[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/udsgqgr.png[/img][/center] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/Ca97qln.png[/img][/center] Shortly before Christmas, MDP had been invited to visit Beacon’s Penrose HQ by an Ascendancy member named FanFan. With all the hecticness of the past few weeks, she hadn’t had a chance to accept that offer, but now that things were starting to settle down a bit, she’d decided to call FanFan and arrange a time for her visit. She’d even asked if she could bring a friend along, to which the Ascendancy girl had somewhat reluctantly agreed, and now she and Melisa were making their way to the office complex that housed Beacon’s headquarters. [color=DeepPink]“Like, this is gonna be sooo super duper fun, Melisa Wisa~! (giggle!)”[/color] the whimsical girl told her diminutive companion as they approached the HQ’s nondescript entrance. [color=DeepPink]“FanFany WanWany’s, like, super duper nicey wicey, and, like, she totally wotally wuvs tea parties just as much as you do~! (giggle!)”[/color] Skipping alongside her friend, Melisa was beaming that she was invited to a tea party. It wasn't something she had ever had much interest in as a woman. As a monster girl though such childish things had a strange appeal that didn't really make sense. It had begun to become something of a normal impulse though and the doll less and less questioned why. [color=pink]"I hope so. Thanks for inviting me!"[/color] She looked up at the building they approached. Didn't seem like the place one would go for a tea party. Maybe it was like a big office or something inside. Two magical girls stood guard at the entrance, and summoned their weapons upon spotting Melisa. "Halt! No passage beyond this point for civilians!" One of them called out. "What business do you have here?" The other asked afterward, before her eyebrows furrowed. "Wait, a pink magical girl with an escort…What is your name" She asked with a hand on her chin. [color=DeepPink]“Magical Dream Princess’s namey wamey is Magical Dream Princess~! (giggle!)”[/color] the whimsical girl replied cheerfully, while striking a cute pose. [color=DeepPink]“And, like, this is her friendy wendy, Melisa Wisa~!”[/color] she added, smiling down at the doll girl. [color=DeepPink]“Like, FanFany WanWany invited us over wover for a super duper fun tour and tea party, so, like, here we aresie~! (giggle!)”[/color] The guard was a bit put off by the pink girl's exuberant behavior, but decided to leave it be. "Yep, I figured." She activated her communication device. "She has arrived. Yes, I'll let her in." The front door opened, and the guard gestured for them to continue. "Remember that we will be watching you," she added in a bored tone. [color=DeepPink]“Okie dokie~! (giggle!)”[/color] MDP replied with a wink and a playful salute. Once inside the lobby, it didn't take long for FanFan to greet them. "Magical Dream Princess! Oh, it's wonderful to see you again!" She greeted the pastel-colored girl with a short but friendly hug, and afterwards looked down at Melisa. She blinked, her smile slightly wavering. "And you brought a friend too…Um, how unexpected~". Even if she was a friend of MDP's, her status as a member of the Ascendancy seemed to show in the cracks of her politeness. "I am FanFan. May I ask for your name?" She asked, trying to make conversation. FanFan's trepidation went unnoticed by the tiny girl. Stepping up Melisa smiled and waved her hands to the Beacon girl. [color=pink]"Hello! My name is Melisa. It was very nice of you to let Magical Dream Princess bring me along. She's like my best friend and when I heard she was going to a tea party I just had to come along!"[/color] If she had any idea about Beacon's history of what the Ascendancy was, it certainly wasn't showing here. Bright eyed and almost as childish as her companion. [color=DeepPink]“FanFany WanWany~!”[/color] MDP cheered at the sight of her friend, giggling sweetly as the Ascendancy girl embraced her. [color=DeepPink]“Like, Magical Dream Princess is super duper happy wappy to see [i]you[/i] againsie wensie, too~! (giggle!)”[/color] FanFan went on to say that she hadn’t expected her to bring a friend, causing MDP’s smile to droop into a slight frown of confusion. [color=DeepPink]“Like, Magical Dream Princess already asky waskyed if she could bring a friendy wendy alongy wongy,”[/color] the whimsical girl noted. [color=DeepPink]“Like, don’t you remember wember~?”[/color] Then brightening up, she added, [color=DeepPink]“Golly wolly~! Magical Dream Princess sure hopes your memory wemory isn’t getting as bad as her’s, ‘cause that would be, like, super [i]duper[/i] bad~! (giggle!)”[/color] Her demeanor brightened even further when Melisa introduced herself. [color=DeepPink]“Like, isn’t Melisa Wisa the most super duper adorable worable dolly wolly person werson you ever wever saw~?!”[/color] MDP asked excitedly, bouncing up and down with childish glee. [color=DeepPink]“She’s super duper nicey wicey, and she helpy welpies Magical Dream Princess with lots and lots of stuffy wuffy, and she plays all sorts of super duper fun gamey wameies with her, and she really really wuvs tea parties, too~! (giggle!)”