn't ask for it. Its the natural consequence of what is going to happen if I did actually acknowledge it. The enemy units will come, and they will attack, and try to kill Scarlett. I figured I was going to push it away for a moment so that I could get Rider's deal over with, and make it less awkward to have the team fall back for like three turns worth of respond time ignoring the fact Archer could just Amon-Ra strike at any time he wants at us, or you from across the gap. What I was expecting to happen is to booby trap some of the areas, hunker down, and rest while trying not to aggro. The fact of the matter is blowing up sections of the city is equivalent to kicking the beehive given they are clearly focused on something other than us, and once I establish that say Archimedes blames you for it, while whoever defends her or blames her over the comms, Assassin would still be on his way, and Archer would immediately turn his attention there. It would be less of an argument than an immediate 'can't let you do that' from Archer who knows the general location thanks to clairvoyance when checking the area where Mordred's mana burst shows up. So I will acknowledge it right now if you want but that also means Archer's going to start shooting, and Assassin won't be to far behind which is probably worse because he's cloaked in presence concealment. while the other half of the group is at least three turns of combat away. Even if saber mana bursts her way there which would lessen the time it would still give just about the same amount of time for Archer to finish charging his prayer to unleash his phantasm.