[i]”Maybe we did,”[/i] Bouncer parroted, doing a mocking imitation of the cloaked hero’s voice. Her eyes flicked over toward the other one when he spoke. He seemed a lot chattier than the first. Maybe if the vigilante business didn’t work out for him, he could pursue a career as a washed up, talentless comedian. Bouncer applauded his punnery with a noise of disgust. This was a waste of time. Bouncer stalked around the edge of the room as the pair snooped through the shattered apartment, keeping an eye on them while considering her next move. She doubted these two knew much more than she did, but they were clearly under the impression there was something worth finding here. The more mechanical of the grimdark duo seemed intent on keeping her in his line of sight - did he think she was going to steal something? How absurd. Her hand brushed against something, and she glanced down to see a folded slip of paper tucked between a stack of disheveled notebooks. LED-man appeared to be inspecting a picture frame for some reason, but Bouncer got the sense he was still keeping an eye on her. Ugh, she needed some kind of distraction to keep this guy from nosing on whatever she found. Almost on cue, the other guy started screaming from further inside the apartment. Bouncer’s watchdog immediately dropped what he was doing - literally, shards of glass from the frame went scattering across the floor - and rushed to check on his partner. Convenient. The paper slipped into Bouncer’s hand and disappeared into her pocket immediately. She eyed the door for a moment, but.. No, that would just invite investigation when they realized she was gone. Instead she stepped lightly after the other guy, finding him in the middle of trying to comfort his buddy, who was hiding his face in his knees like some kind of frightened child. It was almost sweet. “What the hell was that about?” she asked, leaning one shoulder against the door frame with her arms crossed. “You see a spider or something?”