[/color] FanFan’s worries seemed to somewhat subside when Melisa expressed her fondness for tea parties, and nodded, placing the palms of her hands against each other with a pleased expression. “So you enjoy tea parties as well, splendid~”. She turned to MDP, taken aback by MDP’s misunderstanding. “Oh, that’s…Yes, I did forget. Oh, silly me~!” She decided to take the fall for the much lesser crime and avoid a potentially harmful topic for her guests. “Anyway, shall we go? I have a room that would be just perfect for a spot of tea.” FanFan led the two girls through the corridors and halls of the Beacon building; they went by girls running back and forth through with paper piles, folders, and other documents in their hands, as well as girls who were combat training, sparring or testing weaponry against practice dummies resembling monsters of humanoid shape. Despite the pleasing colors of both the architecture and the inhabitants, the atmosphere was serious, if not outright militaristic. FanFan opened the door to a conference room, with a purple tablecloth placed across it. Set on the table was a pretty pink tea set including teacups, tiny plates, and a pitcher, as well as a multi-layered glass plate with tiny cakes of various colors stacked over each other. FanFan took the pitcher, and gestured for the two to sit down. “I’ll go and get us some tea. I can also bring anything else you might want, like cookies, or muffins. Please, make yourselves at home,” she stated politely with a curtsy. In the midst of it, she briefly glanced at Melisa. “Just a minute~” Afterwards, she left the room, leaving the two alone for a moment. If the glance meant anything in particular Melisa didn't catch it. Some of the activity going on about the building was… odd. Something inside her told her not to bring it up. The tea party was already set so she skipped on over to it and hopped up onto the chair. Standing up she wasn't too short for the level of the table. By now she was used to this particular conundrum. She would wait until the others were seated before deciding if she would need a booster seat. [color=pink]"Everything's so nice."[/color] She turned the cups carefully to look at the ornate designs. As expected for someone of her painfully limited attention span, MDP spent the short trip to the tea room looking around in innocent wonderment at all the various sights and sounds of the HQ complex. If any odd looks were cast their way, the whimsical girl was completely oblivious to them, her cheerful smile never leaving her face for an instant. Once they arrived, she gave voice to a squeal of delight and bounced over to the table prepared for them. [color=DeepPink]“Wowie zowie~! (giggle!) Like, everythingy wingy looks so pretty witty and yummy wummy~! (giggle!)”[/color] she declared as she looked over the various items on display. FanFan announced that she would go fetch the tea, and asked that they make themselves comfortable. [color=DeepPink]“Okie dokie~!”[/color] MDP replied with an excited wave, before taking a seat next to Melisa. [color=DeepPink]“Like, it totally wotally is~!”[/color] the whimsical girl agreed with an enthusiastic nod, when the doll girl noted how nice everything looked. [color=DeepPink]“It, like, kinda winda remindy windies Magical Dream Princess of the tea set her mommy wommy used to have~!”[/color] she added, her eyes widening with interest as she made a closer inspection of the designs on each piece. It took a couple of minutes before Melisa and MDP heard a couple of voices outside the room. The first voice differed from FanFan's. "You sure it's okay? What if Rachel finds out-" "It's fine. Rachel is busy enough, no need to stress her out more than usual. Anyway, here we are." The door opened, and FanFan stepped in holding a pitcher with steaming hot tea. "Sorry for taking so long~ Another friend decided to join us~" "Well, you insisted I come…" The two seated girls saw that it was Leena; she was using a crutch to walk unsteadily. FanFan assisted her with taking a seat opposite the girls, and the purple-haired girl herself poured tea to everyone's cups. "Careful, it's a bit hot. Mix it with a spoon first~" MDP’s head shot up when FanFan returned with not only the tea, but a guest as well. [color=DeepPink]“Like, Magical Dream Princess remember wembers you~! You’re that person werson with the swordy wordies that went to Mariettey Wetty’s placey wacey with Magical Dream Princess, and Connie Wonnie, and Gaia Waia, and Samurai-chan, and FanFany WanWany, and all those [i]other[/i] people weple~! (giggle!) But, like, Magical Dream Princess doesn’t remember wember you having a crutchy wutchy back thensie…”[/color] she added with a frown. [color=DeepPink]“Like, are you okie dokie?”[/color] Looking up from the tea cups, Melisa looked over to FanFan and Leena. Her eyes grew wide after a moment. [color=pink]”Oh no. What happened?”[/color] Leena nodded reluctantly as MDP identified her. "That's right, we met at the raid." FanFan joined with an enthusiastic nod. "This is my dear friend Leena. She is also from the Ascendancy. You could say we're partners~" A bit of red formed on Leena's cheeks. "Something like that." FanFan sat down next to Leena. "This is Magical Dream Princess, or MDP for short. She is a friend I happened to meet here. And this is Melisa." Leena gave an acknowledging nod to the guests. "Well met." When Leena was asked about the crutch, she averted her eyes. "It's…not that big of a deal. Pushed myself a bit too much and ended up injuring myself. But I've managed to slowly recover. A while back I had to use a wheelchair, but now I can walk on my own…almost." FanFan beamed as she blew on her teacup, her pinky extended in a ladylike manner. "It's wonderful how much progress you've made in such a short time, Leena." She then turned her attention to Melisa while Leena mixed her teacup with a spoon. "So Melisa, have you recently arrived in Penrose? How long have you known Magical Dream Princess?" Since the other two didn't seem to want to go into detail about the injury Melisa didn't pry. She would much rather have the tea party anyway. Subsequently the serving of the tea happened. Melisa herself didn't actually partake in any tea. She couldn't really. Or more accurately it had nowhere to go. So she pretended to sip tea as the others drank. When asked about herself she tilted her head a bit. [color=pink]"Well… I guess you can say I've recently come back to Penrose. I grew up here, but moved away for my job for several years."[/color] Pausing for a moment she would look down at herself. There was an internal tug of war going on on what exactly to say next. [color=pink]" I've known her for about a month. The magical girl thing is new and more of an accident. This doll is cursed or something and I'm stuck like this until I can figure out a way to break it."[/color] She frowned. While she was childlike, the adult in her was still displeased with the circumstances. Only until recently has she had the chance to maybe break the curse. Though that probably wouldn't make her not a monster girl. FanFan took a sip of her tea with a nod. "Mm, I see. How unfortunate to hear that~" However, Leena was less sympathetic. "Hmph, serves you right for messing around with cursed artifacts." "Leena!" FanFan retorted. "Do not bring up work talk, ok? She may be corrupted, but she is still a guest, and so far she hasn't betrayed my trust in keeping civil. So why can't you?" Leena scoffed, and stuffed her face with a cake. FanFan turned her eyes to Melisa. "My apologies. Leena can be a bit blunt." As Melisa told the Ascendancy girls a little bit about herself, MDP took a careful sip of tea, doing her best to ensure she observed proper manners. [color=DeepPink]“Mmm~ Delicious wicious~”[/color] she cooed, her face taking on a dreamy expression of pure contentment. Unfortunately, that expression dissolved a moment later, upon hearing Leena’s derisive retort. [color=DeepPink]“Yeah!”[/color] the whimsical girl agreed with an indignant pout after FanFan had scolded her companion. [color=DeepPink]“Like, that’s not a very nicey wicey thingy wingie to say, Leena Weena! Like, it’s not Melisa Wisa’s fault she’s a dolly wolly person werson right nowie, cause, like, she didn’t [i]know[/i] it was a cursey wursied thingy wingie in the [i]first[/i] placey wacey!”[/color] Melisa’s eyes went from Leena, to FanFan, and then to MDP. She was quiet for a moment before looking back at Leena. [color=pink]”You’re probably right, but I didn’t really know magic and curses existed in the first place. I would like to find a way to not be like this if I could.”[/color] She leaned to one side a bit and took another sip. She was trying not to get in trouble if she could. Leena rolled her eyes as she finished eating her cake, and sighed. "Alright, I'm sorry for jumping the gun there, I guess," she said, and FanFan smiled in gratitude. "But if you want to break the curse, why not have yourself purified?" FanFan blinked. "Oh, I didn't think of that. Have you tried it, Melisa?" Shaking her head she looked a bit confused. [color=pink]"I haven't. I mean… I heard something about purification, but it was never really explained to me what it was or anything."[/color] [color=DeepPink]“But, like, isn’t that, like, when an evil wevil monster wonster person werson stops being weing an evil wevil monster wonster person werson?”[/color] MDP asked with a frown, while tilting her head in confusion. [color=DeepPink]“Like, Melisa Wisa isn’t evil wevil, [i]or[/i] a monster wonster!”[/color] she added adamantly. [color=DeepPink]“She’s a super duper nicey wicey dolly wolly person werson~!”[/color] “Whether she’s nice or not is irrelevant, Pinkie,” Leena retorted, having crossed her arms. “The corrupted can still give off a pleasant appearance, even if inside they are rotten to the core.” FanFan took a sharp gasp. “That’s enough of that, Leena. Melisa, purification is a method by which someone’s corruption is cleansed from them. This means removing any mutations or monstrous qualities. But there have been cases where the mutations have adapted into the purifying process and taken on a new form,” she noted afterwards. “In any case, I’m sure that will break the curse on you.” Looking down at her metallic body, Melisa pondered the prospect for a moment. There was a bit more going on in the background though. Her patron was trying to decide if this would help her with her goals. This doll was not of her creation. And while she had use of it the curse prevented her from making her toys the way she wanted or even to acquire new ones. The process might lose her Melisa, but with the curse binding her broken she could always find another. It was worth the risk. Looking up and nervously rocking her tea cup a little, Melisa took another "sip". Glancing at the empty cup she groaned and put it down. She had to pretend to enjoy a cup of tea. She couldn't feel things like normal. It was like some kind of nightmare with a sugar coating to make it bearable. [color=pink]"Alright then."[/color] She looked back over to Leena and FanFan. [color=pink]"I'm willing to try it. Whatever has me stuck like this is weird and creepy. I hate it. What, uh… what do I need to do?"[/color] Her confidence wavered a bit since she had no idea how any of this worked. Even through her mask, Melisa could tell that Leena was grinning. “Now that’s what I’m talking about! And this time I didn’t have to drag one in!” FanFan sighed, and then beamed with her smile. “You made the right choice, Melisa. Now then, once everything is ready, all you have to do is stay still. It might sting a little, but it’ll be over before you know it~” She took a sip of her tea. “But do not worry, we can do that after we have finished drinking the tea. Speaking of, does anyone want a refill?” She asked as she held the pitcher. “I could use one, FF,” Leena said, and FanFan giggled. “Of course. Here you go~” She poured into Leena’s teacup. Melisa and MDP both noticed how the tension in the air seemed to gradually dissipate after that exchange, and the two Ascendancy girls got more comfortable. “So, do you two have any hobbies? I enjoy baking and sewing~” “I like collecting and listening to music,” Leena added. “Rock is my bread and butter, but I also dabble in metal and other genres.” [color=DeepPink]“Magical Dream Princess would [i]wuv[/i] some more of FanFany WanWany’s delicious wicious tea~! (giggle!)”[/color] MDP replied, happy that the brief period of tension had been resolved peacefully. [color=DeepPink]“Magical Dream Princess’s hobby wobby is being Magical Dream Princess~! (giggle!)”[/color] the whimsical girl told FanFan when the Ascendancy girl inquired about what hobbies she and Melisa might have. [color=DeepPink]“But, like, her friendy wendy Connie Wonnie is teaching her how to painty wainty super duper pretty witty picture wictures, and Magical Dream Princess has been having lots and lots of fun with that~! (giggle!)”[/color] Pondering the question a bit, Melisa held up her tea cup for a refill. [color=pink]"Well, I haven't really had the chance to do much of it, but I really like sewing. Oh and playing! Playing all kinds of games and stuff like this."[/color] With the tension gone the childlike wonder in her began to resurface. It wasn't really a surprise then that MDP and her got along so well. FanFan squee'd in delight. "You also love sewing? How wonderful! We should definitely get together for a sewing session. I would love to share techniques~" She also smiled at MDP as she poured her another cup of tea. "Oh, painting is also so lovely~ I wouldn't mind being a model if you ever wanted one~" She suggested with a dainty throw of her hand, causing her to giggle. Leena also chuckled a bit. For the rest of their tea party, the girls chatted up on various topics while enjoying FanFan's tea and cakes. But, as with all good things, it eventually came to an end. "Man, I'm stuffed," Leena commented as she leaned back on her seat. FanFan simply giggled as she collected the plates. "Of course. You simply couldn't resist my cakes, could you? Tee hee. Did you two also like them?" She asked MDP and Melisa. [color=DeepPink]“Magical Dream Princess absodutelylutely [i]wuved[/i] them~! (giggle!)”[/color] MDP replied with a delighted smile. [color=DeepPink]“They were, like, super [i]duper[/i] yummy wummy~! (giggle!)”[/color] [color=pink]"Uh, I didn't have any because I can't really eat anything."[/color] The tiny girl responded sheepishly. FanFan giggled at MDP's answer. "I'm delighted to hear it. I always try to improve my baking." But when it came to Melisa, her joy faded away. "I see," FanFan replied, looking a bit sad but still coming up with a smile. "I hope the company made up for it~" She was about to turn away with the tableware before she asked. "By the way, would you like the purification to be done now or at some later date?" "Let's get it over with!" Leena shouted enthusiastically from the sidelines. "The sooner the better, I say!" "Well, Melisa has the final word on it. Perhaps you'd like some time to get used to the idea first?" Considering it while they moved toward the exit, Melisa nodded a bit. [color=pink]I… if it isn't too much trouble.”[/color] She wasn't completely sure, but she did know that this form of hers wasn't what she wanted. [color=DeepPink]“Like, Magical Dream Princess thinkie winkies Melisa Wisa should do whatever wever makes her happy wappy~!”[/color] MDP advised, while offering her small friend a reassuring smile. FanFan nodded. "Okay then, Melisa. How about we exchange contact information? Then we can arrange for the purification at any time." She showed her phone. "Here's my number~. Thank you for coming to my tea party~." Leena also nodded with her arms crossed. "It was nice to meet you folks." [color=DeepPink]“You’re, like, totally wotally welcome, FanFany WanWany~! (giggle!)”[/color] MDP replied. [color=DeepPink]“And it was, like, super duper nicey wicey meeting weeting you, too, Leena Weena~!”[/color] Melisa shook her head and didn't take the card. [color=pink]"No, I mean if it isn't any trouble we can try it now."[/color] She would clarify. MDP blinked. [color=DeepPink]“Right nowie~?”[/color] she asked, tilting her head. Shrugging a bit she glanced around. [color=pink]"I don't see why not. This body isn't me."[/color] A question came to mind and she looked back to FanFan. [color=pink]"Do you know what I'll look like afterward or is it just kind of random?"[/color] FanFan blinked in surprise. “Oh, how wonderful~” FanFan gently took Melisa’s hand. Leena nodded, also glad about the answer. “I guess I’ll head off now, since you can take care of it, FF. See ya later.” “Of course,” FanFan responded, and guided Melisa through the corridors of the Beacon building, with MDP following behind. She audibly hummed as she thought about Melisa’s question. “I honestly don’t know. But I assure you, you’ll be fine~” They reached the purification room, which was located in the basement of the building; it was a room resembling a meditation chamber, with rounded walls and ceiling, and lanterns that glowed with a soft white light. At the very center was an intricate white circle made of salt. “Melisa, I will now explain the process,” FanFan spoke, and gestured towards the magic circle. “Please take your place at the very center of the magic circle, and don’t move out of it until I say so, ok?” She asked. “You can leave the rest to me~” [color=pink]"Alright."[/color] She said. Walking toward the circle, she looked down at it. Taking a breath she stepped into the circle and stood in the center. Turning back she wrung her hands a bit. [color=pink]"Okay… I'm ready."[/color] She was clearly a bit nervous, but at this point her patron wouldn't let her take it back. FanFan stood outside the magic circle, and summoned her mechanical arms. "Now, try to relax, and empty your mind of any thought other than freeing yourself from the curse, Melisa. That will make this easier~" She then began to chant in a low voice while keeping her hands outstretched, and white light soon emanated from the magic circle surrounding Melisa. She then noticed that a Beckoner in the form of a squirrel with angel wings appeared by FanFan's shoulder, joining in the ritual. FamFan had closed her eyes as she kept chanting, and the light started to intensify. And as it did, Melisa began to feel hotter and hotter, as if she was in a dry sauna. Soon enough, the white light had consumed her being. As instructed, Melisa focused on breaking the curse. Temperature was one thing that Melisa could really feel and she fidgeted a bit as her body heated up. The inscription etched inside the doll began to warp and crack. As the light enveloped her her sense of feeling left her. Cracking and chipping, the metal around her began to fall away, leaving only a pink flame. Dazed and confused, a small pink flame, her soul, was all that remained. The world around her was muted and distant. Suddenly she heard a voice echo in her mind. The sound of a child giggling. [i][color=pink]"Hello? W-who's there?"[/color][/i] [i][b]"Silly, I'm your patron! That nasty doll kept me from reaching you. Buuut, you found a way to break the curse. Hm, I guess we're going to have to thank Beacon now."[/b][/i] There was a brief pause before the voice chimed back in with a cheery note. [i][b]"Well that's for another time! We need to get you a new body. Ooooh, you're going to be so beautiful!"[/b][/i] The small flame began to flare and spin. Small flicks began to twist and stretch into a humanoid shape. It was smaller than that of the doll, perhaps she only had so much magic to recreate Melisa. Still the magic swelled and in a burst of pink flames wings flared outward and a new magical fairy girl was revealed. Glittering blue and violet wings adorned with silver trim. Now standing only a foot tall the girl had a glowing white dress, a pin in her hair, and pink flowers set about her. To those in the room, she had a strange allure before. Now though her aura almost demanded the attention of those around her. [center][hider=Fairy Melisa][img]https://i.imgur.com/iHCCKWu.png[/img][/hider][/center] Gathering her wits about her, for a moment Melisa though that nothing changed. Taking a step forward the sound her foot made sounded different. Putting her hands to her face she smushed her cheeks. [color=pink]"I-I'm me again?"[/color] Her wings fluttered with excitement, she felt herself lift a bit. [color=pink]"Wah!"[/color] She stumbled but caught herself gracefully. Reaching back she folded one of the wings over so she could see it. Blinking confusedly it began to sink in. She wasn't back to normal,but she was flesh and bone again. Looking around she tried to find a mirror or something reflective. [color=pink]"Uhm."[/color] She froze for a second as she realized she was being watched. [color=DeepPink]“Wowie zowie~”[/color] MDP gasped in awe as she knelt down in front of her friend. [color=DeepPink]“Melisa Wisa’s a fairy wairy person werson nowie~! (giggle!) And, like, she looks sooo super duper pretty witty, too~! (giggle!)”[/color] FanFan's eyes were glued to Melisa as she stared with an open mouth, stunned into silence. "Melisa, you…You look…FABULOUS!" Her metal arms reached out to snatch Melisa, and brought her right into a hug by her real arms. "You did it! You broke the curse! I'm so proud of you!" Squeezed by the Beacon member, Melisa smiled brightly and hugged back as best she could. [color=pink]"Thank you! I owe you sooo much!"[/color] Once she was let go she began to fly with her wings. Spinning around trying to get a feel she eventually stopped. [color=pink]"This is weird. I'm still tiny but… I think my… patron? Made me this way."[/color] The term didn't quite make sense to her at the moment. FanFan motioned dismissively with her hand. "Oh, that's completely fine! It just means you are naturally a…vertically challenged person~" She dismissed her mechanical arms, and sighed in relief. "Anyway, I'm so glad we had that unpleasant business sorted. Now you're free to live your life without that ickiness~" [color=DeepPink]“Yeah~!”[/color] MDP agreed, smiling in childish delight as she watched her friend fly around the room. [color=DeepPink]“Like, Melisa Wisa must be sooo super duper happy wappy right nowie~! (giggle!) And, like, Magical Dream Princess doesn’t thinky winkie being tiny winy will be such a problem woblem for Melisa Wisa anymoresie~! Not with her pretty witty new fairy wairy wings~! (giggle!)”[/color] Fluttering to her friend and landing on her shoulder, MDP would find that the tiny girl was lighter than even her size implied. [color=pink]"Do you think my disguised self looks different?"[/color] "It probably does," FanFan interjected. "Why don't you try it out?" Landing on the ground Malisa would untransform. Her tiny stature would grow rapidly to a more appropriate size for an early teen. Her appearance was fairly average, wearing a frumpy gray hoodie and black sweatpants. [color=pink]”Whoa!’[/color] She looked shocked for a bit. She had somewhat become accustomed to being so incredibly short that the sudden change in perspective was almost dizzying. [color=pink]”This is weird. It shouldn’t be, but it is.”[/color] Then again maybe it should be. [center][hider=Hoodie Girl][img]https://i.imgur.com/0qbM2G0.jpg[/img][/hider][/center] FanFan nodded enthusiastically. "Yep yep, looking good!" MDP giggled with delight when Melisa landed on her shoulder, only to gasp in surprise when her diminutive friend changed to her mundane form and grew significantly larger. [color=DeepPink]“Golly wolly~!”[/color] the whimsical girl exclaimed as she rushed to keep her wobbling friend steady. [color=DeepPink]“Melisa Wisa’s like a normal wormal person werson nowie~! (giggle!) And, like, it’s also walso probably wobably normal wormal for Melisa Wisa to feel strangey wangey, ‘cause, like, she probably wobably isn’t used to being so biggy wiggy after being so tiny winy for so longy wongy~! (giggle!)”[/color] she added reassuringly. [color=pink]”Yeah. I think I’ll need a while to adjust. We should probably head home.”[/color] She would steady with MDP’s help. Suppose the difference made sense. One was a disguise where her form didn’t really change while this was a proper transformation. [color=DeepPink]“Like, Magical Dream Princess is soooo super duper happy wappy for you, Melisa Wisa~!”[/color] MDP declared. [color=DeepPink]“And, like, the very wery besty westiest part of allsie is that Magical Dream Princess can give Melisa Wisa huggy wuggies nowie~! (giggle!)”[/color] the whimsical girl added, before doing exactly that. [color=DeepPink]“Oh~! Magical Dream Princess just thought of something womething~!”[/color] she exclaimed excitedly as she bounced up and down. [color=DeepPink]“Now that Melisa Wisa’s not a dolly wolly anymoresie, she can finally winally have a tea party for realsie~! (giggle!)”[/color] The two would then head back to MDP’s place to let Melisa rest up and adjust to the changes. Or at least that was the intention anyway. They were almost home when another magical girl appeared in a flash of magic and a muffled poof sound. The dark skinned girl was dressed in a revealing belly dancer’s garb and her long Ruby hair flowed with the wind.. [color=crimson]”Hello there. I was beginning to think you’d never get back.”[/color] [color=DeepPink]“Wowie zowie~! Like, you’re that event coordinator wator person werson from the Christmas Wistmas Party~! (giggle!)”[/color] MDP exclaimed with a big smile. [color=DeepPink]“Magical Dream Princess is, like, super duper sorry worry, but she, like, totally wotally forgot your namey wamey, so, like, could you pretty pretty please tell her againsie wensie~?”[/color] Smiling, the girl sauntered over. [color=crimson]”That’s okay. I’m glad you remembered me. My name is Ruby. Aaand I’m here because it’s your turn for a wish granting.”[/color] [color=DeepPink]“Magical Dream Princess’s turny wurny~?”[/color] the whimsical girl asked with a puzzled tilt of her head. [color=DeepPink]“So, like, she can make a wish, and you can, like, make it happen wappen, just like a genie wenie~?”[/color] [color=crimson]”Mhm, my patron is a djinn and I share his magic. Well, most of the time anyway.”[/color] [color=DeepPink]“Wowie zowie~!”[/color] the whimsical girl exclaimed, her eyes lighting up in childish wonderment. [color=DeepPink]“Like, that soundy woundies super [i]duper[/i] funsie wunsie~! (giggle!)”[/color] Melisa remembered giving a wish for the Christmas party. It made sense that Ruby was the reason for all of that then. [color=pink]”So how does the wish work? Do we just make one and you make it happen? Can it be anything?”[/color] Always questions. [color=crimson]”Well that depends on the wish really. You’ll just have to make one and see. I’m mainly looking to see what she wants though.”[/color] Ruby points to MDP. [color=DeepPink]“Ummm… Weeeell… Magical Dream Princess doesn’t really [i]know[/i] exactly wactly what she’d wish for right nowie…”[/color] the whimsical girl replied, swaying back and forth in an indecisive manner. Her cute face had taken on an incredibly thoughtful expression, and she tapped a finger against her chin. Even with her current childish mental state, MDP knew that wishes were complicated things. It was always so easy to make a mistake and get nothing, or even something awful. A part of her almost wanted to change back into her vastly more intelligent mundane self, but to do so here, in such a public place, was simply out of the question. Thus, the ditzy girl would just have to figure something out as she was… Taking a deep breath, and mustering what precious little focus she had, the whimsical girl began, [color=DeepPink]“Sooo, like, if Magical Dream Princess wished for her daddy waddy and all her friendy wendies to be okie dokie…”[/color] her voice trailed off and a frown marred her face as she realized that she wasn’t being detailed enough. [color=DeepPink][i]Like, this would be sooo much easier weasier if Magical Dream Princess was her normal wormal selfy welfy…[/i][/color] Giving voice to an annoyed sigh, she tried again, this time with hopefully a bit more clarity. [color=DeepPink]“Like, if she wished for them all to be happy wappy, and safy wafey, and soundy woundy, and, like, not get hurt super duper bad, and especially wecially not get killed, for, like, ever and ever, could Ruby Wuby make that wish come true~?”[/color] Ruby would consider the scope of the request. She’d done larger ones in the past, but that was only for the mundane population. Mixing and matching would require a boost like before. She would adopt a bit how MDP was speaking. [color=crimson]”That soundy woundies like a lot of people weeple.”[/color] MDP made friends with just about everyone. [color=DeepPink]“Like, Magical Dream Princess guesses wesses so…”[/color] the whimsical girl conceded. [color=DeepPink]“But, like, if you can’t helpy welpy [i]all[/i] of her freindy wendies, then Magical Dream Princess guesses wesses she could just wish for you to helpy welpy her daddy waddy, who’s super sicky wicky, and Connie Wonnie, who has a horrible worrible patron watron person werson, who’s a super duper meanie weanie to her, and Amanda Wanda, who had to go bye bye, ‘cause Magical Dream Princess made a super duper biggy wiggy mistakey wakey, and now the Minty Winty is after wafter her…”[/color] [color=crimson]"Hm. Well if you don't have something more specific I think I can protect two people from most things. You'll have to put it as a wish though."[/color] Leaning over to her friend, Melisa would ask. [color=pink]"What are you trying to do?"[/color] [color=DeepPink]“Magical Dream Princess is trying to make a wish to protecty wecty some people weple who are super duper important wortant to her, and are in lots of trouble wuble right nowie,”[/color] MDP replied. [color=DeepPink]“She [i]really[/i] wanted to helpy welpy [i]all[/i] her friendy wendies, but Ruby Wuby says that’s too difficult wifficult…”[/color] Pausing for a moment, the whimsical girl turned her attention back to the djinn girl. [color=DeepPink]“Okie dokie,”[/color] she said, taking a deep breath. [color=DeepPink]“Magical Dream Princess wishes for Daddy Waddy to be healed of his cursy wursey, and to never get hurt by anybodywody, or anythingy wingie ever againsie, and for Connie Wonnie to be safey wafey from her meanie weanie patron watron person werson, and for Amanda Wandy to be safey wafey from the Minty Winty, so she can come back to Penrose Wenrose~!”[/color] Ruby would blink for a moment. [color=crimson]"I don’t think I can do all of that in one wish. The Mint are tricky to deal with."[/color] [color=pink]"Can I make a wish for her?"[/color] Melisa would ask. Ruby would shake her head. [color=crimson]"I'm on a shorter leash since the Christmas party. Only enough juice for one."[/color] MDP frowned. [color=DeepPink]“Then, like, how many wany people weple [i]can[/i] Ruby Wuby helpy welpy?”[/color] the whimsical girl asked. [color=crimson]”Well. It depends on the wish really. If it requires very different things then it’s more than one wish. If I can figure out a way to connect the things then it depends on how far a stretch they are. I feel like I could help your dad and Connie, but I won’t know exactly how until I grant the wish.”[/color] [color=DeepPink]“Okie dokie…”[/color] MDP conceded with a sullen sigh. [color=DeepPink]“Then Magical Dream Princess wishes for Ruby Wuby to helpy welpy her Daddy Waddy and Connie Wonnie, like she wished for beforesie…”[/color] Smiling brightly, Ruby felt a rush as the magic itch was scratched. Glowing, her hair swirled around as if blown by some wind. Two small orbs appear in her palms. At first she seemed a little perplexed, but eventually she cupped her hands together and pressed the orbs together. Light streamed out between her fingers which died down after several seconds. Opening her hands revealed two iridescent rings. One had magical gems embedded around it which clearly held magical energy. Both had runes etched in the inside of the band. Holding them up and inspecting them for a moment she would hum a bit. [color=crimson]”Well, that’s interesting. Alright…”[/color] She would hold them out and shake the gemless one. [color=crimson]”This one's for your father.”[/color] She then held up the gem embedded one. [color=crimson]”And this one goes to Connie’s mother.”[/color] [color=DeepPink]“Thanky wankies, Ruby Wuby~!”[/color] MDP told the djinn girl with a brilliant smile as she took the first of the two rings. [color=DeepPink]“They’re, like, sooo super duper pretty witty~! (giggle!)” [/color]However, her joy soon turned to confusion, when Ruby told her what to do with the second ring… [color=DeepPink]“Connie Wonnie’s mommy wommy~?”[/color] the whimsical girl asked with a frown. [color=DeepPink]“But, like, Connie Wonnie’s an orphan worphan… She doesn’t [i]have[/i] a mommy wommy… Oh~!”[/color] she gasped as a sudden realization entered her ditzy brain. [color=DeepPink]“Like, does Ruby Wuby mean the lady wady who adopted wopted her~?”[/color] Nodding to the question. [color=crimson]"Kayli, yes. She's a healer and has Reinforcement magic. The rings are linked. So as long as they're both wearing them then her magic will keep your father shielded and healthy."[/color] Pointing to the one ring she still had. [color=crimson]"For Connie, these gems will boost her mom's magic enough to wrestle some of the control from her current patron. It's up to Connie if she wants it to work though."[/color] Her magic could do a lot, but she couldn't force people to do things. Especially when it involves patrons that might not be cooperative. [color=DeepPink]“Okie dokie~!”[/color] MDP declared with a playful salute. [color=DeepPink]“Magical Dream Princess can totally wotally do [i]that~![/i] (giggle!) Thanky wankies soooo much for all the helpy welpy, Ruby Wuby~!”[/color] she added, as she gave the djinn girl a big hug. [color=DeepPink]“Like, Magical Dream Princess would just [i]wuv[/i] do do something womething nicey wicey for you sometimey wimey, so, like, would it be okie dokie if she gave you her contacty wacty information wation~? That way, if you need helpy welpy with anythingie wingie at allsie, Magical Dream Princess can come right away~! (giggle!)”[/color] [color=crimson]”Of course. Better that way since I don’t have a phone.”[/color] She laughed. [color=DeepPink]“You don’t have a phoney woney~?”[/color] MDP asked as she presented the djinn girl with her own pink, glitter and sticker-covered phone. [color=DeepPink]“Like, then how do Ruby Wuby’s friendy wendies contacty wacty her~?”[/color] Rolling her shoulders a bit Ruby glanced around. [color=crimson]"Well… I don't have the luxury to have friends like people normally. I have a few kind of, but I have a job to do."[/color] [color=DeepPink]“No friendy wendies?!”[/color] MDP asked, clearly shocked by this revelation. [color=DeepPink]“That’s, like, super [i]duper[/i] awful wawful! Like, Magical Dream Princess wants to changey wangy that right nowie!”[/color] the whimsical girl declared, her cute face taking on a serious and determined expression that was actually quite amusing. [color=DeepPink]“Heresie~!”[/color] she added with a big smile as she embraced the djinn girl. [color=DeepPink]“This is Magical Dream Princess’s super duper special wecial friendy wendy huggy wuggy~! (giggle!) So, like, Ruby Wuby and Magical Dream Princess are, like, totally wotally friendy wendies nowie~! (giggle!) And, like, Magical Dream Princess thinky winkies Melisa Wisa would totally wotally wuv to be your friendy wendy, too~! (giggle!)”[/color] Nodding and jumping in for the hug, Melisa was caught up in the energy. [color=pink]"Yeah! We can be your friends."[/color] [color=DeepPink]“Yaaaay~!”[/color] MDP cheered, jumping up and down in unbridled delight, while still clinging tightly to both Ruby and Melisa. [color=DeepPink]“Friendy wendies~! Friendy wendies~! Yay~! Yay~! Yaaay~! Friendy wendies~! Friendy wendies~! Hip hip horraaaay~! (giggle!)”[/color] Not making the attempt to stop them, Ruby would stand still with an awkward smile. [color=crimson]"I appreciate the gesture. Here's the deal though, if anything happens to you I'm not coming to the rescue. Got it?"[/color] Ruby was less concerned with dying in this case and it had more to do with what people after her magic could try and make her do. She was under no illusion that she couldn't be replaced by her patron. Upon hearing Ruby’s words, MDP’s bubbly demeanor abruptly vanished. [color=DeepPink]“Like, why not?”[/color] she asked, tilting her head in puzzlement. [color=DeepPink]“Magical Dream Princess doesn’t understandy wandy… I-Is it because of how your magic wagic works?”[/color] [color=crimson]”Yeah, something like that. It’s too risky to get involved with other people’s problems because they could use them to get to me and my magic. Nope, not happening.”[/color] She put one hand on her hip. [color=DeepPink]“Oooh…”[/color] MDP said, her eyes widening in understanding. [color=DeepPink]“Like, Magical Dream Princess guesses wesses that makes sensey wensey… And, like, that doesn’t stoppy woppy Ruby Wuby’s friendy wendies from helping welping [i]her~![/i] (giggle!)”[/color] she added with a wink, brightening up to her usual bubbly demeanor. Glad that she didn't have to explain too much, Ruby smiled and patted MDP on the head. [color=crimson]"Exactly. I have some fairly strict rules I have to follow."[/color] She would skip backward for a moment. [color=crimson]"But anyway, it's late and after using my magic I'm a bit winded so I'm going to head home. I'll see you later. Try not to lose those rings."[/color] Before the two could stop her Ruby vanished in a puff of smoke. [color=pink]"That was weird. I didn't know wishes really existed."[/color] She would step up and look at MDP. [color=DeepPink]“Bye bye, for nowie~!”[/color] MDP called with a happy wave as she watched Ruby vanish just as quickly as she’d arrived. Turning to Melisa, she added, [color=DeepPink]“Like, it totally wotally was~! But, like, Magical Dream Princess guesses wesses that’s just how genie wenie people weple do thingy wingies~! (giggle!)”[/color] [color=pink]"I suppose so. I guess we better get home and put the rings somewhere safe."[/color] She would begin to move again,leaning closer to the rings briefly to get a better look at them. [color=DeepPink]“Like, we totally wotally should~!”[/color] MDP agreed as she also took a moment to admire the two rings, her easily-captured attention fully fixated on the shiny magical items. A moment later, her eyes widened as an idea popped into her ADHD addled brain. [color=DeepPink]“Like, Magical Dream Princess knows~! We can ride on Mister Wister Rainicorn Wainicorn~! (giggle!)”[/color] With a wave of her glittery wand, the whimsical girl conjured the equally whimsical creature in question and promptly hopped on its back. [color=DeepPink]“Like, come on, Melisa Wisa~!”[/color] she instructed as she held out her hand. [color=DeepPink]“Mister Wister Rainicorn Wainicorn will take us homey womey super duper quicky wicky and it’ll be super duper funsie wunsie, too~! (giggle!)”[/color] [color=pink]"Okay!"[/color] She hadn't ridden on the rainicorn yet. The idea sounded like a lot of fun and she took MDP's hand and hopped on the magical mount. No sooner had she done so, then the colorful creature shot off across the sky, leaving a trail of prismatic glitter in its wake. As they sped along, MDP giggled with delight. This day had been so wonderful, she reflected. So many dreams had come true for both her and Melisa, so many problems had been solved, not through violence, but through friendship, and the day wasn’t even over yet! Indeed, once they got back to Covington Tower, she was going to host a super special tea party for Melisa, in celebration of her ability to actually [i]drink[/i] tea once again. With that happy thought in mind, the whimsical girl guided her equally whimsical mount towards the center of the city, blissfully content and confident that with the power of love and friendship, all of Penrose’s many problems would turn out all right.